Ojakkyo Brothers E32

Yes your eyes are not deceiving you, SY and TB finally made their way up to the main photo. The reasons are quite obvious. They were long overdue to be in the spotlight and they look good together. I never intended to give them less attention. All along, I just had faith in their relationship. Through all their troubles, the belief that they were going to end up together never wavered. People have been speculating for quite some time that his ex would come back into the picture and shake things up, but I never once worried about these two and their future. Why? Cuz they have the stability of family – not the ones around them, but the one she is carrying right now. Whatever or whoever tries to break them up in life, whether that is his obstinacy in refusing to get married in the beginning, her meddling over attentive mother, and now his ex, none of them can hold a candle to the “gluing” power that little unborn child wields. So after tonight, we might not get another one of these scenes for a while for this couple so I wanted everyone to enjoy this one. 🙂

Joo Won’s Rising star interview is posted on Thundie’s Joo Won thread aka Joo Won Central


It just occurred to me how deceptive that happy shot is going to be cuz this episode is one of the saddest ones in the whole series and no one is going to see it coming. Actually that first screencap of TH might give it away.

*Fanderay will add screencaps and comments on Monday -we finally get her back for two weeks till she gets busy again. 🙂

**Another special thanks to Joonni for all her help -she filled in the blanks for those scenes with KJ and the dad, then TH and the parents, TH’s opening scene, and KJ’s line in the preview. if it wasn’t for her generosity in taking the time to help me translate on nights like this where it’s hard to focus through the tears, I would feel even more lost. Thank you Joonni. 🙂

written right after it aired:

You read the preview so you think you are prepared. You know what’s coming so you expect to feel a little sad, but you never anticipated this. Then the scene comes out and you realize it’s worse than you can ever imagine so you want the scene to end quickly so you can regain control over  your emotions, but the dad keeps talking and each word is more heartbreaking than before… I finally translated this scene ..second time was worse than when I watched it live. even cried during screencapping – that was a first. used up a box of kleenex tonight….

Guess who finally stood up for his hyung? I was so proud of him- I knew he had it in him to be this kind of younger brother.

There are some great scenes – there is a faux kiss, a real kiss, and a change of heart….did I say lately how much I adore this drama? It’s going to top CYHMH at this rate. I know – shocking news. 🙂


Starts from GM saying TH cant meet his mom. TH asks: why can’t I? why can’t I? GM: no matter what, you can’t. until dirt goes into my eyes – you can’t. TH: Then not much time is left- there is no way you will live to be a 100yrs old. GM cries and slaps him. GM: what did you say? say that again- what did you say? TH cries and says: don’t worry GM – that won’t happen – they say she already passed away. she passed away. So don’t worry. Even if I now try to gather the courage, there is no reason for me to be courageous or disobey you. Death is like that. You can’t forgive, and you can’t even say goodbye- it’s complete closure. Your daughter in law –my mom- all the way till the end she betrayed me like that. GM looks at him with tears in her eyes and TH wipes his tears and leaves. mom calls out his name. TP goes after him. *Joonni translated what TH said.

TP stops TH and asks: where are you going? TH tries to get in his car, but TP asks: where are you going alone again? TH tells him to get out of the way. TP: when did she pass away? how did you find out? TH: don’t mess with me and get out of the way. You must grasp the situation now and how I must feel at this moment. TP cries and says: I wont move – if you want to hit – hit cuz I made up my mind and came out. You did this too when I was in high school senior year. When I said I didn’t want to even if I had to die, you came after me all the way to Busan. When I said I wouldn’t go up to Seoul, you tried so many times to make me. So talk. When? how did you find out? Talk – you have to talk for me to know! I am not smart like you and I’m not a mind reader–if you keep your mouth shut like that for over 20 yrs how am I supposed to know everything. Please talk – why do you have to make our family out to be the bad people? Even though I am a terrible younger brother, you should still have told me something like this at least. Why are you so heartless? When and how did you know. Why did she pass away? TH looks at his tears and says: I don’t know either -when and why she passed away. That guy a while ago – that’s what he said. I only heard just that. That she passed away. TP: that jerk is crazy. Instead of before she died, he comes to find you after she passes away and tell you like that? TH: I didn’t ask him. TH gets in his car and drives off.

Mom lays out the blankets and tells GM to lie down. Dad says he will look into it tm about what happened to TH’s mom. GM just sits there not saying anything

Mom looks for medicine for the GM. Mom says the dad needs to take some too and not just the GM cuz his face is pale/white. Dad: I am ok – I was surprised cuz I didn’t even think that could happen (TH’s mom passing away), but it’s not to that extent. (to take medicine). Mom: I didn’t even think this could happen – younger sister in law wasn’t at a young age. she would have passed 50 yrs old now. I feel like I have been hit in the back of my head. I cant even express what’s in my heart. I cant even begin to talk about poor younger sister in law for passing away but what do we do about our poor TH. Dad: this is all my fault – I should have realized sooner. I should have asked sooner if he wanted to see his mom and to let him meet her if he wants. mom: are you the only one who did that? I did that too. He never even once asked about his mom so I wondered – did he forget –does he not remember her. if he was 6 then he should remember so I thought “is it cuz he really accepts me as his real mom” I thought that’s good and was happy. I really had no idea that kid missed his mom that much

TS comes out of work with this coworkers and N is standing there. he smiles and takes a step closer to TS. But TS pretend not to know him and catches up to his coworkers. N watches his dad walk away from him. TS tells the other men to go inside and goes back to N. but N is gone. TS looks for him and sees MS. She asks where N is cuz he wanted to go to TS first while she parked. She asks if TS saw him. TS says how he thinks he saw him but he is gone. MS hits him and they look for N.

SY and TB meet with G about that informant about daewhan group secretary story. G asks who the informant is and if TB checked/confirmed who he was. TB says the informant (Park) worked as the driver for the president and today later on in the afternoon, TB is going to get the scoop from Park. SY says the story came in before but there was no way to corroborate so they couldn’t report it but thankfully since the informant came forward to TB they can release the news faster (before other stations). G asks TB: did he call you himself directly? TB: yes he called my phone directly himself. He said he wanted to tell me everything he couldn’t tell others. That talent you thought I lacked, that person must have sensed it in me. (TB is throwing G’s insult to TB back at G right now and rubbing G’s face in it) G smiles and says do it well. And that he wont forgive another silly mistake like the one TB made before (interviewing the wrong twin) TB: that wont happen.

TB walks out gloating. SY asks what time he is meeting park. TB says at 4. SY tells TB to report directly after meeting him. TB says he will. They just miss seeing HR.

TB and choi are having coffee waiting on Park. Choi says he is jealous of TB that a daebak scoop came in on its own. Choi asks why the guy isnt coming cuz 30 mins passed. TB says don’t worry and calls the informant (Park) and asks where he is cuz TB already arrived. But park hangs up on TB saying sorry but he changed his mind and to act like he didn’t say anything cuz he thinks his boss suspects. TB tries to reach him again. Choi asks what is going on.

