Scent of a Woman E8

Even before this episode aired when I saw this photo for the first time, I knew exactly what he was feeling. There is a sense of urgency in this embrace – as if he was desperate to hold onto something he was afraid he would lose and can’t bear the thought of being apart from her. Maybe it’s just the fact that he took this long to admit his feelings and he doesn’t want to go back to being miserable and lost without her. For the next few months, she will be clinging to life while he continues to hold onto love with a strength even he didn’t know he was capable of. Unfortunately, we all know that love alone can’t change the reality of her condition, but I still hope a small miracle will keep them together for her to fulfill her last bucket wish.

*The last time I bawled this much was CYHMH.

**As for that tango scene -didnt it feel a little bit invasive like you were intruding on their privacy? If that was acting, omg they deserve a Daesang for that scene alone. I could barely type cuz my jaws dropped and I never typed before with my mouth open in shock like that. Hands down THE daebak scene of the year. I felt light-headed after and couldn’t focus for a while for the next few scenes. Man their performance really does a number on you and sort of sweeps you off your feet. Collectively throughout Korea and abroad – women fell off their chairs watching that I bet or swore to sign up for tango lessons immediately. 🙂

Since the first episode, I have been trying so hard not to use too many LDW closeups for the main pic, but then he does something to make me forget what I told myself. Safe bet would be this pic will be replaced later with another LDW one. Tonight before the show started, I just wanted to say that I picked up this drama cuz I love this actress. I have only seen one drama of hers (MNIKSS) and two movies (both had Gong Yoo in it), but tons of BTS. In real life, this woman has a great sense of humor. The reason she is able to get along with her co-stars so well is her true to life engaging persona. If you watch NG footage or interviews, she always makes her co-stars laugh. She seems really fun to be around. The character closest to what she is like in real life seems to be KSS. Some actresses put up a facade when they are being filmed or when they are aware a camera is on them- they sit up straighter, speak with more decorum, and act a certain way.  From the very first footage I ever saw of KSA all the way up to now, she hasn’t changed being genuine. She is oblivious to the camera and remains steadfastly confident about who she is and doesn’t feel the need to “act” just for the camera . We’ve been remarking on her drastic change in appearance, but all I can say now is that I’m glad one thing remained the same. Thin or not and external changes aside, I’m grateful that the person she is on the inside has not changed one bit cuz that is the reason I am in this for the long haul.

* I said all this about KSA and then proceeded to insert mostly LDW screencaps. Forgive me – I’m weak what can I say. 🙂


Scent of a Woman E8

After Y says she likes J, E says: shouldnt you go and say that to that man and not me. J takes a step closer. she says that is pointless cuz he has someone he is going to marry. E says let’s go -I’ll take you home. J watches them leave. *pretty sure E looked over at J

the doc says the squid looks fresh (I’ll say – it’s squirming on the plate so I wonder if that was a dead giveaway) Y’s mom agrees. they toast and drink. she puts a piece in her mouth and starts to chew. she makes a face and chokes. he asks what’s wrong -can you not breathe? he runs over to her and tells her to open her mouth but she wont. the doc has to help her by performing the heimlich. he laughs and looks at what she spit out and says “wow-it’s a really big piece-how did you manage eat that?” after that she leaves suddenly and he calls her name

Y promised to pay E back if her mom and that guy hit it off. E: that guy a while ago. she interrupts and says it wasnt him. the person who accused me of stealing and settled it with money wasnt that man. E says sorry for interfering when he didnt need to. she says it’s ok -she feels bad cuz she said some strange things.  she thanks E for today and tells him to go home safely

Y sits and remembers what J just said to her about going to accept the money as soon as the lawsuit ended. her mom comes in so Y asks why her mom came home so early- the mood seemed really good so what’s wrong? did something said he was the best grape so doenst that mean you like him? her mom yells – I dont know – dont make me talk

J is trying to sleep but remembers how Y said she liked him a lot and he sits up and turns on the light.

J says there isnt anything special (in the ideas they came up with). Noh said they didnt have enough time and says one week was too tight (of a schedule). J: manager Noh – when do you think fall starts? noh: september. J: what month is it now? Noh: august. J: dont you think you should work faster. H suggests – let’s just go with the Wando island tour. Noh calls H’s name. H: of course it does bother me that it was Y’s plan but these days Wando follows the vacation trend of well being. Noh: who doesnt know that but last time the director said…. J interrupts and says “let’s do that-that’s the best – proceed with that.” Noh agrees and says he is busy since it is august and he has to plan for September. he stands up but J says he has something to announce. Y has nothing to do with wilson’s ring incident. wilson never lost his ring.

Noh complains about J -why is he like that? why is he telling us about wilson – how infuriating. Noh asks nam to get him some cold ice water. nam:me? so R offers to get it. Noh: would I want to drink water you brought me?  R reminds him how  J warned them not to sexually harass the female workers and Noh says this doesnt count. never mind.

H wonders if J was the person who helped Y out

J has Y called in but says dont say I called her to come

Y gets a call that she is wanted at the office. she asks why but we dont hear the answer

J is standing but when there is a knock he quickly sits down and says come in. Y comes in and he tells her to sit. he asks what she wants to drink but she declines and asks why he called. he says how he wants to use her wando idea and but he doesnt feel right proceeding with the idea of an employee who isnt there anymore. I was hoping you would come back to work.  she declines saying the idea belongs to the company anyway. J explains he thinks she impulsively threw her resignation cuz it was so unfair she was accused of stealing the ring but since the misunderstanding was cleared up – come back to work. Y: no I dont want to go back to work. he reminds her how she said she wanted to work there a long time. Y: I did but even if I go back – I dont think I cant work a long time. thank you very much for even asking. while I was working there I couldnt get any acknowledgement but now it feels like I am getting recognition (for my work)…he interrupts and says- ok I will continue to keep acknowledging your work so come back and work. Y: I am sorry but I will decline.

