Can You Hear My Heart E22

Every scene resonates with pain and resentment…usually I get to do some happy scenes in between all the serious stuff but this one is pretty much 95% all drama. I cried over the ending so much I am beginning to wonder if I have it in me to keep this up till the end…
*thank you m_s for the screencap 🙂
Can You Hear My Heart E22
D goes in to ask to visit M he asks if anyone else visited and the clerk says he cant give out that info
after M yells at T to bring his father
M: bring choi who made me this way
M: T -bring my father choi
T: dad? being able to say that word so easily with your own mouth- it really is like you
that’s why they say ppl like you are (?)…to save yourself-throw away their child, family, and just sticking to just anyone
(this was the first insult choi directed at young M and now she is throwing these words back at him)
M: do you have the right to say that
to avenge choi – you made me your son
and when you didnt need me anymore you threw me away
but you are calling me (?)
you are the same
T: I’m not – I never threw you away
you are the one who changed not me
the kid who said let’s go till we die
this is all you can handle? why? you said you would come in here with your own feet but now that you came in -you feel like it’s unfair?
how dare you call choi father in front of me?
M: who is the one who made me like this?
T: dont make excuses – being in jail a few days is that stifling?
are you that outraged by being tricked by me for 16 yrs
then what about my son D
cuz of choi who you call father
for the rest of his life – he is trapped living in hell which is more stifling than this jail-what about D? for 16 yrs – no for the rest of his life he has to live not hearing anything-what about my D?
even when I told him you were choi’s son-D- who just worried about you
he told me to go beg for forgiveness from you -from choi’s son
he told me to go and get your forgiveness
now do you know? we didnt throw you away-this time also-you threw us away
it’s not too late- come back to me J
M: so you can dupe me again? for whose sake do I have to go back?
T: of course it’s for your sake
M: not for D? T- dont play around with me anymore
why? do you regret your mistakes now? you didnt know D would react that way huh?
you shouldnt have made me D’s hyung
if I tell him he will give up on getting revenge against choi
should I try it? like you played around with me all that time
should I play around with D your son? 
T: you better not mess with D – I will kill you
M: i’m afraid – if I want to live- I have to kill you and D first-ok – look forward to it
T: you think it am going to lose to someone like you?
M: dont waste your energy and go to your son
without me he cant do anything-he should at least have his mom by his side
M walks away
T: that’s right try killing me – you are a criminal’s son so of course you have to do that-
you dirty kid
M glares at her
S and choi are in the car
S tells the driver to hurry and drive faster
she yells how choi could live in the same house and not know his son and put him in there-how is he going to face M-my poor child 
choi says turn the car around and go back home
S yells they need to get their son out first and tells the driver to keep going
choi tells her to shut up
she says choi cant act like this to her now – if M knows…
but choi warns: if you say one more word I am going to throw you out of the car
D is waiting and T comes out
she asks why he isnt at work
he asks about hyung
she says :hyung? dont call him that- J said he would kill you
T: J threw you and me away and chose choi
guard says J isnt having any visitors except lawyers
T : you saw right? come to your senses and think about saving yourself
J said that – that you couldnt do anything at all without him
D: what he said was right -all this time he did everything for me
T: you think he did that for your sake? he did it cuz he was shameless
on the outside he acted like he was doing a good thing but inside he was putting you down and stepping on you
D tells her not to (?) him – she was the one who did something wrong so dont slander hyung’s sincerity
T: sincerity?
D: in saipan you dragged me to the edge of the cliff and made me talk again
but hyung was the one who made me live like a person-if it wasnt sincerity he wouldnt have been able to do it for all those years
 i dont know what will happen between us from here on but I dont want to lose that too
T: he said killing you was his objective-like choi J is driven by money-he wont end with just getting WK-he is more ruthless than choi
W shows up
T:who is this? it’s M’s younger sibling
D takes W’s hand and says let’s go
T yells at him to stop
T asks what D is going to do with a girl like this
D takes W away again
D watches W in his rearview mirror
she keeps sighing deeply
he makes a sarcastic comment about her deep sighs
W asks what happened with M
D says he has to be in there and for the time being -let’s not talk about hyung
hyung doesnt want to see you or me -do you want to have an unrequited love
just leave out J hyung and from here on – let’s just like each other
he holds her hand
saying it’s dangerous she puts it back on the steering wheel
D tells her not to do that too (reject him) or else he wont hold her hand again
he holds it again
S slaps T’s  face
choi to T:what should I do with you
T tells him to just be patient like she lived being patient
choi: you are saying you knew M was my son and took him away
T: sorry – i wanted to raise him differently than you two but blood cant be tricked
choi asks: it’s a lie that D lost his memory isnt it? how much does he know?
T says that choi needs to make S shut her mouth since T and choi are still husband and wife-if rumors go out that my husband is involved with a servant -it will ruin choi
choi throws her aside:do you have proof?
he mentions something about what T had been doing
you put D out in front and planned to get WK back
T:why? you think I cant? you are looking at D too easily (like he is easy competition)
i’m going to warn you -dont mess with a kid who is only being patient
WK- what you got with blood on your hands- in one moment it can be taken from you
Choi says something about now that she got J taken away something something
dont just use words – try it if you think you can-in return before that you are going to end up paying for what you did to my child
W goes home with D and NBs and SC are talking inside with Y and grandma
D cant hear thru the door so only W knows what the conversation is about
they are saying that M is choi’s son and SC says they cant forget that D is a very bad guy for hiding the fact that M is J
W suggests eating somewhere else cuz everyone is preoccupied with M
D: it’s not like I am never going to see these ppl again
I will go after seeing your dad for a minute
-if he doesnt give me food I will just fill up on insults
Y pushes everyone to get out (cuz Y doesnt want to hear them say bad things about D)
D bows to them and Y is happy to see D
NB’s wife hits Y saying didnt you just hear SC say that milky faced guy is bad but you forget that
D bows and says “sorry”
SC drags W away to talk
NB tells D: just go – if we hate you then we just end up sinning
also if you want to apologize – dont show up in front of our family
tell M that we dont want to see him again
Y yells at NB- why are you like that? I am going to live meeting M
NB explains to Y: our whole family is starving – and D has all this food and is hiding it from us and didnt give it to us for 16yrs and then right before we died of starvation
he put out the food and said “here is the food”-is this something to be thankful for?
Y: but he gave it to us after all so we should be grateful
D: no I was wrong-even tho I knew my brother was M -I couldnt tell you
please forgive me
NB says they cant forgive
his wife says she will destroy D
(what happened to her crush? how can she say that to his cute face)
grandma says everyone is being too loud and tells NBs to go down and invites D in
SC yells at W: are you in your right mind? do you want to bring him here on a day like today? dont misunderstand – I am not saying this as a guy but as your friend