TB goes to park’s home and knocks and park doesn’t pick up his calls. Choi says they waited enough and leaves first. Park calls back and changes his mind and wants to meet at the appointed place. so TB runs to go meet him, but there is a kid stuck in an elevator and TB feels conflicted and wants to leave but the crying kid inside bothers him so he goes back. The grandma says it’s been a while since the kid has been trapped inside. He gets the door open and calls out to the kid to wait for the security guard. But the kid says save me so TB goes in after him. He says everything is ok and says let’s go up with ajusshi. He lifts the kid and hands him to the grandma. TB climbs back up, but the door closes and he hits his head and falls

TS and MS are still looking for N. TS asks if she found N yet. MS says no. she says how far she went that direction and asks if N wasn’t in the direction TS had gone. TS went all the way to the subway and N wasn’t there. MS wonders where N could have gone in such a short time. she asks TS to think where N could have gone. She says to think about where he said he wanted to go and TS says no there isnt any place cuz N was always just at home. She says to think again cuz kids don’t just say things without meaning them. TS remembers how N wanted to go to school. TS tells her that.

They go to a school nearby. MS finds N sitting on top of a slide. MS tells N to come down right now in a stern voice. N slides down and MS yells at him. Who told you to come here alone without saying anything – didn’t ajumma tell you to wait in front of the hospital. answer me – did I say that or not? N cries. MS: why are you crying – what did you do well to cry? You don’t answer when I ask- are you not going to stop crying? TS tells her to stop. She ignores him and scolds N: if I ask you to wait you should have waited. Why did you come here alone when you don’t know the way. Who taught you like that? Did your mom teach you like that? Answer me. N shakes his head no. MS: then why did you do this on your own? You are safe today cuz your dad and ajumma found you. what would you have done if we didn’t find you – doesn’t it matter if you are separated from your dad forever? Is that what you want? N: no. TS pushes her away and asks why she is doing that to the kid and making him cry. He tells her to stop. TS tells N not to cry. N keeps crying so TS gets down on his knees and says stop crying -how can a boy cry so much. N suddenly stops and tries to obey. TS: that’s right – stop crying – just don’t do that again (run off). He wipes N’s tears. TS: don’t cry. N: I was wrong. I was wrong. TS: ok don’t do that again. N: yes. TS uses his sleeve to wipe N’s tears.

MS and TS are in her truck and N is sleeping between them. N leans his head on his dad’s shoulder. TS thanks MS for today. MS: only people say that – are you a person (human being) for pretending not to know your own son? TS: must you say it like that?

TB wakes up in the hospital. He looks at the time and gets up quickly. Doctor asks if TB has regained his senses (like knows where he is and stuff) TB says he is fine and asks if he can go. Doc says wait a minute and asks him to move his hands and feet. TB obeys and says nothing is wrong. Doc reads the chart and says the CT result shows nothing wrong and says nothing else is wrong and there is just a slight concussion so if TB doesn’t feel good to come back to the hospital right away. TB thanks him and runs off.

TB keeps trying to call Park but the phone has been turned off. Choi calls and says the office is in an uproar cuz park gave the daewahn group secretary story to another station UBC. TB: what? TB looks over and and it’s on UBC’s news now. G yells at TB: what kind of guy are you? you got the call first from the informant and lose the scoop? What were you doing instead of meeting him? During that time where and what were you doing? TB bows his head down and says: I am sorry. G: you said you wouldn’t make another mistake. Were you bragging like that to show me this side of you?

When they get home, SY asks wait a minute and holds TB’s arm. She asks how TB hurt his forehead and asks if something happened. TB: yes I got hurt. SY: then why didn’t you meet him? cuz TB isnt the type of person not to go out and meet someone when he promises to. Something happened didn’t it- what is it? TB says he doesn’t want to talk about it and for her to stop asking. She yells at him in banmal ordering him: talk even if you don’t want to – I am your team leader and your wife. TB: I said I didn’t want to talk about it. SY: ya! I said to talk. TB: ya? Ya cha SY

GM is lying down. Mom asks GM to get up and eat some of the GM’s favorite porridge. Mother you have to get up and eat some. you didn’t eat anything last night too. You have to so you can have some strength. Mother. GM says: I lived too long – it’s a sin to live so long after your child died. I want to stop living. I really want to stop living. Mom cries and says mother. GM: why do the heavens not take who they are supposed to take – why don’t they take me and keep taking young and precious people. GM closes her eyes and the mom cries.

KJ meets with the dad and TP. KJ: you can say it whatever it is. Dad says it’s about his sister in law and wonders what to call her so TP says just use her name. so Dad says he came to meet about Oh YJ (TH’s mom) I heard you met TH and told him news about her – that she passed away. KJ says he was hoping officer Hwang would come but the dad came. Yes she passed away. Dad: When and how?KJ: Earlier this year. It was cancer. When it was discovered, the lung cancer was already terminal. Dad: So when you guys returned to Korea?KJ: Yes. My mother wanted to spend her last days in Korea. You want to ask why I didn’t contact officer hwang don’t you. dad: yes. KJ: until the end, Mom wouldn’t let me contact him. After over 20 years of not contacting him, living without being his mom, she didn’t think she should contact him now and show him how sick she was and then die. But she missed him a lot. She said that GM wouldn’t, on her life, let her see TH. GM also wouldn’t let her take TH when she got remarried. Dad says KJ shouldn’t be the one to be saying that. Dad asks if TH’s mom left any keepsakes or final words for TH. KJ says there is but he wants to give it to TH directly when TH comes to see him. TP says: just give it to us cuz my hyung wont come here. KJ: please tell him to come – it’s my mom’s keepsakes that I have to give him so I want to be able at least fulfill that duty (as a son). Dad thanks KJ for his time since he is busy. Before they leave KJ says he is going to see the farm again either today or tm. Dad says let’s go to TP

TP tells the dad to go wait in the car cuz he left behind his cell phone.

TP goes back in. KJ asks what’s going on. TP says he thinks he left something in that seat and asks KJ to get up so he can look for it. KJ points out TP didn’t sit here awhile ago. KJ stands and TP punches KJ. TP: in front of my family -You don’t have the right to talk about my GM or have the right to meet my hyung like that. I don’t know what you and your dad are planning, but don’t show up in front of my hyung or in front of me. My patience is weak but when you mess with my family, it gets weaker. I warned you – don’t show up in front of my hyung. After he leaves, KJ mutters that TH has good (family) support

KJ goes to see J in the studio. He asks if everything is going well. He gets a call from the team leader and talks about the park construction and to start construction as soon as possible and to talk later. J listens. She asks if they are pushing up the construction date for the park. KJ: did you hear? We are trying our best to move it up. (the set date of construction) so before we start construction, we need to go and take pictures of the background (for the animation story) J:what? KJ: let’s go take pictures of every corner of the farm. The background is really important. Get up. J tries to get out of it saying: no…I…but KJ says: the writer has to see it so what are you talking about. Can you write without seeing what’s in front of your eyes. Then you don’t need to go.

TH sits in his car and was about to call KJ but sees KJ coming out. TH was about to go and meet him but TH sees J coming out too – walking together with KJ. He watches KJ opening the door for J and both of them getting in the car.

TP and Y pass out fliers to hikers. Y asks them just for five minutes of their time and TP says to take the fliers first. It looks like he is going to make a sales pitch about their outdoor products, but we don’t get to hear it.