she gets up to leave but he stands too and asks:why dont you listen? cant you just come back and work? she asks why he is like this to her. I am not your employee so why are you talking like this to me? J: what I said yesterday – I’m sorry I will apologize -so please come back and work. Y yells back: I said I didnt want to. J yells back: you said you missed me! you said you wanted to see my face even once. I will give you that chance.  she asks if he heard what she said and he says he did. I ended up hearing it.  

kang comes in saying he interrupted when J was talking to an employee. J says if it’s not urgent he will go to Kang’s office in a few mins. kang says there is no need he only needs a minute.  when are you going to go look at engagment rings. J says today. Y says she will be going so they can continue talking comfortably. after she leaves. kang asks if that employee wasnt the one who came to meet S during MOU but J says sorry but let’s talk later. he leaves to go run after Y. he misses the elevator. *isnt that the same building where they filmed CYHMH cuz I recognize that huge fish tank.

Y’s mom is helping a customer and saying how the windbreaker will be comfortable to wear cuz it’s lightweight. after he leaves, she remembers that embarrassing incident. she mumbles what grapes. girl asks her to eat the snack her grandma sent her. Y’s mom asks what it is and the girl says those expensive grapes but Y’s mom declines (those grapes are seedless and yummy- if you ever have one you are bound to crave them for the rest of your life.  each bundle or cluster of grapes cost around $20 at peak season and half that when it starts to go out of season)

E remembers how Y said she liked J.

E goes and asks the nurse for patient Oh’s chart. other doc says he is envious of E. even tho you are not charming as a doc you must be charming as a guy. E:what are you talking about? nurse says there is a web toon he is the star of. they show him the website with the cartoon drawings of E. both male docs said it must be nice and the other says he is really envious of E

E goes to see the girl and asks if she is patient yang hee joo. H: you still dont know my name when we saw each other for such a long time. E: that’s not it I am talking about the web toon. what is that – why put those up just cuz you feel like it? everyone is laughing at me cuz of you. H: I didnt do that to do that – I just…E: if you didnt it for that then why did you post those up? do you think or not? that web toon – if the director of the hospital happens to see it -did you think how I would look? do you really have nothing to do in the hospital (to do that)? do you have a lot of time left? take down that web toon right now or else move to another hospital. he turns to leave but Y is standing there by the door

E asks what brings her here- did she receive more money and donate it. she says how her mom doesnt feel good (mood wise) after meeting that other doc. I was just wondering if you knew what was going on. E tells her in medical terms how there was a food blockage which obstructed her mom’s oxygen so a heimlich had to be performed. Y asks him to explain it more simply. E: while eating squid it got caught in her throat and after taking it out, she ran off.  she guesses her mom was embarrassed. he says Y could have asked something like this over the phone and didnt need to come find him at the hospital. she says she has something to give him. it’s for the dog cuz after she made E take care of it she didnt pay any enough attention so she is giving E this. E takes it. Y remarks E was too harsh speaking to H like that awhile ago. E: what did I do? Y: over that web toon she put up -you didnt need to make that much of a fuss (scold her so much). be more friendly to her. she is young and on top of that she is a cancer patient. E: if someone is a cancer patient – are you saying I have to put up with everything? Y: what I am trying to say – it wasnt meant that way…E interrupts: since she is sick – no matter what she does -I have to close my eyes for everything? no matter what happens to others – do I have to just put up with it no matter what. Y says his name. E: dont worry about my business and just pay attention to yours. liking a guy who is going to get married. Y:what? in your eyes I look pathetic huh? E: arent you? E walks away from her

J gets a call. S asks if he left yet. he says he hasnt yet and will leave now

Y goes to tango class. she watches the female teacher (Veronica) dancing with some guy and Y claps when they are done. V says there is no class so what brought Y here. Y says she wasnt in a good mood. she asks if she was interrupting. V says the next class is from 9 so she has some free time.  she asks if coffee is ok. Y smiles and says yes if she is offering.

V hands her the drink and Y thanks her. Y says veronica dances really well and asks how long it would take to learn to dance like that. Veronica says around 6 yrs. Y says she cant do that then. V says if Y has a talent then she can get better in a shorter time. do you want to practice?

J goes to meet S to choose engagement rings. S is choosing other pieces of jewelry to wear on her engagement day. J gets up to the door and cant bring himself to open it. he turns around and gets back in his car and drives off. he calls Y

Y is taking lessons with Veronica and another male dancer. V picks up Y’s phone. J asks where she is right now. V says her name. J tells her to put Y on the phone. V says Y cant come to the phone now. he says ok and turns his car around.

V says Y did well that the feel is really good. Y says that’s good cuz she might have to perform with her friend at a hospital event. V asks if it’s with E and says then Y needs to practice a lot. she asks Y to wait here a short time while they go out and eat. Y says she will wait.

J goes in and Y is dancing alone. J quickly walks over to her taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves as he heads over to her. he suddenly holds Y tight and pulls her to him and dances. she pulls away but he just pulls her back to him. omg…..this is so intense. There is no space between them whatsoever. It’s like their bodies melded into one. There is a lot of close contact and looking into each other’s eyes.

he leans in to kiss her but doesnt -just hovering inches away from her. he whispers -if it’s like this – how are you going to stop having feelings.” J leaves as suddenly as he came in.

* without pronouns he could have easily been saying this to himself as well as accusing her of not being able to do it- as in he could be trying to convince himself “how are you going to put a stop to your feelings” = “how could I stop having feelings for you”

S calls J’s phone. she lies to the salesclerk that J’s meeting got longer and chooses the rings herself.