W: as a friend I will say one thing -you dont misunderstand and listen
i am not taking D’s side without a reason – he must be upset too finding out M is choi’s son but thinking of my dad he came so I am grateful
SC: are you only grateful? you must think he is cool too
you must like this but I cant watch this anymore-acting like he didnt know when he knew all along we were looking for M -that was him looking down on us – I cant put up with that
SC goes up but she stops him
W: you dont know everything well so why are you like this? the reason why he couldnt say ….
SC yells at her that it makes him more angry cuz she is like this
he is dead – ya CDJ-
W tries to stop him so he tells her to let go
grandma pats D’s hand as he sits on his knees in front of her
she says what to do cuz his whole household must be loud
but dont hate my M and pity him and I dont have much to say about S
D: i came to apologize -also grandma dont worry- I dont know about other things but between hyung and me it wont get bad
she holds his hand more and says : growups have a lot of sins so you guys hearts are suffering-at a young age losing her mom W is misfortunate -meeting the wrong father you too are misfortunate-because his grandma was lacking – at the age of 30 not knowing who his mom and dad -my baby M is misfortunate
she cries so D promises to do better
Y tells them not to cry cuz he wants to cry now
SC comes in and drags D out
grandma asks what SC is doing but he says dont stop him-if they take D’s side SC will get angrier
SC drags him out
W wants to go but Y says he will go after them cuz SC is mad
SC says: you have to get hit by me today
he is about to throw his punch but D says
ok – hit me -it’s ok so hit me- I’ll just get hit a few times and pass out
SC: how can there be a guy like this – if you say that you think I wont be able to hit you?
D hits first
D: satisfied now? hit me
SC: you must have fought before
SC hits D back
Y says dont hit D and pulls SC off
SC: he hit me first -dont be tricked – he looks tame but he is a total gangster
Y: ok go go
and pushes SC away
SC: you better know that you lived today cuz of ahjusshi
Y : are you hurt?
D: no
Y: normally SC is really nice but his fists dont listen to him
that’s why while he was in school he always got in fights so when you meet SC run away and dont fight him
D: i dont want to – now if someone wants to fight me I am going to fight back
I was going to keep holding it in (being patient) but his heart is too frustrated
Y: you shouldnt be frustrated and you shouldnt fight-what to do
D:what should I really do? someone I like alot -I kept telling him not to play with bad ppl – but he wont listen to me-what do I have to do at times like this?
Y asks: is my M playing with bad ppl?
D: what?
Y: my M is the nicest but he doesnt listen to me
Y takes D’s hand
so my M wont play with bad ppl tell them to “go” -will you?
M gets out of jail and a mob of gangster looking guys in suits greet him
the guy who helped put him in says that cuz of M he looks foolish
and says how choi said J is the rightful head of WK etc -cant understand those ppl
M: dont try to understand since the way they live is different
seeing the sun it’s making me dizzy- I can go right?
M gets in the car and looks scary again
D goes to work with W
MS asks about J but D talks about work
MS says the person said he or she would call
she asks about J again but D says to make an appt for tm
and tells W to come in his office
MS asks W about J again:what happened with J? dont you know either?
W says she doesnt know too and D calls W into his office
MS tells herself she is wrong there is no way W could be pianist
D is holding the hackysack and watching W
she is looking thru something and cleaning the desk with her sweater sleeve
D throws his hackysack over to her
asking her to sing if she is bored cuz she sings well
W says she is embarrassed to death being cooped up in here
I will just go to the botanical garden home later (and not stay in the office)
D: go there – why? did you think I brought you here cuz I wanted to be with you
W: if you didnt never mind
D:you are a hostage
I’m holding you here in case J hyung calls you
dont look at me and just look at your phone
W:how can he call me from in there?
D gets a call from the lawyer and asks him to send a text instead
(D looks over at W to see if she suspected anything but W pretends to be cleaning the desk again and acting like it’s not weird that he didnt take the call like normal)
D gets the text
W asks if it’s good news or bad
he says he has to meet J
M goes to meet choi
choi:what should I do for you? what can I do for choi’s son to compensate
for living unfairly for the past 30yrs
M: give me what is most precious to you
that way I can believe I am your son
choi: kid I didnt even know was born – showing up after 30 yrs
asking for what his father shed blood for the sole reason that he is my son
M: since I am choi’s son I should get that much
choi: if you were that greedy you should have found me sooner
not too long ago you have a knife to your father’s throat -what is the reason you have this change of heart?
M: I didnt want to live as choi’s son but even tho I ran away – in the end I was still your son -what do I do? no matter how much I wished it wasnt true – I am your bloodline
if there is a person who is pointing and telling me I am dirty and (?)
instead of making them understand I thought it would be faster to break those fingers
you are going to help right? father
choi: if you have any resentments or hatred towards me throw it all away here and go
I didnt even know you were born, but after I found out you had already disappeared
from the minute I found out you were my son M – i didnt forget you even once
M: not knowing and committing a sin isnt a crime -it’s a mistake , but knowing and committing a sin something I cant forgive – ever
choi says he will help M with whatever he wants
M: yes father from now I on I will only trust you
S is cooking for M
M shows up
and ignores her
she says she is his mom
he pours water and she says she will do it
he asks her to remove her hand
S: it’s still awkward isnt it?
from here on she promises to do everything
what I wasnt able to do all this time – mom will do all of it
M: I’m already passed the age where I need a mom – a cook can make food so what can you do for me kim shinae shi
S: i can do anything at all that I can do with my heart
M: if I receive your heart it only becomes a burden and baggage
choi walks in and asks:what are you doing?
M tells choi -knodding his head towards S
dad – now we dont need her
S reminds him she is his mom
S gets dragged away by the guards
S yells:you cant do this – what I had to go thru to have you -choi told me to abort you but I had you -if it wasnt for me – you wouldnt be in this world -maru-just cuz you do this -you are my child – i gave birth to you
choi you think I will just stand by and let this happen
they drag her away
choi and M decide to eat what she prepared since it’s already made
T hears that M is with choi and choi canceled all his appts till tm
T says since choi met his son after 30 yrs they need time together
he asks about all the stuff in J’s name and if she is going to let it go to him
she says it’s a waste but something about D’s anger and says leave it alone
T: the game will be over if D acts-if J does something about D’s anger- the game could end sooner
W is taking food to D and gets a call
M calls her
he asks if she can hear the waves-doesnt it sound good?
she calls him M and he says he is J
she says dont kid around and asks where he is
M:where are you?
she says at the office
M:are you with D
she says yes- wait and she will put D on the line
M says: dont put him on 
M:I called cuz I wanted to hear your voice
W: D is really worried about you -in case you might call
he wont even let me go home
M:will you come here?
W: i cant go alone – I will go with D -where are you?
M: i only want to see you
W: oppa why are you like this -let’s meet first