TP opens a bottle of juice for Y. she thanks him. He tells her to rest and he will go alone to the ski place. She says no go together cuz it’s better that they go together than him going alone. She gets up and asks if she just needs to get the products together. He says he already put them in the car. Girl worker says someone came to see the manager. That other girl from the club shows up and waves at TP calling him “phil”. Y repeats “Phil?” TP whispers to Y: please help me. Y: what? TP: just please hold still (meaning play along) He puts his arm around Y’s shoulders. the girl asks if this ajuuma (Y) really is TP’s girlfriend. Y: ajumma? Girlfriend? TP: as you can see – I told you she is my girlfriend. TP hugs Y closer. Y: omo omo. TP says: we are going to get married. Y looks at him. Girl says: what? TP says to the girl: that’s why give up on me now. TP says to Y: let’s go baby. Y: baby? TP makes kissy sounds as he leads Y away from the girl.

TP has his arm around Y as they leave. Y asks: what are you doing now. TP: this is the only way or else she will come find me every day at the store. He opens the door for Y and tells her to wait a second and puts a strand of hair in place and tells her to get in (using banmal). Y plays along and says: ok. When they are in the car, he offers to put her seatbelt on for her cuz the girl is watching. He asks Y to smile. Y sort of smiles strangely. TP wonders if this is enough (to get rid of the girl) Y says: what do we do –she doesn’t look like she will give up easily. TP says there is one sure way to shake her off. Y asks what that is. He says suddenly “let’s kiss once.” Y: what? He suddenly puts his mouth close to Y’s as the girl runs over closer to stare. TP just keeps his face directed inches away from Y’s. then he puts his hand behind her neck and looks into her eyes. suddenly Y puts her hand on the back of TP’s head so it looks like they are making out. Girl finally leaves.

SY’s mom and dad show up. mom sees a couple making out and mom averts her eyes and wonders what they are doing so flagrantly. Dad says they shouldn’t do that in front of someone else’s store. Dad is shocked and points out this is Y’s car. Y and TP are really going at it pretending to be making out turning their heads to the left and right. Y sort of looks like she is enjoying this a bit. Mom looks through the window and screams “get out.” Y and TP separate suddenly and TP looks scared out of his mind.

at work, TH gets a call from dad.

TH meets with the dad and mom. TH sits next to mom and dad sits across from him.Dad says he came from meeting KJ just now and heard news about your mom. She died early this year from cancer and the reason she wouldn’t let KJ contact him was because she didn’t think was a right to let you see her for the first time in 24 years as as pathetic person. KJ said that she missed you a lot. When she was getting remarried, she wanted to take you but GM was against it and so was I. I thought it was your mom’s fault your dad died in a hit-and-run. It wasn’t a simple car accident. It was a hit-and-run. I was afraid it would scar you since you were young so I didn’t tell you. the reason we blamed your mother was because your mom was in graduate school. So GM raised you and your dad broke his back (figure of speech for worked hard) trying to pay for your mom’s tuition. But still your dad didn’t complain even a word and every night he went out to meet your mom at the bus stop. After he went out to meet your mom, he was in that accident. And then within two years your mom remarried so that is why your GM wouldn’t let you even talk about your mom. I, who lost a younger brother, felt like my heart would break and blamed your mother for no reason, so think about how it must have been for your grandmother who lost her son. Still after time passed we should have corrected this– we should have told you to meet your mother if you missed her. So you could have at least been by her deathbed. I am sorry – it’s dad’s fault. There is nothing about me that is full so I am always one or two steps behind. Someone suddenly leaving without a word- I know that feeling better than anyone. That’s how I lost your dad to the accident. but you should have said something –if you wanted to see your mom that much you should have said that you miss your mom. “where did my mom go and why wont you let me meet her? now that I am all grown, tell me about my mom.” did I give you so little faith in me? When you gained admission to the police academy too. Why did you decide that on your own and just do as you please? Even if I don’t have any skills, I am still your dad. even though I lack – I still worry about my child and share your heartache – that’s a parent. Mom cries quietly. Dad: if you decide everything on your own, then why do I need to live as your dad? it would have been better to call me older uncle. even though I know how you feel now, but today I feel hurt – to that kid I wasn’t a dad but an older uncle. The mom next to you was just an older aunt. TH says softly: that wasn’t it dad. that wasn’t it. Dad: I am not just your real dad’s hyung. Even when I meet your real dad, I’m the dad that doesn’t want to give you back to him-so why did you live with your heart aching alone –why did you do that? so that I feel so ashamed that I cant hold my head up and feel this heart ache.

TH: I am sorry. Tears flood out of TH so the mom moves closer to him and pats his leg and says I know how you feel in your heart without you saying anything. I know how your heart feels. She rubs his back and hugs him. Mom cradles his head in her arms and says: I am sorry – I am sorry I lacked/didn’t do enough – my poor baby – wasn’t able to let you meet your real mom- I am so sorry. Mom is sorry – my baby. She keeps hugging him, rubbing his back, and petting his head and calling him her baby. Dad cries too as TH sobs

At work people find out TB saved a kid in the elevator and that’s the reason why TB couldn’t make that meeting with the informant. others say TB should have said earlier that happened. he should have spread rumors that he did that. TB asks how they know. The kid’s dad left a message on the IBC homepage that he is grateful to reporter Hwang. others say TB is number one on the internet search sites as the nation’s hero and people are going crazy over it. Everyone claps for TB. SY looks proud.

On the rooftop, TB said he wasn’t going to tell anyone all the way till the end but now the entire nation found out. She says even if he didn’t tell the entire nation shouldn’t he have told her. how could you deceive me about that. TB: are you really a reporter? That wasn’t deception, I just didn’t tell you. what the right hand knows don’t let the left hand know. (must be some Korean aphorism I don’t get) TB says she doesn’t need to make that kind of face over it and says “just spread the rumor that I am this kind of guy.” He smirks in satisfaction.

SY asks how he gave up his scoop to do that good deed. She asks if someone pushed his back (urging him to do good things I think) TB: you know that well – someone did urge me. Someone who eats well –some woman who cant control her gas (bladder problems) whenever she opened her mouth she said to me. (He quotes everything she said to him that night when they were both drunk right before he kissed her about what kind of reporter he should be). She is moved as she listens to him quoting her words. TB finishes his quote: what kind of reporter do you want to remain as – that woman pushed my back. (urged him on). he says the weather is cold and suggests going in, but she suddenly kisses him. SY: you did well. This is the award I am giving you. she shyly tries to walk away but he pulls her back. TB holds her hand and says: if you are going to give an award- you should give it properly. He kisses her longer

On the elevator down, TB and SY smile at each other. The doors open and HR is standing there. TB and HR stare at each other in surprise and the door closes.

KJ and J arrive at the farm and walk to the front of the house. KJ: wait a minute – is this front yard where O-Ja (J’s duck character) set up the tent. J:yes. KJ says he needs to take a picture of it. J has scene flashbacks of each place: starting from that front yard-  the first time she greeted the mom with her tent next to her and how she tied TH’s tie and how TH and ajumma checked on her during the rain. How she was chased out by the mom. KJ takes photos around the duck coop and J looks at the picnic table where she talked to the mom and looks at the outhouse and remembers how TH gave her tissue. She looks at the duck coop and how she was so scared at first and then how she scared TH by holding up the duck to his face. How the GM tossed red peppers at her for talking back. How J sprayed pesticides – when they harvested the pears- how happy J and ajumma were when they got rid of the plant disease

*A song from Nell played the whole time. Lyrics: when time flows, heart flows, like that -flow together-I live cuz of your memory-cuz my heart and time stops…(this song is too hard to translate, but it sure is pretty)

Dad and mom come over. Dad asks what brings J here. KJ says: you came – I told you I would be coming to look around the farm. Didn’t I. Dad asks if they came together. KJ explains: yes she is the writer for our movie company. I heard she lived here for a short time at the farm. The mom stares at J.