J is waiting in his car outside S’s home and S pulls up and gets out of her car. she walks over to him. S: are you in your right mind – how can you make a person wait over an hour. that you’re meeting ran late or that there was an accident -you should have some excuse! J says in a calm voice and tells her to break off the engagement and the marriage will be called off too. S: are you crazy? J: if I break it off it will hurt your pride so you break it off and protect your pride. S: I dont have a reason to do that. that marriage – it’s the same no matter who I do it with. J: I am giving you a chance first or else I will do it. S: If I tell my father about this talk -what do you think will happen to you? your entire company could collapse. J: it doesnt matter. do whatever you want

S gets a call from her ex. S:why? he says it’s me. where are you now – if you have time I want to see you. she says he has great timing- you suddenly miss me? why so you can pretend to love me again. she tells him not to call again

J remembers his intense dance with Y earlier. then he remembers their moments in okinawa.

Y looks at her bucket list – numbers 19 and 20

next morning J is waiting inside his car outside her home. he was sleeping in there. Y looks at him and he wakes up and gets out of the car. he asks if she slept well. Y: yes – but you didnt by any chance come to see me did you? J: your right – I did come to see you.  he hands her the box. wilson told me to give this to you but I forgot. he said it used to bring him luck but now it doesn’t so he wanted to find a new owner for it. she asks how he knew where she lived. he says cuz he is the Line tour director. you must be on your way out somewhere. she nods and yes. J: get in and I will give you a ride. I have to leave this neighborhood anyway. Y just stands there so he says: if you dont feel like it then you dont have to get in.

J turns and scrunches up his face disappointed and gets in. Y stands there but gets in and says she is going to an amusement park

(* from here on J becomes a whole other person – playful and adorable)

they walk up the steps. J:why were you going to come here alone – what would you have done if you hadnt met up with me. coming to an amusement park alone is a little weird and today I had nothing special to do. he makes some kind of joke and points to his watch. Y: I didnt come here for the rides. J:what did you come to do then? Y:I came to find someone. he asks who. she says her first love. J: your first love?

other doc asks E if the tango lesson are going well. he tells another doc that if E learns to tango he will be more popular with the girls. another doc says women are strange cuz he thinks they should dislike E for being standoffish. other doc says even if girls dont like guys like E on the outside they fall for bad guys. the guy sings “bad guy” so E tells him to stop. the guy says he is doing this cuz he is envious of E. E gets up and leaves

E sees the girl. he tells her if she isnt going to change hospitals he will change doctors. she says wait a minute

they stand outside and talk. she says-my original dream was to be a cartoonist but my dad was against it saying that I couldnt make a living for the rest of my life doing that. now that I think about it – it might be true. I studied really hard and got into (?) school. but after I got in I was diagnosed with cancer. that is when my dad said “from now on do whatever you want as much as you want.” E asks why she is telling him this now. she says -when I was admitted into the hospital I started web toons and the first thing I thought of was you. how you talked was so hateful so since I hated you – I kept thinking of you. E asks if that is the reason why she put up those web toons to make him suffer (to be insulted). she says no- I like you – I like you but I couldnt tell you. just cuz I like you I am not saying I will do anything – cuz as you know I am a patient. I saw in some book -when you die the biggest regret is not even trying and giving up. so I wanted to at least say it. cuz I didnt want to regret when I die. couldnt you go out on a date with me just once? E:that will be a problem. she says she knew that he would say that. you never had a one sided love so you must not know

E goes back to his office and closes his eyes

Y asks where she can find an employee by the name kwon yool. the guy says that kwon works at the zoo side. she thanks him and goes outside where J was waiting and looks at her accusingly. J asks if she wants to be a cheater/player – why are you suddenly wanting to find your first love. Y: cuz I have something to tell him. J: it wasnt too long ago when you said it was your wish to date me before you died  -then you go on a fan meeting to meet kim junsu, but now you come to look for your first love. Y: first love is different – just like the words – a first love is a first love. J: then what about that doctor? you were smiling at him at the hotel- did you introduce him to your mother -why? Y laughs and says – to get my mother remarried – I asked him to introduce someone nice he knows to my mom and if the two of them meet alone- I thought it might be awkward so I asked him to come along. Y walks away. J mutters alone- still couldnt you not look for your first love?

they go to the petting zoo.Y comments to J: so he (kwon) ended up working here. when he was younger he liked animals alot and was a nice kid. J: if you like animals everyone is nice? Y: of course. she stops and stares. it’s “yoolee.” J says sarcastically: his love for animals is something else. kown is holding up a lion cub for kids to pet and Y says he is still cool as ever.  kwon sees her and recognizes her and asks with his face if it’s her so Y smiles at him and nods. J watches that interaction

J sits to the side while she meets with kwon. J moves closer so he can hear. kwon says he is covered with fur hair. kwon says she is the same and Y says he is too. J strains to hear better. Y says: to be honest I liked you a lot – when you wanted to meet I couldnt go cuz my dad got sick suddenly. I didnt stand you up cuz I didnt like you. that always bothered me so I thought I should one day clear up that misunderstanding and it wouldnt be right to wait any more. he says: Y sorry but I used to like H.

J suppresses laughter. kwon: if I told you – I thought maybe you would bring H along so that is why I said let’s meet. J cant hold it in and just laughs.

Y: then you should meet H cuz she isnt married yet. he says how he is married and had twins last month. J gloats

J is in a good mood and rubs it in and asks why she had to go look for her first love. you should have buried it in your heart. how unfortunate. the weather is really great. since we came all this way should we get on some rides? she says she has fear of heights or something. J keeps blocking her path with his arms and says let’s ride some. let’s ride one that isnt scary. then he just grabs her hand and takes her along.

J is so happy during their rides on the merry go round and bumper cars.