reconcile with D -what difference does it make whose kid or whose son
you have to meet D first before me
M: W I only want to see you
W: oppa dont do this…
M sighs deeply and throws his phone
D comes out of his office
he asks where she went and she holds up the drinks and food
he asks her to be his secretary/assistant from now on
D: i like that you are next to me -let’s eat
while D is unpacking the food W says aloud
W: J is stupid-he has two people he likes here- hope you are hungry somewhere
isnt that right?
D didnt hear any of that
she stares at him
he looks up and asks:what are you looking at?
W: cant I even look?
D: how old are you?
she says 25-why?
he says he is 29
W: why are you being old fashioned with age (cuz she has been speaking informally to him all this time)
he asks why she dresses so tacky like that and why something else is new
she shoves bread in his mouth
W: sorry “one who is 4 yrs older than W”
D worries that J is starving somewhere
W: the more I see you you’re like a dummy-she calls him “nuh” which is informal
so he repeats “nuh?” and shoves bread in her mouth
D:what did I say about that mouth? that you could eat, blow on the toy piano and what else?
W: aaaaaaahhh – that….she puckers and goes closer
D backs off and says “ya – move away”
she backs him up against the wall and jumps to lightly kiss him on the lips
W:should I not speak informally?
D grins and they smile at each other
D and MS are talking work and says let’s go together to some place
he looks over at W talking about work and product samples
he asks if she didnt see his text about eating lunch
she says she was busy selling products so she just saw it a few mins ago
he says hyung didnt call him yet for a few days so is she going to do this too
MS watches them from a distance
W: if you wait he will call
D: wahhhh you are strong
W: i waited 16 yrs -i dint even blink over this much
just cuz you worry he wont call so just work hard
he asks again to eat lunch again
a girl calls out for D but he didnt hear it so W nods her head over to the girl
W: you sure are popular – hurry and go
and motions to him to go to the girl
he says he has to go to the factory so she has to leave work alone
MS asks W if she wasnt dating/choosing J (but she didnt use the word dating it was just implied)
nam comes up
W: did the classs about massage end already i thought there was time left
nam says she ended early and if W wants – she offers to give personal lessons at W’s home but W says its ok cuz it would be too much trouble for nam and says she will have the lesson here and go
nam yells at W: forget it-you dont have the right to be a beauty planner -you dont have any foresight- be careful
W calls after her but MS asks her to talk with her
W gets a call
MS sees the name and tells her to pick up
M: now you are not even calling
W: you dont even answer -where are you?
M: dont tell D and meet me for a short time-will you come?
W: tell me where you are
MS tells D that J must like W alot cuz he hasnt called them but he only calls W
MS: that was J calling her
M complains about the meat burning cuz the fire is too strong and asks for more meat to be brought and the champagne from the fridge
he has a feast set out for W
W shows up
he says he sent someone to pick her up at the bus stop didnt she meet that person
she asks what he is doing here and he says a party
he pours her champagne
he says it taste good when its cold-let’s drink and asks her to toast
(clink glasses and say “cheers”) 
W: do you have any soju – i like soju
M: dont do that and try it -it tastes good
but she says what’s the point since she wont be drinking it again and asks for soju
he gets a guy to go out and buy some
M: do you need anything else? ask for anything
she asks if he called her to show him being this way
M: yes you need to get used to this now too
now I am no longer your brother M and I am not CDJ’s hyung J either
it’s still new for me cuz at the age of 30 – I’m living my third life
she asks if that is the only way for him
M: why? all I did was find my place that belonged to me from the start
W:then you should have told me sooner
if you had told me you already made up your mind like that I wouldnt have come all this way on the bus
she gets up to leave
he tells her to sit
W: it’s good at least cuz you look like you are ok
she walks off but he stops her
M: did I steal someone else’s place -to you he was your enemy but choi is my father-I met my father after 30 yrs-i’m receiving what I didnt get from him
and I get to live with some (support/benefit?)- am I doing something that wrong
she says if his heart is comfortable living like this then do it but I am uncomfortable here
I have to go to D who is  
worried that you might be scarred over this
worried about you more than his own work
i am going to go to D and tell him that you are living well
and tell him not to worry like a fool-live well
M yells out for her to stop
M: can you only see D -you think D is the only one who is having a hard time?
W:that’s right – cuz I am naive and not smart-someone like you who is complicated – I dont know what you’re thinking
if you are worried you run to them
whether you see them or not – like a fool- when you are sad you shed tears
hyung hyung J hyung all day long D worries about you
that is who I am comfortable with
Like dad-like CDJ- I like the fools you hate
in my eyes I see you as a bad person-I’m not going cuz I dont like you-
I am running away cuz I am scared-dont hold onto me again
M finally lets her go
D saw all that from a distance
D is in the house waiting for M
D throws him the other mitt
he says he came to play catch
M asks if D came with W
D says like she promised M she didnt tell him anything
let’s go outside -we have to talk after you are tired otherwise to be honest I lose
M: should I be honest?
what is so great about you CDJ? you act like you (can do anything?) you act like you are honest -you have too many things you “act like”
but since ppl fall for it – do you like it? cuz you are living like that – are you sure you are not mistaken that you really are? why am I always the bad guy-why do you lie more than me and get to live hearing you are a good person?
D: leaving mom out of it
tell me the reason why I have to hear those things from you right now-
you know since you taught me -just from reading lips – you cant understand everything -you have to have foresight and read the other person’s expression but I cant see well what you are saying right now- i dont know about in front of other ppl but I never “acted” in front of you-leaving out mom -tell me what I did wrong to you!
M walks towards D: then look carefully- what you did wrong was you-you are T’s son
like I lived for the past 16yrs before I knew I was choi’s son
like me- you live being hated without any reason
D asks why do we have to do that? hyung- dont you think it’s unfair?
then from now on -you are going to hate me for being T’s son and I have to hate you choi’s son? let’s not do that hyung
D reaches out for him, but M steps away
M: dont do that? dont do what?
can you say that to me if you get everything you have taken away
D: hyung
M: hate me -you will end up doing that
I am going to take everything from you
get out of my home
W is worried and grandma checks in on her asking when W came in
W says she thought the grandma was sleeping
she asks if W ate and W lies and says she ate meat – cant you smell it on my clothes?
she feeds W
grandma says W will get indigestion from eating so fast – thought you said you ate meat?
W says she likes grandma’s side dishes more than meat
grandma: dont work so hard earning money or you will get old quickly like me
W: you are not old – on my day off should I color your hair so you can look like an ahjumma?
grandma: coloring hair – your mom was good at it but all you do is get it everywhere
W gets sad for a minute then recovers: that’s true – why didnt I take after her and be good with my hands?
is there any alcohol you hid? should we each have just one shot?
grandma calls her crazy and tells her not to drink
W asks why not since grandma drinks a lot
she looks for it but grandma pulls it out and sets it on the table