When KJ and J walk back to the car, the mom calls out J’s name and comes over. J turns away and doesn’t face the mom. mom looks at her and says: today at the realty office, we signed the contract for the home we are moving to. Since there won’t be a chance to meet again, since you are here take this with you. she hands J a bag, but J doesn’t take it. J: what is it? Mom: just take it – it’s yours. J: what is it? I have to know what it is to accept it or not. Mom tries to put it in her hand saying it’s yours so just take it and go. J pulls away and it falls to the ground. J: why are you like this? Mom: what crime did objects commit? She picks it up and explains: it’s nothing at all – I don’t have much so I couldn’t prepare anything. It’s that winter underwear I bought you last time and a scarf. Even if you hate me to death, this winter live wearing this. They say this winter will be really cold. J doesn’t reply or look at her so KJ says to give it to him. He accepts it and the mom asks him to let them talk alone for a minute. KJ says yes and that he will wait in the car.

J: why? Mom: since we won’t have a chance to meet again, I have something I didn’t get to say even once cuz there was no chance. ajumma is sorry. I am sorry. till I die I am sorry. I won’t ask you to forgive me. till you die don’t forgive me, grit your teeth and hate me and live like that. that’s how you can survive and live in this tough world. but just in case a day comes when you want to eat that abalone porridge or anything– no – no I was just saying something that can’t ever happen (she stumbles over her words.) Anyway live so you aren’t cold ok? her voice breaks as she cries and says “ok then go well– go well” and runs away crying. J cries and watches her leave

*I cried twice for this scene alone-once as I was watching live and then during translations. Then I bawled twice for TH’s scene with GM, then TP’s scene with TH, and then TH and the parents – it’s a wonder I have any tears left.

J is about to get in the car and turns around to look back in the ajumma’s direction. then she looks down at the plan for the theme park and the ajumma’s gifts. KJ gets out of the car after talking on the phone. he was saying into the phone that he took the pictures of the layout/background and will call later. J walks over to him. J: Kim PDnim- I won’t sell the farm.



Y explains they were acting –pretending (to kiss) to make TP’s ex break it off with him. SY’s mom says she believes what Y said but get another manager and make TP quit. Y yells back:I dont want to- I dont want to -the person I want to fire is not TP but you

TH says sorry to GM for behaving so badly and rudely to her. GM:what are you talking about – what did you do wrong. he gets her to come out and eat. TP jokes: our GM finally came out – she doesnt need any of us – she just needs TH hyung.

KJ: Just like you said, I’m thinking of applying for insurance. In return, you have to accept a condition. JE: What is it? KJ: You have to go out with me 20 times. JE: Why? KJ: Because I have an interest in you. (Joonni translated KJ’s lines so now they are accurate)


Just to add – I dont think he said that in a sexual harassment kind of way – if this guy has shown anything so far, it’s that he isnt a malicious person. he must have some agenda for asking her out like that and it could end up being another joke or passing comment like last time so we shouldnt jump to any conclusions just yet. Next week when this episode airs and he actually meant it the way we think, then I will go online even before I post and tell you in advance to start freaking out.

I wonder why J doesnt want to sell the farm anymore. she still needs the money so did she say that to mean she won’t sell it to KJ so the farm wont be destroyed or does she intend to sell it to someone else. I paid close attention to her exact words and it was “I won’t sell the farm.” That makes me think she wants to live here, but how does she expect to run a farm by herself. I dont think the ajumma’s apology melted all the sting of betrayal, but at least I think J wont be as icy towards the ajumma anymore.

Also I am wondering what TH’s mom left for him. Maybe she got someone to stalk him and take pictures of him over the years to keep tabs on him. Better yet I hope she wrote him letters she never got to send him so that he knows he was loved all those years.

The weather in Korea turned suddenly. Just last week and up to a few days ago it was in the low to mid 70s and starting from yesterday it got chilly. But now winter is here cuz temperature dropped to mid 30s at night and mid 40s during the day. The reason for this weather alert is just to let you know our OB cast is going to start suffering soon doing outdoor filming. I feel so bad for them cuz they have to stand out there for hours to shoot a scene. This drama started in August and it’s already almost 4 months old now. Summer, fall, and winter will have passed before it ends. As I watched J stand there looking around the farm and remembering everything that happened there, it made me feel a bit nostalgic too. Even though I covered a lot of dramas over this past year, I don’t know if there will be another one like this that took a complete hold of my heart. When it ends, I hope it will let me go gently. Knowing this drama, I believe only happy endings await us.

Fanderay’s Comments:

I have a feeling this is going to be extremely long since I have weeks and weeks of silence to make up for.  The pace has definitely been picking up lately, and there’s lots to talk about!  Normally I would try to only talk about the current episode, but after my absence my thoughts are all mixed up.

I’ll start with TH since these last few episodes have really belonged to him.  It occurred to me several weeks ago that TH was probably initially drawn to J because they actually have a lot in common, despite how they appear to others.  They are both essentially orphans that have felt the pain of abandonment, and they have both lived somewhat phony lives (in the sense that they always hid when they were having a hard time).  Despite her problems at home J seemed like the perfect girl living the perfect life (she was practically royalty at school) and the world was basically her oyster.  TH was always the ideal “son” with good manners and a level head, even though he never felt like a real son at all.  J is certainly likable on her own, but I think that her situation is largely responsible for TH opening up to her and showing her some warmth (in his gruff THish way).

The reason I bring this up now is that I think J’s past is also a big part of why TH wandered over to her place after finding out about his mom.  Even though he likes her, they haven’t really dated and it’s not like he’s used to leaning on her.  Out of everyone he knows however, she would understand what he’s going through the most (not that he gets up the courage to say anything).

As much as I like KJ (he always acts responsibly) I think it would be pretty easy to hate him in TH’s shoes.  KJ lived with TH’s mother as his own (despite not having any biological connection), brought the news of that mother’s death, is becoming close with the girl TH likes, and is buying the farm TH grew up on (speaking of which…I wonder why KJ’s dad chose it?).  I do think it’s quite cute that KJ wants acknowledgment from TH so badly, and I hope they don’t stay on bad terms forever.

The scene between TH and the parents this episode was extremely touching, but also quite surprising.  I was expecting something more along the lines of fury, but maybe TH is all out of anger?  TH lived his life thinking his mom didn’t want him, but it turned out that the GM just wouldn’t let her take TH.  Personally I would feel quite resentful about that, but I suppose a large part of TH just wants to feel like he’s part of a family, and he realizes now who that is.

Finally we have seen some real TS progression; I was relieved to see him act like a father!  His storyline so far has been fairly predictable, and I’m glad that he has gotten to the place we all expected so the main focus can be on his development as a person (which is much needed!).

I suppose TB’s story-line has also been a bit predictable, but it’s never mattered because it’s been so much fun watching him grow with SY as a couple.  I admire SY’s loyalty and the fact that she doesn’t waver at all for G, despite his obvious interest.  Instead she is delighted with TB’s every act of jealousy, and it’s fun her make comprises and argue with TB, all because they both want to be closer to each other.  I found it a bit irksome that we only got about 3 seconds of post-kiss marital bliss before the HR bomb dropped on TB, but I am admittedly curious about how it’s going to play out.  Since TB’s feelings for SY are very new, I don’t think he’ll handle HR nearly as well as she’s handled G.