H is there with her sister and niece and her niece wants to ride something . H tells her let’s stop riding cuz she is tired but her sister says hurry and ride it with her or else the girl wont go home. her sister says she will wait here and tells them to go and come back. H asks her niece which one she wants to ride

Y and J are leaving their ride. Y complains her butt hurts. J: but doesnt it relieve your stress? J points out she has a loose strand of hair. he says wait a minute and tucks it back in place, but it tickles her. the little girl asks H- isnt that aunt Y? H is stunned to see J and Y laughing together like that. the girl asks Y if J is her boyfriend-he is really handsome. she asks H: isnt he? H seems upset and says I didnt know I would see you two here. have fun. to Y she says – you too

E is eating alone and remembers how Y said – in your eyes I look pathetic huh? E: arent you? the dog is doing something to some books so E goes over and gives him a toy bone

E sits outside Y’s home

J and Y are in his car. Y thinks about H’s reaction. J asks if she doesnt need to eat dinner. Y says she can go home and eat cuz she made delicious bean sprout soup this morning. J: ok then

E is texting Y saying he was too harsh that day. then he changes it to: I came out for work and ended up in your neighborhood by accident. he sees Y pull up with J. she thanks J for today. J: go in. Y: go safely. J gets a call

her mom is drinking soju alone. her mom gives Y a shot to drink. Y asks if it bothers her mom that much to throw up the squid. her mom: how did you find out? Y:anyone can make that kind of mistake. just forget it and I will introduce you to someone better. her mom says it’s ok – at my age who can I meet. Y says how that guy liked her mom cuz she was pretty and said she resembled natalie wood. her mom is still upset how funny she must have seemed -it bothered her that she was older but she did that – how could this happen

J goes to meet S at a bar. he asks why she drank so much alcohol. if my dad hasnt called me yet, it seems like you havent said that we broke up yet and it’s not possible you are this distraught over breaking up with me. she tries to drink but he stops her. she calls him a bad name. S: “protect my pride? so you break it off” that isnt the reason. to be honest you are afraid. if you broach the topic first and get my dad angry the MOU deal will be over that you took such effort to get and that your deals in america, europe will be cut off -isnt that it? J: think whatever you like. S: as planned the engagement will end up happening. the marriage too- I have no plans to break up. and you dont have it in you to break it off. (you dont have the guts/nerve to break it off) J: I dont know the reason why you are doing this. S: you’re funny when you cant even call it off. S gets up to leave

J drives her home and helps her stand cuz she almost fell. she tells him to let go of her. her ex walks over and S freezes in shock. he says how he kept calling her but she wouldnt pick up. he asks if J is the one she is going to marry and introduces himself. J doesnt shake his hand. S tells her ex to turn around and leave. he says: you told me not to go to your dad -that’s why I wanted to meet you. If you are like this then it will be a problem. I texted you my bank account number. he asks J to take good care of S. he smirks and tells S he will be going (her ex plans to blackmail her now-guess extorting money from her is his only means of making a living so this was the first time I felt sorry for S.)

S turns her face away and cries. J asks who he is. S: the man I put my life on the line for and loved -now he is the man who wants to extort that. the love I wanted to have till I died ended like this. she turns to look at J. S: you are fortunate today cuz you got a really good reason to break off the engagement -tell them -“cuz of S’s complicated past – since I found out about her guy troubles – I cant go thru with this engagement” then even my father won’t have anything to say and you will be safe and nothing will happen.

S goes in and cries

J finds out from his lawyer friend what that ex did -how S fell for that guy and how that ex blackmailed Im – when Im got furious and made a big deal, the ex ran off so S jumped down in front of her apt. the accident reported in NY wasnt one-the real truth was a suicide attempt. his friend says he is telling J cuz J seems to want to break off the engagement.

Y tries to call H but H isnt picking up so she leaves a message. H- you arent picking up- did you have fun today -you must have come with your older sister but I didnt get to say hi -tell her I said hi and good night. Y takes out her bucket list and puts a smiley face on number 19. (guess she puts smiley faces on the ones she completed)

J is working out and gets a call. his dad asks where J is. J says he is exercising.kang says J doesnt have time for that. J tells his dad he wont be late. As he is getting dressed, J remembers what S said to him: the love I was going to have till I die ended like this -tell them – “cuz of S’s complicated past – since I found out about her guy troubles – I cant go thru with this engagement” (* the camera deliberately didn’t pan to his abs – guess they thought that tango scene was enough excitement for one episode – they were right)

Kang asks how many guests will attend the engagement from Im’s side. S’s mom says 20 people. Im says: we want to keep it just within family members so by any chance are you upset about that? kang: that’s not it. kang mentions that S doesnt look like she is feeling well today. S: I couldnt sleep well. Im mentions how she is busy cuz the engagement is the day after tm. her brother comments that J is too late. Im tells him how this is traffic time. kang offers to call but her brother asks if J ran off cuz he doesnt want to get married. S tells kang not to call J -he will come when he can.  Im asks her if anything happened with J. S is about the tell the truth but J walks in. kang asks why J was so late.