W asks if she was drinking it without them knowing
grandma says be quiet before her dad wakes up
i only drank one shot when I couldnt sleep
i was afraid when I woke up I wouldnt remember so I was afraid to sleep so what could I do-let’s just drink this much and go to sleep
they drink together
W says it’s ok if grandma forgets cuz Y and W are here
no matter how much i think about it – grandma you are smart
i can tell from the first time I saw aunt  that it wouldnt work
that’s why you raised dad and me
selling vegetables at the market – you sent me to school – bought me clothes to wear and fed me-since I received so much – when can I pay all that back
she tells grandma to live long so W can pay her back that debt ( for raising her)
grandma: ok pay that debt back – i lost my memory on purpose to be paid back
W: oh you did – you can relax about it now and have a drink
grandma: crazy girl if I drink this and forget my memory tm morning it’s all your fault
W: ok ok it’s all my fault so hurry and drink and give me the cup back
they are so cute drinking
D goes to W’s home and goes up the steps
omg he looks so sad
he looks up at W’s home
he is about to call but doesnt
her lights are off
M drinks a lot and looks sort of dead inside
someone comes in so he looks hopeful it’s W but S shows up
she asks for a drink
M calls for a guard
she says it’s no use chasing her away cuz she will come back again
you are living like this cuz of me so dont you feel it’s unfair chasing me away
she tells the guards to leave cuz she is his mom
he gets her dragged away again
M: didnt you know the world is unfair
some kids are born with everything and live receiving love from parents
some kids are born a mistake and get thrown away by parents right after birth
that’s how they live so dont think it’s too unfair
S: that’s not it M – you got that wrong-I never threw you away-if I was going to throw you away I would have given you to an orphanage why would I leave you with my mom- I was going to earn money and come to take you- I left you just for a short time
you dont know that do you? mom went to go get you-when you were 14 yrs old
but T – that bad woman…
M: I remember now – you threw me away then too
S: when did I? you left home
he repeats the exact same thing she said to him first time she met him and rejected him
M: kin shinae shi why are you like this? I saw you for the first time
do you know me? have you seen me before? i’m someone who used to live in america
so how could you know me? this is unbelievable
that’s what you said at choi’s home when you saw me for the first time
he nods for the guards to take her away
she gets on her knees
S: that wasnt it M – I didnt act like I didnt know you on purpose
believe me -how can there be a parent in this world who feels at ease after abandoning their child
I couldnt die and lived
M: then die now with your heart at ease
S: you awful kid – how could you say that to a mom who gave birth to you
are you human
M: someone who isnt human had me so how could I be a person-get out
S: you must trust choi to be acting like this but if I open my mouth it’s the end of everything -your father and you -everything will be taken away by D
M: why would I get it taken from me?
just try blocking my path -get out
she gets dragged out
*OMG I just realized from this that S has the power to help D by telling what she witnessed that night choi murdered the grandpa
D goes to the factory
there is no one there -no workers
D asks what happend
the one worker says when he came in to work everyone had disappeared
MS says someone came and stopped all the workers-wasnt the president of this place D’s mom?
D says its not (cuz it’s M)
D orders workers to come back
kim worries a problem will happen later if they do that
but D says do as he said cuz he will take responsibility
W sees M at work
he ignores her
nam tells her to just keep walking-close your eyes W- he is someone who has nothing to do with you (meaning he changed)
M goes to the office
staff is explaining how they dont just have one factory
a girl says another factory is up and running again
she tells M that they worried about him and asks if he is well
M tells his staff to bring the files and come into D’s office
the girl explains D isnt in now
M’s guy asks the girl to hand over some paperwork (that normally D would handle)
D is on the phone with the girl and tells her to tell the guy she cant give the paperwork
she asks how she can not give it when J is saying he is in charge
MS comes and watches D using his phone
D tells the girl on the phone that she cant give the stuff without D’s permission
MS says she found the person in charge of the factory and if D wants to meet him but D says there is no reason to and gives her a message for the guy
she asks a question again behind his back so he doesnt hear
she yells that he needs to decide and go
but he is long gone
nam is giving instructions on how to give hand massages but W cant focus
W gets up to go but nam stops her
nam: sit- it’s not something you can get involved in
as someone who resembles your mom I am giving you advice-sit
W bows and says sorry and leaves
W goes to the office
she goes to see M and asks what happened
he says why he is here and asks for her to eat dinner cuz he wants to be congratulated by her
W:does D know? let’s go out and talk and not do this in an office without the owner
M:why doesnt this office not have an owner- this seat is now mine
W: M oppa
M: isnt it over with M now
D comes in and asks her to leave -I have something to say to hyung
M says to W: dont go
i dont want to – but if you have to treat me like your brother then do that
as your brother I will say one thing
M puts his hand on her shoulder
you cant with D- dont meet him
you know the reason why you cant very well
she takes his hand off her shoulder
she says she never asked him to be her brother
if you are not M or J-you are nothing to me so dont tell me to do this or that
M gets a call: I will go out now
M says to D: from tm on I am going to work here so empty out this place
D goes after M
M goes with choi
D calls out hyung
D: i said I didnt want to fight you-let’s not do things we both will regret
I am trying to be patient
M says this with his back to D so D cant hear:
instead of being patient – isnt it that you dont have the confidence to win
M faces D and asks: why arent you replying to my question
didnt you hear what I said?
should I say it again?
one more time?
D: J
dont say that
i didnt know those words would be this sad
M: ok – then I will let you know from now on
D: ok- then do as much as you want
hyung – junha hyung- crying cuz of you – today is the last time
D turns and walks off with tears streaming down his face
D asks what M is doing and M says he cant seem to leave (that office)
and wants to make it his seat forever
meaning he likes being in charge and in that chair and position
choi introduces M as the son he lost to MS and her dad
M: I hate secrets so what can I do
T asks D to make it work with MS
D: you’re asking me to marry MS?
D says he got what he wanted and says W is now his secretary/assistant
M: I didnt steal it – D was sitting in my place
D: to get WK – from now on I am only going to trust myself
I’m angry – like speechless angry – how dare he do that to D? I don’t care whose son he is – why is he using D’s condition against him to hurt him like this – omg I want to punch M so much right now – how can such a sweet guy turn into this overnight – just wait till you read all the lines I missed – he said some horrible things tonight – so bad I was like sitting there wondering if I was hearing them correctly – so hurtful – so unforgiving – how is it D’s fault that his mom was so stupid not to see this coming. omg I havent cried this much on this drama in a really long time…
I dont get M – why did he forgive choi but not S? why does one parent deserve recognition over the other? is it cuz choi has power and S doesnt? who embraces his murdering father so easily but dismisses a mom who abandoned him? my head hurts from trying to figure him out