And of course I can’t forget TP.  I feel like he’s stepping up and becoming more of a man with every single episode.  He’s done a complete 180 from despicable to admirable, particularly when it comes to TH.  I love that he always goes out of the way too look out for his family, and that he’s so willing to swallow his pride and make changes to how he treats others.  Out of all the brothers, I think he feels the most guilt towards TH.  Besides treating TH the worst, he was also the one with the most potential to make TH feel like a part of the family.  He was TH’s only younger brother, and as a result he was the only one in a position to look up to TH and treat him like a hyung.  It would be easy for TH to feel like any kindness from the older brothers was simply pity, but being treated like a hyung would have been something distinct and meaningful.

Does anyone know what the actual age difference between TP and Y is?  I’m surprised by how much I like them as a couple and think they have cute chemistry, although it would be pretty weird if TP became TB’s uncle-in-law.

I really admired J these last couple episodes, and the scene at the gun range with TH was one of my favorites.   They both seemed so vulnerable, and I thought that J was incredibly brave to confront TH like that.  When she used TH’s words about feelings not going away easily, it seemed like she wasn’t just talking about TH and his mom, but also about herself and TH.  J was also extremely mature in her dealing with the farm and the step-mom, and I’m curious to see how all this farm stuff plays out now that the O-family already has somewhere to move to.

As far as the preview goes, I actually have no problem with KJ wanting to date J (although I’m not convinced it will happen).  Of course I’d love to see TH and J get married next episode, but maybe a third person is what they need to realize that they don’t want to be with anyone else but each other.  Yeesh though.  If KJ dates J we won’t see a TH kiss until episode 49!

I’ll save the rest for another day, but I will add that I luuuurv that new Nell song.  It’s definitely my favorite OB song, and one of the best soundtrack songs this year (imo).  Maybe some lovely person will make an OB MV out of it!

219 comments on “Ojakkyo Brothers E32

  1. Laica says:

    I can’t believe it. 32 episodes in, and this drama just keeps getting better. I no longer hate even a single character, not even the mom. I felt so bad for her this episode as she cried for Tae-hee. And TP is becoming one of my favourite characters – never imagined that would happen! Even TS is becoming a little bit human (although he’s still in the doghouse). Props to the writer. I remember thinking these same two things about this writer when I watched their previous work, Be Strong Geum Soon: 1. the dialogue is AMAZING, and 2. the conflict is so organic to the characters and relationships, so you have no cardboard villains, only really tough situations where everyone is trying to figure out what to do. Kind of like life. Even those characters who do despicable things have their own motivations and story, so even though you might dislike them, they feel like real people.

    The scene with TH and his parents was so heartbreaking. The love between them, and the hurt, was so palpable. And TH’s face, both in the beginning of the episode and in that scene, just killed me dead. What do you mean he’s acting? All I see is Hwang Tae-hee. And I’m totally in love, he’s making my heart hurt so bad. Please, can this boy get some comfort from the girl he loves? So glad he got a hug from his mom. No drama hero has ever needed one more.

    Yay! for TB and SY’s kiss. And meh for the ex showing up. Although I’m glad they had a chance to sort of confess to each other before she showed up. You’re right about the little baby gluing them together though. And knowing how fiercely loyal TB is to his family, I have confidence in him not to endanger that.

    Loved that scene at the end with J and ajumma. The way she said goodbye and then turned around and ran away crying finally melt my icy heart where she’s concerned. And I think maybe J’s too, a little?

    I might just die waiting for next week.


  2. Marie says:

    I Love This show soooooooooooooo much!! Best one this yea,r the Last Family drama I enjoyed so much was Smile You. Thank you Softy so much for recapping this great show. I actually hate it when they extend dramas but with OB hoping they make it to 1000 love, love this show.

    Thanks a million!!


  3. Laica says:

    Thank you! He’s so adorable. And I needed to see him laughing and smiling so much after all that angst. His dimples, they slay me. *melts*


  4. magicplusfours says:

    Thank you for putting a pic of my favorite couple right up there.

    I liked them from the start since they had sparks to spare, and Ryu Soo Young and Choi Jung Yoon make a gorgeous looking and snappy couple.

    Can you do it for TP and Y too soon – pretty please? Their story is beginning to spark too, and I am hoping that nothing will stop them.

    And lastly, many thanks for your hard work in transcribing the episodes; it’s hard enough to do it in your own language, but listening, understanding and then translating from language to language is seriously difficult. I kowtow to you in admiration.


  5. Zura says:

    Oh.. So KJ have interest in JE.. Ya.. This drama gonna kick off to an interesting part for KJ, JE & TH! I can’t wait!!!! ❤


    • no i dont like this why if you want to make up with your step brother would you go after the girl he is in love with i dont think the step brother is a good guy and we know see is in love with th so why do we have to go through so many ep of her with the other guy god i hope this dont last to long i want to see th happy god that poor guy has gone through so much give him a break and kj really bugs me he so creepy so come on writers get them back together before christmas dont drag it on


      • Zura says:

        Maureen dearie, I’m not saying that I like to see KJ & JE together and hurts TH more, it’s only a part where I want to watch things get heated up and I know JE likes TH more than KJ.. So it doesn’t necessarily that KJ is a bad guy. If he is, then wait till how will the drama ends. Since TH & JE are main lead in this drama, I’m sure that JE practically knows what to do. I’m sorry if I don’t share the same opinion as you, but this is a just a drama. So I don’t want to tense and think negatively of this drama. Hope you get what I mean. Thank you for pointing out your views. 🙂


      • i know im so into this show i just dont trust kj when he first appear on the show he left the pic of him and the mom out so th would see it he also said he was j of him then the way he told him their mother was dead why did he tell him like that it was a cruel way to tell him and the farm what is that about i know they will end up together its just their were so sweet and now its so sad i know they have to be apart for a while so much has happen to them and i can understand j and why she is so hurt i just want the poor guy to be happy but i know i will have to wait and i know you want th and j together anyone into this show wants thats i didnt mean to say that you wanted j and kj together so hope its not to long cant wait for the next ep


        • Zura says:

          As you said it, KJ wasn’t intentional to show his pic with the mom. It happened to be that TH saw it on the table. And there’s always a reason whereby the third party (KJ) appeared. And doesn’t mean that the third person always the mean one. He came back for a purpose and that is to inform TH of his mother had passed away. He have the right to meet TH because he is TH’s stepbrother. Like Ditu3ka, I also hope that KJ won’t be the mean guy. As for KJ trying to hitch JE, I solely agreed with what Ditu3ka mentioned. He sees that both TH & JE relationship are cold toward each other and therefore, he might not think or have no idea what happened to them. Let’s just watch ep 33 later on how JE will answer to his condition. And I’m looking forward that in that ep too that TH will be better than before. After he had talked with both mother BJ & father CS, I could sense that his burdened have lessen.


      • Ditu3ka says:

        I´m also interested in KJ´s agenda. I don´t see him as a bad guy at all. He probably can sense there´s something going on between TH and JE but he doesn´t know TH likes JE so much or other things. He doesn´t know she is “his brother´s girl”. He asked her which brother her duck-character fall for but she didn´t answerr that. Only thing he actually witnessed was their not friendly reaction with each other during that dinner and that JE doesn´t seem to be thrill at all to go back to a farm. What we know and have seen is not the same for KJ. I just hope KJ doesn´t turn to be a meanie.