Y goes to meet H in front of her house. Y says she came cuz H wasnt taking her call -do you want to drink? H says no cuz she has to go back in. Y: are you mad at me? H: why- you dont know why? isnt that why you came here? it’s true that the director helped you with the ring incident isnt it? Y nods yes.  H says you said nothing happened on the trip but you must have done a good job of seducing him. you must have a surprising skill -skill at seducing a guy. this is so pathetic – you know very well he will be engaged the day after tm -cuz he helped you – you like him and want to cling to him. Y nods and says she likes him. H:what? he is a guy who is on the news regarding who he is going to marry. what are you going to do with a person like that?  Y says how she doesnt want to do anything- she just wants to see him -meet him. H calls out her name. Y:I thought about it – will I be able to meet a guy like  him again – a guy who makes my heart race like this – before I die will I be able to meet someone like that again but I dont think there will be one. H:what are you going to do- did he say he will break off his engagement with E and come to you. come to your senses. Y: that doesnt matter. if there is a chance to see him – I will and if there is a chance to meet him – I want to meet him. H: you are crazy -if he gets married. ok meet him but if that guy throws you away – dont come looking for me -cuz this is the end of our 20 yr friendship. H gets up to leave

Y calls out: they say it’s cancer.(her voice breaks as she cries)  I said I have cancer.  H:what are you talking about. Y:  I only have 6 months to live  -no – now it’s only 5 months. H yells: I said what are you talking about. you are lying. Y breaks down crying even more and says: H – I want to love someone -before I die – before I die

since kang is sitting alone on his side when S has her whole family there, kang says being here right now-his heart aches cuz he had to lose his wife ( in korean he said “sent his wife first” meaning she passed away) Im asks why kang didnt remarry cuz kang has many years left to live. kang says this happened cuz he worked too much. Im asks what they think about setting the wedding date for October.  kang says it doesnt matter when with them anytime is ok. isnt that so? he asks J. J says he has something to tell them. I wont go thru with this engagment – of course the marriage too.  kang asks what J is saying now. Im: wait a minute -he asks J:what is your reason for doing this? J: S is too good for me and there will be someone else who will be right for her. I’ll be leaving now. his dad goes after him

kang runs out after J and yells at him to stop.  J says sorry and kang slaps J. Kang: I will clean up your mess somehow so please (cant hear his words cuz they are slurred) J says “father”. kang: do you want to see your dad die? this crazy guy. kang goes back in

H is crying and saying “what do we do” so Y tells her to stop crying. H: how could this happen- how could you not tell me even. Y calls her name. H asks if Y’s mom knows. Y says she couldnt tell her mom – you know how my mom was after my dad passed away. H hugs her and says what do we do- what do we do – my poor Y. Y tells her to stop crying. H asks: did the director say he likes you? Y:I dont know. H: does he know? Y shakes her head no. H tells Y to go – dont be here with me – whatever you do -no matter what –  I am on your side.

Y waits outside J’s home.  she gets a call. J asks where she is. Y:in front of the house. J: I am on my way there now. she clarifies she isnt in front of her home. he pulls up to his home.

he gets out of his car. he is starting to cry. he walks over to her. They stand there looking at each other. Y: KJW shi – should we date? his tears fall as he pulls her into his arms


no preview

* you know I expected to come undone later when J finds out about her cancer – I didn’t expect to bawl so much when Y told her best friend the truth. H’s reaction just floored me cuz that is what you do – when you judge your friend and disapprove and then learn why your friend is doing something wrong – that is what you should do – you drop your condescension and run over and hug her- you hold her hands and cry with her. be her support cuz aside from E, H is the first one to know the truth and now she can really be there for Y.

** someone asked why J was crying – he just broke off his engagement and endangered his company and let down his father all in the name of love – he didnt think he would be brave enough to do it – even S didnt think he had the nerve- but he broke free and that is why he wanted to see Y right away. He stood outside his car and started to get emotional cuz now he is free to love Y – he gets to do what he wants for a change. He gets to hold her in his arms and love someone probably for the first time in his life. Isnt that kind of happiness something he earned tonight and it’s only right that it should elicit a tear or two.

*** if J really realized Y was dying – I would hope he sheds more than just a tear or two. from what transpired on tonight’s episode, he is still clueless about her condition.

142 comments on “Scent of a Woman E8

  1. mizweng says:

    thank you softy… I can’t help but cry too while reading this… this is such a great episode and I can’t wait for the subbed videos… Love this drama so much…


  2. Blue Passion says:

    Dear Softy: I cried reading your recap. I totally agree with you. J cried at the end is because he finally can express his feelings for her without feeling guilty that he has another woman since he ended up his engagement. Both of them are free; therefore, they now can love each other even though both know there are obstacles to face in the future. It is a roller coaster of feelings he is feeling at this time but the only thing that matters is that he can hold her; she is with him at this time. Thank you for making this drama so enjoyable with your recap since I have to wait for the subtitles to follow the plot better. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for everything!!!


  3. angelparaiso says:

    OMG! In the next episode, they totally have to sleep together.. they must!


  4. milynnlieu says:

    the ending is so great ! can’t wait to see next episode.. what is next… !!!


  5. yumi says:

    Thanks so much for the recap.

    Although viki is being ridiculously fast, taking less than a day to do subtitles it seems, I find I still can’t wait. Your recaps really help when watching the raws.

    That tango. Wow.

    I’ve made myself a promise that as soon as I’m finished with school I’m going back to ballroom dancing. SOAW just reminded me how much I love ballroom dancing. Though I must say the foxtrot is my dance. After SOAW I might have to switch my focus to the tang.


  6. Anonymous says:

    since YJ is destined to die in this drama, i am okay with s ending up with jw after her death. the last thing i wanna see is jw being sad for the rest of his life. s isn’t really that bad at heart…


  7. Jomo says:

    Thank you thank you thank you, Softy.
    Fabulous writing all the way through from the intro to the comments at the end.

    I tend to be wordy when I comment here, but today, I.just.can’t.
    This is pretty much my brain, from the start to the end of this episode:
    Oh my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! (repeat)

    See you next time, and thanks, again!


  8. momosan says:

    Thanks Softy! You are a doll. BTW, if anyone wants to know, the tango they danced to is Santa Maria by the Gotan Project –


  9. Sunshine says:

    What an episode. Really leaves you thinking about it.