129 comments on “Can You Hear My Heart E22

  1. nikesma says:

    I know you’re in mood of CYHMY now. But I can’t help but have to let you see this cute side of PilJoo~~ *melts


  2. ajewell says:

    Awesome! We can chat as it airs – can’t wait to read your recap/translations!! Thanks as always!! ^_^


    • ajewell says:

      lol, I just realized, but T’s looking kind of lonely – even if J’s pushing everyone away, at least he has DJ and W in his corner (not to mention his evil birth parents). But with T – J’s mad at her, DJ’s mad at her, Choi and S both got to lash out… good thing she deserves it. Hopefully having everyone mad at her will help her come around!


      • Anonymous says:

        What is it that T did so wrong and J did so right, that T deserves what J doesn’t ???
        Couldn’t J understand her pain and where she was coming from??? He was with her for 16 years and seen her burn in the hell…He knows that she is a bigger victim…Now that its about him, he is not able to take it….


        • ajewell says:

          I’m not sure I understand your question, but I’ll attempt to answer it anyway, lol.

          “What did T do so wrong”:
          T’s an adult, who used a child as a tool for revenge… and then treated him as a sacrificial lamb in order to protect her “real” son. She was a manipulative kidnapper, who cared more about her family and revenge, than about the young boy whose life she intended to corrupt.

          “What did J do so right”:
          Ever since T took him under her wing, he devoted himself, heart and soul, to that family. He always treated her like a mother, Dong Joo like a brother, and honored her request not to reconnect with his real family – despite how much that promise tore him apart. Had she not betrayed him, he would have followed her and Dong Joo to the ends of the Earth – but rather than allowing them all to die together, she chose to “kill” only him.

          “T deserves what J doesn’t ???”
          I never said any such thing. Personally, I think they both deserve to be miserable for a bit – neither of them are exactly guiltless. However, I think they are both good people at the core, who have just been embittered and disillusioned by life (I think the happy, playful, protective Maroo is the real one; not the angry, bitter youth at the beginning). As we’ve seen, revenge can twist even good people, and make them “bad”. I think what they *both* deserve is to be redeemed, and saved from themselves.

          “Couldn’t J understand her pain and where she was coming from???”
          Excuse my language, but HELL NO. He has just been back-stabbed by the woman he trusted, loved, and respected. And you think he should just shrug his shoulders, and say “gee, that’s life?” Umm, he’s human. He has every right to be angry, upset, and full of righteous fury. What he DOESN’T deserve to be full of, is animosity towards Dong Joo for his stupid mother’s evil, backstabbing ways. His “brother” tried to warn him several times, but he didn’t listen.

          “He knows that she is a bigger victim…Now that its about him, he is not able to take it….”
          Life is not a game where the person with the saddest sob story gets a prize. Both Woori and Dong Joo had equally horrible fates, and yet both have managed to be upright, caring, empathetic individuals despite their lot in life. To think T deserves more sympathy because she married a murderous jerk – to put it bluntly – is insane. EVERYONE in this drama is damaged and broken in some way. It’s not about who has it “worse” but about how they overcome these difficulties, and rise above them to become better people. In the end, I’m sure BOTH of them will be saved, because they *are* loved, and capable of love themselves… at the moment, they’re just lost in the darkness, and can only see their own pain; not somebody else’s.


        • ajewell says:

          And also, you totally misconstrued my original comment. All I was doing was making an observation (as I watched live, real-time, with no understanding of dialogue) that T was alienating everyone still on her side. Before, she had loyal people who were committed to her cause – but since she betrayed J, that number has slowly started to dwindle. Ironically, by betraying him, she just makes him even more powerful – because she reunited him with his parents, two strong and capable foes – while pushing D further and further away. And yes, I think she deserves it. Because turning J into the police was unnecessary and stupid.


        • Beng says:

          i think the reason why T is quite vengeful is because of her father first and foremost. You can see how she’s like a baby in front of her father, even competiting with DJ for the right to hug/embrace him (ep. 1&2)
          Next is the betrayal of the man she loves. I can still remember in one of the dramas i’ve seen, someone ask, who is the most pitiful, the one who lost her love or the one that got betrayed (of love)?
          And 3rd is the accident of DJ, her lovely child. Imagine that happening to you all in span of days. No wonder she snapped and created this evil plan. But i know that deep in her heart, she really loves Maroo/J, it just that she put a wall between them. But that wall can be crashed anytime.


        • Beng says:

          but between the 2, i think J is the one that’s deserving all that pain. He was the first who betrayed and family by leaving them and live with the rich. And he did it when his family needed him most. Quite selfish of him. He is such a genius but why go to the family that caused the disaster in the first place. Also in most of the episodes, he is showing his regrets and love to his family, specially to Woo-ri, but still why be a partner to his father Choi, who killed Woo-ri’s Mom and DJ’s Grandpa? Even though he felt betrayed by T, he should try to understand her. The problem is, in his selfishness, he can only see his pain. That’s why Woori will not go with him coz she’s afraid of the monster he’s become. Hurray for Woori!!!


    • ajewell says:

      When all those men in suits bowed for J… it kinda creeped me out. It felt like he’d just joined the mafia or something, lol


    • ajewell says:

      Wow! Looks like he’s actually calling him father. He better have something up his sleeve…


      • ajewell says:

        Teaming up with Choi was worth it, just to see him use that power to throw out S – so funny how she kept saying “I’m your mother” and he totally didn’t care, lol.


      • ajewell says:

        Gah, if he does have an ulterior motive, he’s hiding it well. He seems genuinely angry at DJ… 😦


    • ajewell says:

      Awww, so many cute D/W moments this episode. 🙂


    • ajewell says:

      Wow, I’m surprised there was a preview!! Can’t wait to read your recap Softy – so many questions!!! ^_^


    • kcomments says:

      Dear ajewell, we talked about dramatic tension, this one is way surpass our deal *wink*
      Yet, I understand the writer is shaping up our DJ to be stronger both in his career and love. Well, if he’s going for a CEO, he has to be tougher! Aja fighting!