        • Zura says:

          Well said dearie. I agreed with you. Thanks for sharing your view on KJ. Let’s just wait for ep 33 to reveal on how will JE will answer to KJ’s request. 🙂


  6. edisa says:

    Hello everyone, i’m Edisa, this is my first comment at this blog. i tried to hold still not to join, but i cant take it anymore. its like softy says, its like grafity, cant resist even if we try. 🙂

    I’m sorry first about my mussy english grammar because i’m still learn it. please be nice with me.. (90 degree bow).

    Firstly, softy, thank you for your hard work to build this wonderfull blog. i can really feel how you put your heart and soul into you writing. the way you put all the dialog, word to word. all that complete sentences makes us feel it & can image how the scene was. that’s why, for me (many time) your recap more touching & enjoyable than actual action.

    I have sooo many to say, because i’m as crazy as you all about this drama, but almost all of it already been told by anybody at this comment section. what a lovely comunity we are. hugs for you all to makes this blog full of warm people with clever & tender words.

    It’s so heartwarming to watch show that have normal story.
    there’s no angel or devil role. everybody just human so they have time in their live to makes mistakes or made wrong decision.

    TH has super ability to heal his wound. the cut at his face and bandage at his hand now all disappear without trace.

    About SY-TB, from the start I have feeling that TB likes SY. maybe not at love level yet but at aware of her presence & her ability. but he is TB, so confident and has own way man. they situation makes they can flirt but argue or fighting. maybe sometimes too much, but isn’t it often boy\girl bullied someone they interest in ?

    BTW, they have their wedding photo hanging at their bedroom. when they took it ? did’t they run away before photo session ?

    I kind of love Y voice (especially when she yell), it’s sound cute & her way of speak so childish too. Very match her personality.


    • Zura says:

      Hello Edisa! What a great review about your thoughts! If you are wondering about the wedding pictures, do you remember that SY’s mom said that she would edited and insert both SY & TB pic at the wedding photo session. Hope that helps. 🙂


      • edisa says:

        hello zura, nice to meet you (waving hand to you 🙂 ). thanks for your reply.

        yes, i remember about what SY mom said, but still, its just kind of sadded me that its not the real photo from that moment (wedding ceremony) but later (at studio maybe). so SY & TB dress up on wedding dress ones again only for that photo.


        • Zura says:

          Yeah that was sad actually. Hopefully there’s another real wedding photo taken later part in the drama. As in, the wedding is held properly next time.. SY & TB have a year marriage contract and I wish to see that TB cancel off that contract. With that said, nice to meet you too! *Wave back* 😀


    • Ditu3ka says:

      Hello Edisa! I also originally came just for recaps but I really like reading thoughts and opinions of the readers here. I usually never read comments but I really enjoy reading it here. Many friendly people come here and they even read my comments I write in my limited English :-))

      I agree – TH and everyone else in this drama can heal super fast :-)) Like in almost every drama (editing is a harsh job) but I don´t mind at all. I´m just always wondering how much time have already passed.

      TB and SY – I thing he was attracted to her since the beginning. She was a strong and independent woman and she provoked him and his masculinity. I don´t think he would end up spending night with her if he didn´t feel any attraction.


      • Rainyrain says:

        I totally agree with u about SY-TB I’m also thinking TB liked SY since the beguinning or else why would sleep with her or accept to marry her


  7. EJ19 says:

    omyyy. the story is getting better but jae eun and tae hee’s love story will be worst TT it will be tangled more i guess and more heart breaks. nhyuuuhuhuhuhu. poor them! and poor us. i wish they could have at least hug moment evehuuuuuhun if they fight or quarrel till death. huuuhu. i beg the writer!


  8. dramadicted says:

    can you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase recap the new drama “flower boy ramyun shop” i just fell in love with it at first ep.
    and thanks anyway 🙂


  9. Ditu3ka says:

    Thank you so much for another two wonderful recaps!!!

    I just finished both episodes. I feel good about this weekend´s progress of the story. J finally started to move, TH got some answers he needed and support from his family, TS started to realise he´s a dad, TB and SY sharred a kiss and TP .. did I mention how much I love TP lately? Probably yes, like 20x. I don´t still like gramma much but dad got some points for being able to realise he´s kind of slow and sometimes harsh. Although there´s still a lot to pass for all of them I feel more at ease than last weekend (it was a loooong week).

    There were a lot of ups and downs and painful moments for TH in last three weeks (Joo Won did pretty good job, it seems he´s spend last two weeks crying) and I hope he will be at more ease from now on. I mean about his past because I know he won´t be at ease when it comes to his lovelife. I also don´t think KJ is interested in J because of TH but he´s clever enough to realise that there´s something between those two. I personally think TH´s mother left him letters she had written before she died.

    TS got back on my “still interested in” list. I actually like his story and I appreciate the writen for his realisti portrayal. MS was really scared when N went missing therefore she yelled at poor N. She´s a mum after all. She knows that feeling of sudden heart ache you get when you realise your kid is nowhere to be seen, however, it´s a new feeling for TS but he´s slowly getting there.

    TB an YS – why I feel everything depends on TB´s reaction to his ex right now? Irritating.

    TP and Y. I´m just rooting for this couple. Those two are adorable. Lover or friends, I don´t care as long as they help each other like they do now. Their “making out” scene was the funniest they bot got so far.

    I know it. We all know it. They will get a happy ending. All of them. It´s a family drama after all. But why the road is so bumpy? TBH, I probably wouldn´t watch it if it wasn´t :-))

    PS: I´m sorry once again for my grammar mistakes.


  10. edisa says:

    Maybe softy really dying for lovey dovey scene, so she posted twice picture of kissing TB-SY (as main picture and at recap section also). 😉


    • Softy says:

      Actually I did that cuz the second one was a close up and I didn’t want such a big picture of the kiss to be the main photo in case my viewers read this at work and get funny looks from coworkers wondering what kind of blog they are visiting. So it was out of consideration for all of you. 🙂 That and the top picture was just prettier.


  11. edisa says:

    hello ditu3ka, nice to meet you (giving out hand for virtual sake hand) 🙂

    yes yes, its such a pleasure to know people read your comment and giving feed back. softy already told that she read all what we write and try to memories our name also. that really motivated me to jump down here althought my english really awful right now. but i cant fight this urge feeling to speak up about this drama when theres nobody around me watch this show. so once again, i asking for your understanding..


    • Softy says:

      Hey edisa and ditu3ka, there really is no need to apologize for your English and just keep writing your thoughts. Everything you wrote was perfectly clear and understandable. We all write quickly from iPhones and stuff or it’s cuz our emotions get carried away. So don’t worry about stuff like that and keep sharing your thoughts. 18 more episodes to go. 🙂


  12. naomi says:

    hey guys, written preview for ep 33 is out! can someone please translate it

    자은은 제하에게 자신이 오작교농원의 실제주인임을 밝히고,
    농장을 안 팔겠다고 말한다. 그러나 제하는 사업팀에서 추진하는 일이니
    어쩔 수 없다며 계약해지를 하려면 위약금을 물어야 한다고 얘기하고…

    집으로 돌아온 태희를 따뜻하게 맞아주는 가족들.
    태희는 갑년에게 죄송하다 사과하고
    갑년은 태희의 손을 잡고 눈물을 흘리는데…

    it looks like there arent much differences between this preview and the video preview though.