    I think he knows she is dying. I think he finally put all the pieces together-

    She has mentioned “before I die…” a couple of times. I think it is at least 4 times, but the ones that come to me at the moment are
    -when they were in japan, she mentioned it when she said that he should think of making the experience as if it is someone’s first and last vacation before they die
    -at the pool, she said she wanted to date a guy like him before she died, but was considering not doing it anymore (bcs he was engaged)

    Plus, based on what he heard at the concert, and knowing that she was being seen by the doctor for an illness-I think it all came to him suddenly in the scene in ep 8 where he is getting dressed after working out, and he is remembering what S said “the love I was going to have till I die ended like this.

    I could be totally off, but I think that is why he hugged her so desperately at the end of this episode (of course, in addition to the reasons already mentioned above by everyone-breaking it off, ticking his dad off, potentially losing a huge business deal bcs of the broken engagement, realizing he was free to love her now…)

    Oh, and I know it has already been said, but what a *SMOKIN* tango scene.


  10. Anonymous says:

    I love Y’s character but I think it is unethical and selfish to draw someone into a relationship without full disclosure about something as serious as a terminal disease. As lousy as J’s relationship was with his fiancee, he broke up to be with Y – not knowing that they would only have a few months together. I am sure that we will see an intense love story but I think that some up front honesty would have been appropriate.


  11. houstontwin says:

    I think that my last comment somehow didn’t make it! I was saying that I am uncomfortable that Y has not disclosed her situation to J. Is it ethical to begin a relationship without full disclosure.


    • anon says:

      I completely agree. It’s incredibly selfish of her to bring him into a situation of loving a dying person without letting him know. She wants to love before dying, I empathize but truly loving someone sometimes means letting that person go. Easier said then done, I know. I’m think if she truly loved she would try hard to protect his heart from the heartache of losing her.

      That said though, I can’t think of where (in the episodes so far) it would have been a good time for her to tell him, “btw, I have cancer. I have 6mo to live.”

      I do wish the last scene didn’t end with her asking if they should start a relationship. She should have said “I have something to tell you” and him holding on to her while crying because either for the forementioned reasons or because he somehow found out she was dying. It would have been more touching don’t you think? Because up until that point, she had not told him that she liked him yet (he felt it, he overheard but never heard it directly from ‘the horses’ mouth’ as some say) So the cliff hanger would have been what was she ready to tell him? that she likes him? that she is sick? that she can’t persue a relationship with him? and of course on his end, his response would still be the same and we would wonder what does he know? why is he so emotional?


      • yumi says:

        As an audience member we know this is a drama, but the to characters inside the drama this is real life.

        I don’t think her behavior is unethical

        As I see it

        1) As far as she knows he’s engage and will be marrying someone else soon (okay, dating someone who is attached to someone else is unethical)
        2) She has no idea how he feel about her. At this point all she knows is he wants her and she wants him.
        3) For all she know she is someone who is disposable to him..
        4) If she knew the choices he had made to be with her and how serious his feeling are–then perhaps he has earned full disclosure.
        5) I just don’t think you have to tell someone on a first date that you have web feet, or cancer. I say wait until you know what the relationship is.
        but. . .
        6) She probably won’t tell him until she has to. She still hasn’t told her Mom.


        • Mari says:

          Good analysis!!
          I agree that she thinks it is just a fling for him because he come and go as he wishes without real consistency. He even answers his dad about picking the ring. She must think he is really into the marriage.
          Although it is still not right to date an engaged man, she may think it will be a sweet memory for her, and short memory for him.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Didn´t watch yet but just reading your recapped makes me cry!! Thank you for sharing to a non korean speaking person like me!!! thank you!


  13. xXMzSmilesXx says:

    OMG your a life saviour thank you so much. :3


  14. Iviih says:

    Lmao until now I’m thinking on that tango scene. He going in her direction, hlding her RAWWR! SO SEXY/ HOT/INTENSE!

    LOL LOL I held my breath XD, my heart stopped beating for some seconds, and then started to beat so fast and loud xD that was INTENSE.
    This scene is much more worthy than some kiss/hugs scenes….


  15. Mari says:

    Thank you very much Softy for your live transcap and insight!
    You are wonderful!


  16. Softy…
    omg… this episode is my fave one… the tango scene was a KILLERRRRR!
    even hotter than any bed scene… >____________<


    • my comment got cut

      when he took off his suit, and came toward yeon jae, i jst cant breathe… ;AAAAAA;
      i demand a super hot kissing scene laterrrr
      and i was bawling at the scene with her friend.. T_________T
      jinwook and his cute facial expressions were just too cute.. hahahaha…
      and ofcourse. my babu eun seok… he has no chance..


  17. mini me says:

    Are Y selfish for not telling J, I dont think so. To me their relationship is fate from the beginning (dramatic kind of fate:). J will know when the time come. It is the entangled of two life-the one with no meaning who just go with the flow(J) & the one who want to grab life as much as she can(Y). I love it when Y show J , what life is all about.It change J to be a better person. J is nothing without Y & Y is uncompleted without J. O, LOVE let the journey begin:) Love the recap,thank U 🙂


  18. Iviih says:

    hohohoh the tango scene!!!!!! XD

    ok, now, go get a room! XD


    • Iviih says:

      If anyone is searching the song here:

      Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre) by Gotan Project



    • MJShinshi says:

      oy vey…find a room!! totally can cut the smexual tension with a knife in this tango scene!! where was R and V to witness these two dancing!? 🙂
      I want to know the Im family’s reaction to J cancelling engagement/marriage. Who wouldn’t cancel his engagement or have second thoughts after that tango?!?? lol I have a feeling that J’s Mom is from a humble upbringing and took J there for some life lesson. So J never really cared much for his father’s wealth/job after she died and really has no ambition but go with the flow….follow the puppet master, his father. we shall find out in coming eps but I enjoy reading all the thoughts on J’s dad’s bg and their relationship.


    • Anonymous says:

      Did anyone else notice that he forgot the jacket he practically tore off when he went to dance with her? After the dance he leaves, goes to his car, and then magically has it again later.