      • ajewell says:

        Well, to be fair, I only wanted the dramatic tension in the love-triangle, not the business-aspect, lol. I was ready to kill J at the end, after he made that jab about his hearing. However, I did like the part where he told Woori to leave Dong Joo, and she basically told him off. More scenes like those please. 😉


        • kcomments says:

          Yep, I loved her strong will of righteousness and faithfulness for ppl she loves. LOL now my DJ falls into the catagory of ‘pabo’ cuz he’s too nice, just like YG said, CDJ is nice, he’s a fool. ^^


  3. martha says:

    Oh a video! 😀


  4. kcomments says:

    Oh man my DJooooooooooooooo!
    JH is OUT! Gangster movie has begun! Ta ta da!


  5. thundie says:

    Fighting, Softy!! ^^


  6. Sebastian says:

    Thank you so much for your recaps!<3
    can't wait to see what happens in ep22, actually i feel sorry for Dongjoo's mom. She has had it rough, her husband killed her father and made her only son rendered deaf. She must be in a lot of pain, I really understand why she is like that, if I were her I would do the same. ]:


    • wanzhaf says:

      I do feel sorry for her too but she is targetting the wrong person. By hurting JH she is actually hurting DJ coz he genuinely love JH as a brother. She is killing her two sons. Hopefully she will realised that she loves JH too and not using JH as a tool only.Please writer, be kind to her!
      Softly, thank you in advance. I think the only way JH can try to take W away is from DJ is by acknowledging her grandma and her father. But then I feel that W will guide JH to the right path. She will never forgive him if he tries to destroy /hurt DJ, and she mean so much to JH


      • Sebastian says:

        yup, I agree with you. I hope writer will be kind to her and at the end of the day I would like to see Choi going down, he’s practically a murderer and shouldn’t get away with it.


  7. zgznoona says:

    I got up late for the live stream… T T Waiting for your recaps ^ ^
    Thank you for your work


  8. Anon says:

    He did not just reveal his deafness to them.


  9. kcomments says:

    Oh Noooooooooooooooooo!
    In front of Choi, JH asks DJ, Dont you hear me? Dont you hear me?
    DJ cries and tells JH this is the last time you be my hyung ! (my guess)


    • kcomments says:

      Ooops! sorry I just heard the part ‘ this is the last time’, just follow what Softy’s says! OH man, so sad!


  10. Audiance says:

    I’ve been on this page for the past half hour refreshing, the anticipation is killing. P.S Softie thank you for transcriping


  11. Sebastian says:

    I really had great dislike for M from his younger years till now. No matter how his character tries to redeem himself, in the end some will forgive his actions but they will not forget. curse you M! ]: *not happy*


  12. Audiance says:

    Oh My Gosh I cried like a baby reading this, he is reflecting his anger on D instead of T. Softy you are right, the writers have a way of making us cry hot tears..


  13. zenti says:

    “I’m angry – like speechless angry – how dare he do that to D? I don’t care whose son he is – why is he using D’s condition against him to hurt him like this – omg I want to punch M so much right now – how can such a sweet guy turn into this overnight – just wait till you read all the lines I missed – he said some horrible things tonight – so bad I was like sitting there wondering if I was hearing them correctly – so hurtful – so unforgiving – how is it D’s fault that his mom was so stupid not to see this coming. omg so mad…”

    Sigh. This episode sapped the energy out of me. With JH now knows that TS used him to get back at Choi, he is now attacking TS through DJ. It has now become an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. As wanzhaf said, TS messed up big time not only with JH but also with DJ. TS should have not used JH to get back at Choi. And JH should not also target DJ for his mother’s mistakes.


    • Anonymous says:

      I guess it is because you are a doctor that you are so kind with your act of violence like throwing JC off the second floor rather than the 20th floor. As for JH we have to be more aggressive. I am just going to take baseball bat and smash his head into pieces!!! JK, not the face of course since he is too cute. Okay, his bum bum instead!!! Spank his butt!!!


      • Alexus says:

        Hahahah. The above comment is me. I pressed enter before I got to type in my name. LOL. Don’t worry I am a two timer sinking with you all the way!!! AJA AJA!!!!


        • zenti says:

          Nyahahahah! I love it! If DJ and JH have baseballs and mitts, we have our baseball bats! We can play! Nice!


          • Alexus says:

            Balls and bats??Hmmmmm, I am going into the gutter .LOL. I thought it was only possible with CSW and Greatest Love. Okay I will try to be serious but I think I am in shock so forgive me sweetie!


  14. MJShinshi says:

    Ahneong my fellow CYHMH chingus! wow…thundie has joined us yay.. I read your post at your blog and enjoyed your views of the show and can I say Welcome to the Lovely Dong Joo Smile Club! 🙂

    Softy Thank You for what you do again. Always love to read your insights and especially enjoyed that Darth Vader/Choi part! So true!! I couldn’t bring myself to read complete transcap nor watch ep21 yesterday knowing the heartache DJ will be going through. I was too scared so I haven’t watched yet and I only read the parts of DJ and W. Aren’t I pathetic or what letting this show (or is it DJ) affect me so?! Today it was nice to see DJ smile and W getting her kiss/peck and in the office too!! I will force self to read today’s and watch both eps21-22 but with plenty tissues handy. J was scary looking most of the time today and do not want to hear what he said to D to make him cry!! 😥 I’ll just think I’ll cry and be heartbroken today and hopefully will smile like a fool in upcoming LTM eps!! 🙂

    Everyone else I also love all your comments and agree with those hoping for T to redeem herself and be a mother to J. Can I say I so enjoyed J getting S kicked out twice! Yes! The look on her face when J spat out her words from their first encounter, verbatim!! double Yes! I also enjoyed W not wavering and knowing who she likes! well I hope that’s what happened since watching raw is only watching body language.. lol

    going to read now…fighting softy! Thank You again Softy!


  15. Jewels says:

    Thanks Softy for the transcap. Oh my… It seems to me that MR/JH is out to get everyone. He sure had S thrown out a couple of times and spit her own words back at her. Did anyone see the change in his face when he was at the pier with C. After calling him abeoji and Choi was no longer looking at him but out to the sea/river, JH/MR face change, which tells me he’s out to get Choi too.