    • Softy says:

      my friend translated it again -as in she reads it out and I translate 🙂
      J reveals to KJ that she is the real owner of the farm and doesnt want to sell it. KJ says it’s up to the business team (accounting) so there is nothing he can do about it. in order to cancel the contract, she will need to pay a hefty penalty for voiding the contract (promise to sell)

      when TH goes back home, his family gives him a warm reception welcoming him back. TH apologizes to the GM and she holds his hand and cries.

      that’s all of it. 🙂


      • Qua Trang says:

        Oh my! Ep 31 was saddest until now, beginning of ep32 is in the same league! But things seem to brighten up… I keep my fingers and toes crossed until the WE.

        Softy, many thanks again for bringing us the translation. Thank your friend, too! You guys are awesome!


      • Zura says:

        Thank you Softy 🙂 It seems a bit brighter for TH now. I’m really happy and miss to see his innocent smile again! Hooray! But now, JE is in a hectic problem as she need to pay for the penalty.. Its a little hard on her to bear the consequences. And is it because to help her, KJ brings up about the condition to have the 20 dates with him? Because I surely know KJ knows JE is still a student and not working to support for her own financial purposes? Ah, I just want TH to help her though.. She needs him now. But that’s not the case, the writer knows better to speculate this drama. I will just wait and see.


  13. missj2013 says:

    Omg, I still can’t get over this drama…it’s so good!!! And to know that KP has an interest in JE is even better ^_^ I love love-triangles and 2 brothers and a girl makes it that much more interesting xDD but hey…we all know how that LT will work out hahaha
    Fighting!!! Can’t wait until the next couple episodes…(hope the subs come out faster, though, but with your summaries I’m able to be held off awhile longer hehe thanks!)


    • YeeKrFan says:

      During the preview for Ep 33,

      KJ: Just like you said, I’m thinking of applying for insurance. In return, you have to accept a condition. JE: What is it? KJ: You have to go out with me 20 times. JE: Why? KJ: Because I have an interest in you.

      I believe KJ is talking in term of business deal with INSURANCE & INTEREST as in accounting & finance perhaps. Not an actual *interest* in pursuing her as his girlfriend but because she is the KEY to the whole O farm, O animation, theme park & TH? Is the brilliant writer trying to mislead us into the triangle again….well we have to wait & see…either ways is fine with me….BRINGS IT ON!


      • Qua Trang says:

        I really like your reading of the preview! I often think the previews are intentionally deceptive. But even if for once the preview came out correct, I firmly believe TH and JE love is unconquerable and some jealousy will just bring them back together sooner, yeah! And I think jealous TH is very cute (check Thundie for TH jealous expression!)


  14. Miss Q says:

    I don’t know why but I keep seeing and hearing this scene ” Ajussi.. Do you like man?”…..

    And it is only Tuesday. The weekend can’t come any sooner. For now I supposed I have to satisfy myself by watching repeats of favourite scene thus far…. TB & SY rooftop kiss.

    Ps: I can’t make up my mind, the facial expression of HR when she saw TB, looks shocked but her eyes, seems to imply she is still in love with TB. I can’t read TB’s expression though, what I notice, he moved back and had his shoulders down.. So what does that implies, regret that he only saw HR now after he kissed SY? Though he told SY that he never thought about HR coming back, I think he does, based on earlier conversation when they were discussing about the terms of their marriage contract. He asked if he found the love of his live, can he see that woman during the contract period….


  15. furelise says:

    Hi guys,
    love this episode. So heartwrenching but we did get great moments too. Like others, i was crying buckets and sobbing when I watched it. To the point that my eyes were swollen. To think that this is only a drama and not real life, I’m a gone case. 🙂

    I’m really curious on what TP did during high school that was so big and the brothers kept reminding him of it. The one that he ran away to Busan and TH brought him back. Any clues?


    • Softy says:

      From what I could gather – the big deal was TP almost dropped out of high school. in an earlier episode, the ajumma said that if it wasnt for TH, TP would never have graduated high school cuz TH forced TP to study by keeping TP at his desk and the school teachers were lenient with TP only cuz he was TH’s younger brother (so basically TH was a model student and teachers liked him so those teachers treated TP better than they should have out of consideration for TH) So that Busan incident probably happened before all this – must have been when TP first ran away from school and TH had to convince him not to give up on his studies and make TP come back to Seoul.


  16. edisa says:

    yes, you right softy, that top main picture quite startled me at first cause i use my phone at public transportation to open your blog. so as soon as i see that, immedietly i scroll down and peeking right and left hoping nobody see that pic.
    but dont worry, its okay for later because i already prepare for that kind of pic now (really not complain) 🙂


  17. YeeKrFan says:

    OMG…missing for a few days and what have we got here? Floodgate…these two episodes gotta be the most heartbreakingly awesome ones!

    Thank you Softy & Fanderay! About the age difference between TP (mid to late 20s) and Y (mid 30s)..so their gap are not too bad and I love their cute chemistry too!


    • Softy says:

      Y’s age came out as 35. SY is 34 so they are a year apart. I am pretty sure TP’s age is 27 cuz on E2, when his mom is selling duck eggs, she lies to people that TP looks young cuz he ate duck eggs and lied that he was 37. since she was obviously adding ten years, that is where I got his age to be 27.
      of course in real life, the actor playing TP is older than Joowon. 🙂


  18. ess says:

    does anyone know what is the title off the Nell song at the end of ep32?


  19. ess says:

    ok found it in the earlier comments…


  20. Anonymous says:

    maybe in the end JE won´t let the Hwang´s to move out anymore…
    even though she resent ajumma and the hwangs there is no doubt that she still misses them….besides it´s more easy for her to keep hating them if she know that they were there in the farm than somewhere else cause if they move out , she might miss them more instead of hating them…just my two cents….:))


  21. Cherry says:

    all i have to say is TH and KJ – hubbahubba


  22. edisa says:

    i think TB ex really have sould come at this point, because it seem their separation not in a good way (like she betrayed him). he must to get rid of any lingering feeling that he still have for her ex completely before start the new journey with SY. thats to test what real love sould be.

    TH already at the peak of his problem, what left now is for him to slide down to heal & recover also made decision about what he should do. he really so lucky to have O family to support him.

    i agree with dad that he quite wrong to carried all his problem with his own. & his mom so wrong too for surrender completely to grandma for not taking her son with him & never contact him even once. to make up that mistake, she must left something meaningfull (that now at KJ) to prove that she not that heartless mom like TH think like (maybe) writing diary (or maybe a blog 🙂 ) about him, write many unsend letters to him, collecting secret taking photo of him, or keep his baby picture (or his baby shoes/cloth) as her charms (& sobs at that too).

    so now, for TH to forget his sorrow more quickly, he has new agenda at his life, to win J from ‘aggresive KJ mission’. i have no doubt about J feeling for TH, but KJ hold the key for her future action now (farm contract). not to mention that KJ is such a perfect man & perfect husband material (more perfect than G). even for me, sometime KJ is hotter than TH 😉


    • magicplusfours says:

      …sometime KJ is hotter than TH…

      I second this : – ) )

      Is there a way to tell the writer to make it a KJ-J couple instead? ha ha …

      Too bad the KJ-TH coupling is not gonna happen…boo-hoo. “You have such lovely hair.” I was so hopeful at one point. Sigh.