      Hey, if I was one of the P.D.’s or folks working on editing, I would have forgotten after EP 8’s smoldering Tango scene!


      • MJShinshi says:

        I noticed that too! After his hot and heavy Tango number with Y he walked out without a jacket. Then next scene J walked out of his car to meet S and he’s got his jacket on, all proper as if he didn’t just Tango-ed up Y down in the tango classroom!! LOL still breathing heavily like ’em everytime I watch that scene even goosebumps 😉 kdrama is getting creative in avoiding being censored! love it! 🙂
        thanks for the video iviih I can easily replay whenever…or until the next smoking hot scene, now that they will be dating… looking fwd for more..haha!


      • REBEL SOULS says:

        I noticed too 🙂 I was like dude you forgot your jacket back there. Usually after a take the actor will remember stuff like that -that he had a jacket on and needs to have it for the retake but after they yelled cut for that tango, I dont think even LDW was in the right frame of mind to remember a jacket so I guess we have to cut him some slack 🙂


    • yumi says:

      Here is that same scene from a different angle. More dance less foreplay. The production made the right choice.

      Not sure how to imbed.


  19. nn says:

    I think J will be angry at Y for not telling him the truth and using him.


  20. Ella says:

    Like S said if he break off the engagement their company will collapse so that means at the middle of the plot he has to decide whether to let his fAther’s company collapse that he work so hard over the years And just be with Y or he will try save the company and apologize to S dad or just be with Y and not care bout anything…….. WhAt u think?????


    • Jomo says:

      Once he finds out the limited time he has with Y, JW may just ask for a sabbatical.
      How could his father say no? There is the whole back story about JW’s mom dying young, so JW apa will be slightly sympathetic, hopefully.


    • Josina says:

      I have a teensy tiny problem with a business man whose only recourse to save the company is to marry off his son….


    • yumi says:

      I think in the coming week we are going to find that J has a very complicated relationship with his father.

      the drama a laid down some bread crumbs for us to follow.
      1) at the beginning of this drama J seems like he is suffering from low level depression, and has no interest in anything. He isn’t even interested in wasting his father money or throwing his weight around.
      2) the story he told in Japan in response to the tree, about living with his Mom and walking down a road and then being taking away.
      3) His response to S’s skepticism about him knowing what it is like to be poor and hungry. “If you were going to do a back ground check you should have done a through one”
      4) His relationship to his father lacks familiarity–to my mind.

      I think as the series goes on we’ll find out more about his background that will explain his action.


      • sobohomom says:

        Sorry, yumi, I didn’t see this before. I feel the same way.


        • monet says:

          with the story of J with his father, it kinda reminds me of the book and movie Love Story by Erich Segal. . . where Oliver has a strained relationship with his dad. . . but with Jenny’s illness, it brought them together. . . . . do you think it will be like this in Scent of a Woman? Y will be the bridge between father and son to fix their realtionship. . . that will be her legacy to him – – – to live his life to the fullest and his new found relationship with his dad. .

          love Kim Sun Ah and Lee Dong Wook together. Aja!


          • yumi says:

            It’s hard to predict because the series hasn’t provide much insight into J’s relationship with his father.

            If you compare what we know about relationship between Cha Ji-heon and his father in Protect the Boss, to what we know about J and his father relationship SOAW, the difference is similar to the difference between Mt. Everest and a anthill.

            With no knowledge it is hard to predict.


  21. Josina says:

    Thank you heaps and bunches Softy, I have no words right now but am just so grateful that I can read your words and watch the Korean version instantly.

    I’m basically watching this for KSA – usually I would give a Big C drama a wide berth. For me she’s just a guarantee that the subject will be treated with the respect it deserves, with lots of bitter sweet moments and playful interludes with the male lead.

    Yes, she seems likeable as an individual but she also seems extremely professional – I was watching how they filmed the bed scene from City Hall (what? What? It’s educational) and she went from discussing the ins and outs of what was required for the scene to passion within a heart beat – very, very impressive.


  22. Anonymous says:

    Maybe I’m the only one that belive that Y’s mom is going to end up with JW’s dad. I mean they both lost there love ones early on, and neither of them have been able to let go of that memory. Yet I feel there is more to JW back story that needs to be reveal for us to fully understad were this drama is heading towars. Because it seems he was deeply afected by his mother’s death and thats why he lives/lived in such a detached way. I want so much to see next week-end preview .


  23. Jewels says:

    I saw two awesome things today, Iguassu Falls and this episode of SOAW. I almost suffocated from holding my breath from the intense tango scene. It almost look like they were making out right in front of my eyes… Excellent acting. Untouchable chemistry!

    Thanks so much Softy for the transcap, the internet sucks at the hotel I’m staying in Brazil, and it’s taking me 6 hours to watch one episode. Your transcap is my lifesaver!!!!!



    • Iviih says:

      lol the internet on Brazil isn’t that great, right? I know, It’s here I live … lol and I suffer while waiting to the video load… hope you are having a great time here^^


      • Jewels says:

        So far I’m having a great time. First time in South America. Love learning about the history and tasting the foods of the region. I’ve been to Rio, Iguacu and will be visiting the Argentina side of the falls, Salvador and Sao Paulo before heading home.

        Regarding the internet, I was very surprise at how slow it was, last year I was in Mainland China, and had no problem when I thought I would.


  24. sobohomom says:

    I think that there’s something strange about the relationship between JW’s mother and father. During the 3 episode in the countryside, JW mentioned that when he was a kid he lived in a rural area and had a flashback in which he was playing with his mother under a tree. Yesterday, he told his fiancee that she didn’t know what it was like to be poor and hungry and when she said, neither do you, he remained silent.