    JH/MR was so angry, mean, vindictive, and plain rotten. I don’t think I want to even know what venom flowed out his mouth because the reactions on his face spoke thousands. The way he walked passed WR at EC was cold and creepy to know he could change that much. Yeh, I know he is angry at her because she did not listen to him, nor did she tell him the words he wanted to hear. It’s kind of funny now he even wanted to act like her brother and order her around – but WR was not going to give him the satisfaction.
    Today he looked like the head of the mafia… scary!. I was quite shock about all the men at his disposal the minute he was released from jail.
    Although I do not speak a bit of Korean, I knew at that moment that JH made reference to DJ’s hearing – what a low blow. If he’s going to fight – JH needs to fight fair, but we see that he’s not, so I guess DJ is not going to follow those rules either. I guess next week will be an outright war between the two brothers.. so the bromance is by the wayside – oh so sad!


  16. wanzhaf says:

    Oh no, i am not so looking forward this ep. Just by reading softy I dont think i want to watch this…my heart ache so much.. JH is beginning to be like Choi and S. Does bad genes pass from parent to child? ahhhh how could he? The only person who is sane and innocent is D and he will be sacrifice like anything. Will i see his sweet smile again?


  17. Kfan says:

    I really think M has a plan how He can help D!! His real intention will be revealed near the end of CYHMH! I do believe…. want to believe that there is no way M forgot the past 16 years with D!


  18. gaitri says:

    omg!!!! is he going to reveal dong joo’s secret to everyone now…. i hope not…. i can’t believe he said those hurtful words to dong joo who love him so much…….. anyways thumbs up to woo rii for not listening to her evil brother…. what the hell was he thinking ordering woo rii to stop meeting dong joo’s cause he’s her brother and she should do what her brother says………… woo rii like u did in this ep you should always be like this in the future ep too……… you have to be with dongjoo till the end………..


  19. Sebastian says:

    Thank you for recap. Honestly after just reading your recap my heart is beating so fast, this is too hurful. I don’t care what M’s motives are, I really hate him now…passionately! I don’t know if I can handle actually watching this episode. ah!!!! I feel stressed out~~
    Omg, W needs to slap M hard in his face. I hope she does it in front of Dongjoo


    • Sebastian says:

      The way Choi and M treat S, seems so sexist and disgusting. no matter how much i dislike S, the way shes being treated by those two men is disgusting.


      • Anonymous says:


        I really have NO sympathy for S. She deserves everything she gets… you know what they say “payback is a bitch”

        S has done the exact same thing to her own mother. It was excruciatingly hard to see how she talked and pushed her mother around… absolutely awful. The way she talked to WR who is not even a blood relative but who loves her grandmother and takes care of her far better than the blood daughter. S talked to everyone like they are dirt. Y, WR and grandmother even the NBs. How can she treat someone diagnosed with dementia like that? I cried so much when the grandmother was at her house/flat/apartment.

        How many more times will we see her hit WR, shove or pull/drag her mother, and talk to Y the way she has. How can a daughter act that way… well her son is doing the EXACT same thing, but she does not have to touch her – he has body guards to do the dirty deed.

        I hope that we see less and less of her as the series comes to an end, because she is such a wicked wicked woman who worships the devil (money and C).


        • says:

          Sorry, I did not expect to reply to your post as ANONYMOUS. I changed my web browser, and my blog name did not carry over.


          • says:

            yup, I guess I didn’t analyse her character to that extent.I genuinely don’t bother with her at all but you’re right, what goes around comes around~ I hope the same happens to Choi. ;]


      • kcomments says:

        I think they should reduce S screen time, her voice rang my ears two episodes straight ^^


        • L says:

          Ha! The PD must get your request. That’s why MH keep saying he doesn’t want to see her anymore.


          • kcomments says:

            OMG now I know why the PD kept her alive, she knows that Choi killed grandpa, she was there that night! Thanks to Softy *wink*


  20. MJShinshi says:

    O.M.Gosh!! ok Now I’m ANGRY too! arghhH….what, get out of my home?! and that last scene WOW! UNBELIEVABLE! He sure is Choi’s son! Wow, knowing and using DJ’s weakness against him that is just….arrgghh!! oh I feel for you softy having to repeat those ugly lines from J to translate….good luck! tissues and massage therapy coming your way 🙂 poor DJ only thinking of his hyung yet no love in return! softy take a break from J’s scenes, it is draining to see such change overnight and you have to repeat em! we can wait, right guys? take care softy! and thank you much!


  21. Beng Mallari says:

    just finished reading episode 22, seeing that it’s quite a tear jerker, i better not watch it now coz i might get puffy eyes tomorrow when there’s work. my officemates would think it odd =/


  22. Mai' says:

    I don’t dare to watch this drama! My supply of tears ended in “49 days” hehehe


  23. Iviih says:

    I wanted to believe JH was going to use Choi to give back WK to D. Because no matter what D didn’t do anything and loves his hyung… I wanted their brothers love to survive this and that they worked together to bring Choi down. But the way he is acting now… show he is very angry and want to hurt D…. for now at least. The way he said that hurtful words and the way he called WR just to threaten D was just because he wanted to hurt D. Not because like some think, he is acting to Choi don’t find out his true intentions. Choi wasn’t even there to see, so why be such a bastard to them? Just to hurt them….

    He is angry with everyone who made his life ”messed up” ohhhh haaaaaaate this! Really hate when he blames everyone for being unhappy. I really dislike it about him, he just knows how to think in himself and blames others for his life…. and what he does to make his life better? NOTHING. Nothing. Just scream, treat the ones that he loves badly… and cry.

    I now at some point he will see what he did, and how much hurt he caused to everyone who loves him (he just know to do this! Hurt the ones that love him the best, and what he does after? Blame them for being unhappy and being lonely, when he himself (partly) chose this for him ….)

    Hope he ask forgiveness from D.

    I really want a confrotation with JH and T being honest. Really honest with each other, she saying that even though she thought in use him she did and does love him and that she considers his son. And that what she did was wrong…..


  24. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the recap softie. I can’t believe what JH did to DJ as well. What on earth that he’s been doing for the last 16 years. I want to see him down with JC so father and son probably can share a cell. Even if JH has something to get his father, he shouldn’t use DJ’s weakness for his advantage. The way that he looked at WR is sickenening. I hope the writer can finish this confrontation soon as I don’t want to see the last 8 episodes is lingering around JH’s outrage and JC”s smilling face. Those 2 faces are sickening to watch now.


  25. Sweet says:

    I think it’s not a secret since yesterday that I can’t understand M but I think he wants to make D stronger. I have this weird idea for some reason. He want DJ to success by himself. There is something kind of weird when J/M told W he is J. Why he want to be J? Isn’t that name implied his relationship with T and DJ? That name implied his sixteen years as T son and DJ brother on the contrary M implied by blood the son of SA and Choi and legally the son of Y …. I don’t know now I’m officially confuse with M/J …. maybe I just want to see something good in him.


    • zenti says:

      I was thinking of it along that line too. DJ can become stronger as a person now that he does not have his hyung to relie on.