  23. rukia says:

    hum .. I do not know if anyone has comments or not? Lol but I thought about MS and Hana, they will not have to leave also? their house is stuck at hwang home, no?? if I look good, the MS and Hana house is in front of the TS chamber ? I was wondering! MS and hana in the preview are at the hwang dinner table . I wonder if they also have to move?probably!!!

    sorry for my english ^^


  24. Anonymous says:

    i really want to see taehee and jaeun as a couple.not in 50th episode, but earlier. i also want to see the romantical side of taehee. but jealous taehee for some episodes is ok 🙂


    • Softy says:

      for some reason I think we will get to see more jealous TH sooner than later after all this business with his mom dies down. I sort of wish whatever his mom left him, he shares that moment with J but I bet he will go somewhere alone.
      I really wonder how J will react once she learns that TH’s mom passed away cuz J still thinks TH has a chance to meet his birth mom.


      • rainyrain says:

        softy I’m also wishing the same , I really wish he will share the moment of discovering what mum left for him with JE , I think the moment will be very sad for TH and only JE will be able to calm him down and push him to end this sad story once and for all .
        Softy thankuuuu for the transcap , daeback as always but tell u the truth I’m having a mixed feeling about this weekend’s epi , I know they were two of the bestest episodes so far but I’m really missing TH-JE sweet moments , a scene like the necktie moment is much recommanded but I know it will be impossible right now since I guess we will see a jealous TH more now even though like someone mentioned before I guess that dating suggestion from KJ is more related to business than anything else , I don’t think he is liking JE ( at least I wish so ) becoz there were no sign of that , not even a little sign , maybe he meant she will have to finish the work during 20 days or meeting with him or something :S .
        also I’m so sad that the anguish will start for SY too , now our two cute couples will live in worry and anguish and this is sad 😦
        TP-Immo can’t see that sorry
        TS thank god he is starting to be human again


    • Lita says:

      so am i… i dont wanna to see TH & Jee be a couple in ep 50 its too cruel for us yach., but i think this weekend we will see jealous of TH, but its fine since TH will be more aggresive to win J’s heart and to show her that he really in loves with her.. he already lose her mom, and i think he cant lose J either…
      i really touched by the scene , when TH watched J & KJ from the far. and the background music..ah….. i watched many times.. and i think TH telling : “you had already stolen my mom, and now you going after my girl???.”
      also i.m wondering what TH’s mom left for him.. beside some letters maybe her mom give him her inheritance ( finansial )..maybe she gives him a half share from good film?? he”he” its just my imagination..cause if its really happens, its easy to solve the problem about O-Farm..
      oh today is only thursday..but i’m getting nervous by day till saturday….


  25. ydoodler says:

    Yay! I’m all caught up. I was going through withdrawal here. I told myself I would wait until the subs come out and I almost did but then I saw the kiss and that did it. I’m really glad I decided to watch. It is really easy to follow along the recap while watching the raw video, thank you!
    I cried a lot during these last 6 episodes. TH’s pain feels so real. On thundie’s blog, I put him as the loneliest character because despite having family, he is so lonely. There is the kind of loneliness where you’re actually alone and then the one where you’re surrounded but still feel alone. I think TH is finally realizing how loved he his and how he is really part of the family. I remember in an earlier episode, what really killed me was when all the brothers were drinking with the dad and TH was driving by. He saw them and was going to get out and join but didn’t. Now, he is finally realizing that he is a real brother and son. I loved the scene with the parents because I don’t think he’s ever really cried in front of anyone and to finally release that and be so vulnerable and accept their love, it was beautiful to watch.
    I’m really wondering what J will do with the farm. I think KJ will be sympathetic and help because so far he isn’t a bad guy. He genuinely wants to reach out to TH. He could just take the easy way and pass the gifts from the mom on or drop it off but he wants to be the one to give it to TH.
    SY and TB. Awwwwww! That kiss was worth it. I loved how she took the first step and he was finally able to respond to what he had been trying to show her for the past few episodes. I really like the part you wrote Softy about the baby being the glue that holds them together. No matter what, they will stay together (besides the fact that we know because this is a drama) because of the baby. TB might find he still loves his ex but even if he had no love for SY and loved HR for the rest of their marriage, once he sees their baby, he won’t be able to leave. I loved the elevator scene because it showed how great of a dad he will be. But mainly, he saw the pain TH had because of parents leaving him so TB won’t ever to do that to his kid.
    TP and Y are really cute too. I was a bit hesitant to decide if I like them together or not but I really do. Age doesn’t really matter because their maturity levels match up. I think their conflict will be opposition to their marriage but it will eventually work out.
    As for TS, I felt a tiny bit of pity for him in these episodes. He’s finally becoming a person but taking baby steps to get there. If the show had built more on the pain of his growing up and his dad being mean I would feel more sorry but since the fact that he was always seen negatively by his dad didn’t really show up until now so I can’t really feel sorry. But I love his son 🙂 so cute.
    I love OB and I think it does a great job of balancing the sad parts with fun parts like SY and TB and Y and TP. Can’t wait for the next episodes!


  26. cadbury19020 says:

    thank you for your hard work really appreciated looking forward for next episode..


  27. ydoodler says:

    Is there any way to watch or post the 2 opening credits to OB? You mentioned it on an earlier post and I wanted to see them.


    • Softy says:

      no clue how except if you live stream around 10 minutes before OB airs cuz normally they show that right before they show a bunch of commercials and then the episode starts. they normally air the ones with the parents or the ones with the 4 brothers and Uee standing in the front announcing the show will air soon. if I remember correctly it’s right after the previous show’s credit ends. good luck and hope you get to watch it. 🙂


  28. rainyrain says:

    BTW do u know whom I love really of course after TH-JE and SY-TB , I love the officer that assists TH the guy who calls u hyung , he is funnyyyy and always makes laugh whenever he comes on screen 🙂


    • rainyrain says:

      OMG too many faults , will repeat that again hhhhhhh
      BTW do u know whom I love really , of course after TH-JE and SY-TB , I love the officer that assists TH , the guy who calls him hyung , he is funnyyyy and always makes me laugh whenever he comes on screen


    • magicplusfours says:

      Whenever I see Officer Seo, I can’t help smiling. He is perceptive and caught on to the strange vibe that KJ was giving TH during the stakeout in the car: “I think he has the hots for you.”


      • Lita says:

        me too, officer seo dong min…he is very funny, easy going and always bring me happines.he can balance of TH’s character they are a perpect partner….and since i,m getting crazy for TH’s scene..just when camera begin to shoot dongmin’s face,TH’s car, and TH’s office..i’m really happy , cause its mean there is a TH’scene…


  29. ydoodler says:

    And you know what else I loved about this episode? The editing when J was having flashbacks at the farm was great. I loved how they did the pictures instead of replaying the scene. 1. I’ve never seen flashbacks done like that so it was nice to see something new and 2. It really represented that her memories were fragments and like real memories. Most of the time, when we think back on something we see snippets of what used to be. Plus, the music was great too.


  30. edisa says:

    nope, i believe TH learn his lesson. so at this 18 remain episode, TH will be more open & aggresive to win J heart back. its enough he lose his mother, now he cant lose J either. we will be seeing more scene of these three (TH, KJ, J).

    BTW, i love how number of Fanderay screencaps increase rapidly to completing softy recap. too much pretty pic to waste isnt it ? 🙂


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