    In today’s episode during the engagement dinner, his father talked about “loosing” his wife. JW didn’t look at him and remained silent–and later his father slapped him and called him, “bastard.” I think that JW’s parents weren’t married and that he was raised at least as a little kid by his mother, and lived in relative poverty. That’s why he’s able to relate to well to Y, and seems to enjoy simple pleasures–both in Okinawa and in the amusement park.


    • yumi says:

      I just posted something along those lines.

      There is more complication to JW relationship with his father that the drama has told us so far, but it has left a few breadcrumbs for us to follow. I didn’t give much weight to the “bastard” I figure that was just something you say when you want to hurt/insult a person, usually male.


      • sobohomom says:

        Yes, but “bastard” is such a strange thing to call your own child. It would be like a mother calling her son a “a son of a bit*h”.


        • houstontwin says:

          Hi sis, you didn’t respond to my comment about whether or not Y’s behavior was ethical. I was just wondering what your thoughts were


          • Softy says:

            Sorry if you weren’t asking me and someone else, but just in case can I reply? Do I think it was unethical not to tell J that she has cancer? Of course not – not as this point. If you heard her answer to H’s question, “does he like you?” Y’s reply was she didn’t know. She has no idea J has fallen in love with her so she never allowed herself any hope to nab him. Depending on the next eps when she clearly knows he is in this for the long haul and NOT just as a fling, then yes she does need to come clean cuz I believe he has a right to know what he has gotten himself into. if she never tells him until he finds out on his own and then she dies, I am ok with that too. Why? Cuz like she said from day one, she lived a pretty miserable life denying herself nice things and working so hard at that company. She was mistreated all the way and if anyone deserves some happiness before she dies, Y does. She should be allowed to be selfish just once in her life cuz she doesnt have much time left before it’s over. She shouldnt have to spend the rest of her time alone trying to convince herself she did the ethical thing in telling him the truth cuz she will die miserable. If she tells him now, there is a good chance he will run off scared or it could go the other way too, but she shouldnt take that risk of losing him cuz then she will die with regrets. By making J open his eyes and heart to the world around him and for being the catalyst for him to have courage to defy his father and break off that engagement, Y earned the right to die in his arms. And if she chose the right guy, he knows that too and will be there holding her as she takes her last breath.


          • sobohomom says:

            Sorry, houstontwin, I didn’t see your comment. Is her behavior ethical? Well, generally, she’s a thoughtful person, but she’s blinded by her own out-of-control emotions–that if she doesn’t seize love now, she will die missing out on that central life experience. That blind spot leads her to participate in unethical behavior–but I think that morally you’d have to forgive her, since she’s unable to recognize the consequences of her actions.


  25. Anonymous says:

    E totally saw J in the begining of this episode….. and yet he took Y and left, looked so cool in that moment.


    • yumi says:

      I wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.

      During that scene they had E and Y look towards what seem like J direction but no acknowledgement was made of that.

      Perhaps a cloak of invisibility come with bionic hearing.


  26. Iviih says:

    Hm, some think Y should be honest and tell J about her having cancer. And that she is selfish, and that if she really loves him she will tell the truth and not be selfish, but I disagree that she should tell him about having cancer, they aren’t even really dating yet, she likes him a lot, but I don’t think it’s love yet. It’s very close but not love. I think when their feelings be more and more strong and deep of course she will feel bad and will want to tell him about her being sick, she can even do the famous

    ” I-don’t-want-to-hurt-you-so-that’s-why-I’m-dupping-you-before-you-know-I’m-dying ”

    I hope she doesn’t do this: when they are really in love, and she confirms she really loves him, she get the idea of dumping him making her look bad – just because she thinks breaking up with him making he believe she is a bad woman and that he should forget her is the best option than knowing she is dying. I hate this kind of plot…. ><


    • Iviih says:

      Oh sorry I meant by dupping = dumping.


      • Anonymous says:

        Beside she(Y) is asking him to date without a confeccion of his part(J), heck she does’nt even know he isn’t getting engaged, neither did she ask him to break his engagement. He did it because he felt sufocated with it from a start and Y just made him realize just how much he was giving up.


    • So3 says:

      Totally agree with you here.

      Up to the end of this episode I can’t find any appropriate moment for Y to tell J about her condition. Just as someone mentioned above, why should Y inform J about her condition when they’re not in any sort of relationship (not colleagues, not really friends)? And it’s not like Y can manipulate on J’s heart on her own wish. Love is a mutual thing after all (plus they pretty much grew their affection for each other at the same rate and same time) and no one can time it.

      And how much do I hate the dump-you-because-i-don’t-want-to-hurt-you plot. So is Y doing any good to J if she does not confess her feelings to him first? I think J would be much more painful. What I foresee is, Y will probably tell J about her condition in the next episode. I have faith in this writer-nim.


  27. Iviih says:

    OMG, I’m so unpolite! I’m so sorry Softy, everytime I get too excited and forget to thank you!!

    Thanks a lot Softy for recapping SOAW…. I love to read your recaps and your thoughts about it, I like your insights and thoughts ^^

    Thank you a loooooooooooot!

    You have such a good taste, always picking the dramas that are my fav at the moment. Heheheheh ❤


  28. Ella says:

    Thanks for ur awesome recap:)))


  29. Anonymous says:

    I’m waching the raw version now, and may I say that Y KNOWS how to pick boys. How come no one mention how fine and hot her first love was?… He is so cute.


  30. chia says:

    thank youuuu Softy!!!!!!!!
    you complete my weekend ^__________^
    when i know from the first time about the cast (kim sun ah and lee dong wook) in SOAW, i knew it would be great drama.
    i just love kim sun ah since MNIKSS, city hall, she’s on duty.
    She’s awesome!!!
    i hope SOAW will get higher rating. it’s really deserve, isn’t it?!


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