    • Cherry says:

      i think for now he is really just pissed with the word and is truly hating on DJ, because the way he confronted DJ. ” You always lie/act in front of everyone (meaning he is not thruthful about his disability), yet i am called the bad guy”. JH wants DJ to come clean about his hearing whether it is for good intention or bad – to feel the injustice of the world like JH felt he had to endure all his life.


  26. zenti says:

    “Every scene resonates with pain and resentment…I cried over this drama so much I am beginning to wonder if I have it in me to keep this up till the end…”

    Oh, Softy. You are right. This drama’s title of “Can You Hear My Heart?” is a misnomer for “Can You Count the Ways of Breaking My Heart?”. This episode is indeed so saddening and heartbreaking. But there is always a rainbow after a rain pour.


    • kcomments says:

      Now I forgot from which drama (too many lately), ah must be SG, when there’s shadow there’s light near by.

      I’ve been looking forward to DJ’s deafness revelation, but this was really hard enough to watch, what about when it’s really into the open, to everyone, his employees and directors…….now the story is back to the synopsis, a deaf man overcomes his hardships. Even I admit that I couldn’t trust a deaf CEO
      either unless he proves me wrong. Not being harsh, but that’s the fact.
      Aigoo, how DJ pretended to talk on the phone he didn’t hear when WR was in his office, and when WR
      cheerfully teased him but he didn’t hear, so sad.

      It seems everybody is drained out, Hummm where is my dear Almond? She is unusually quiet today.
      I guess she is too angry to write. Dear Almond, if you come out now, I’ll give you 10 free pages on soompi dedicated on JH alone, and I won’t complain, hehe.


      • arlyne says:

        “Now I forgot from which drama (too many lately), ah must be SG, when there’s shadow there’s light near by”

        Kcomments, it’s actually from City Hunter drama. I’ve just finished watching the sub episode so those lines are still in my head.


        • Almondfudge says:

          Yep, its from CH…hehe…Its a quote from the letter that the ‘long legs ajhushi’ sent for KNN…


        • kcomments says:

          Thanks, see what you get when you watch too many drama in a week, I give up counting the episode too hehe. That line from CH, I so loved, so beautifully written, Nana is so lucky!


      • Almondfudge says:

        Awww…I am right here chingu….Had to go out and couldn’t catch up with the recap until now…

        I am simply aghast at the way things are turning out….and cried buckets just reading the update, the way JH hit DJ below his belt…


        • kcomments says:

          Cheers chingu, soju? No, let’s try French wine like JH *glasses clink*, he is now rich and famous, even has Energy Cell in his hand. JH is now officially a bad dude in my book until he kneels down in front of YG beg for forgiveness….Should we ask City Hunter to take him down eh…with one spoon? ^^


  27. boonboon says:

    Today episode sooooooooo dramatic. Poor DJ, he’s the most painful. I don’t want to see him cry anymore. It makes me heartbroken when saw him cry… DJ/WR/YG/grandma really love JH/MR but why he avoid them. I think JH/MR is the one who never listen to anyone heart accept himself. He makes people around him get hurt especially DJ and WR family. How many time he doing this? Why? jalousy, greed,anger and revenge etc.

    DJ/WR moment really cuteeeeeeeee. I need more cute scene between this two or with YG. I feel that the past 3-4 episode is very heavy. My heart need some rest.

    I found this vdo clip and want to share with all of you. ( hope you enjoy)


  28. DranaFeva says:

    Thank you softy – I would like to point out that JH/MR was never a sweet boy/man. He was always angry, angry at the world from day one, he was mad that his dad was a fool, then he was mad that he is poor, he was mad because his new mom is deaf. Even when he decided to be part of DJ family, he was good to DJ whenever T and DJ were fighting, he loved the fact that he is sharing DJ mother and wealth. He is now mad that his real mom left him, and he is mad that his father was Ch or a short time. He loves taking other people’s things, he cares/cared about W once he clearly realized DJ loves her.. If you review prior ep. you will notice. JH is like father like son. He is unable to see the love his first family has for him, he is unable to see the love that DJ has for him, he is always seeing the glass half empty instead of half full.

    Can’t wait for this story to start turning round to the positive end, by now 22 ep in we are starting to think only evil wins, somehow we need at least 8 ep of redemption for T, JH, and S. I don’t have any hope for Choi he can go to h*ll.


  29. Tien says:

    I can understand why M/J is outraged as he was used by T for 16 years… I hope that M/J will “Hear W’s and D’s Hearts” and not repeating what T did to J to revenge Choi (in other words, I hope that J would not use/hurt D to revenge T)…


  30. kcomments says:

    Tonight, I saw two mad persons fighting each other for love, JH and T.
    T always believes JH will never leave her, and JH loves her too much to forgive, in his heart knows that T raised him well, that’s why he is so mad because she’d been a good mother to him.
    I started to question T whether or not she did all this for herself and nobody else.
    I’m not buying JH’s motive as good atm, I think it’s really is his intention to hurt everyone for now, at this point, I want him to go all the way like Miss Ripley, and hurt himself so bad that there is no way to go but up. With just 8 episodes left, DJ and JH development will go hand in hand, DJ will become stronger and more independent from both JH and T.
    I want DJ to get up by himself, to overcome his own uncertainty like JH said. Only at that time, that he deserves WR cuz I couldn’t picture him now as a capable man taking care of a family.

    Now there is only one big revelation left, beside Choi’s a killer, DJ’s deafness. I will prepare myself for really emotional scenes because this is the heart of this drama and DJ is the one I love the most. I’m kind of excited to see how the writer will approach this one, to WR/ WR’s family/ Choi.

    Do you think grandma, SC will let WR be with a deaf man for her whole life? The writer has started on this tonight, with DJ visiting WR’s house and grandma. I so loved how DJ was very tender, softly spoken to them, kept saying sorry to them, in a way, he thinks he stole MR from them. Really really want to see DJ pestering to have WR, not just stare at the roof but climb the ladder up up up and knock their hearts.


    • Cherry says:

      if this was facebook i would click on the “like” button. very well said, and i agree. JH has to hit rock bottom, to go all out to realise that when that happens DJ, WR, Y, and Grandma will still be there for him. and DJ needs to become stronger, and confront the world as a deaf man and say “I am deaf, but i can see and hear clearer than the ones who have 100% of their hearing. I can raise a family, and love purly, and damn right own a company!”


      • kcomments says:

        OMG I just saw WK building in this episode, high rise all glass exterior, the feeling just sink in how gigantic of the thing DJ wants back. The PD decided to show us now? Well, CDJ, a chaebol you are.


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