Lie To Me E7

Seriously addicting chemistry between the two leads…not sure what I like more- the couple on screen or the actors doing such a convincing job of growing attraction.
Lie to me E7
after K kisses AJ, the doorbell rings. it’s his aunt.AJ says we have a big problem-what do we do? his aunt calls his cell phone, but AJ tells him not to answer but he says :are you dumb- i have to answer to tell her to go.
she tells him to hurry and call his aunt then. SR asks who it is (for them to act that way), but K says it’s nothing and tells them to wait a moment. he drags AJ into the closet saying as long as she isnt out there-he can get  thru this. he tells her to stay put.
YJ looks at her watch. SH asks YJ if she was expecting someone. she says K. he asks if he should go, but she says K probably wont show-he never said he would come, but she was just waiting anyway. SH makes a comment about her just letting herself be stood up. she invites SH to keep eating a lot.
aunt asks if K was in the middle of a party. K tells his aunt that some friends came over. they all say hello and she says nice to meet you. K asks what brings her here without calling
his aunt gives him a box for K to give to chen’s wife tm. the aunt just got it from the maker who is the best in korea. she tells him he needs to give this to impress chen and his wife. she says those friends are ppl she doesnt know. friends wonder where AJ went, the other one says she doesnt know.aunt apologizes for interrupting  the party when they were having fun. JB says it’s ok. K tells her to go. everyone says bye and the aunt gives K a suspicious look.
AJ’s legs are falling asleep. she wonders if the aunt left and feels nervous. she texts K if his aunt left but he tells her to sit and wait quietly. she wonders why the aunt hasnt left
aunt is laughing at JB singing. the friends love his singing too. aunt asks him to sing again. everyone wants an encore even if SR told him to stop.JB’s singing is awful, but the aunt likes it
SH  looks at YJ’s album.she says when he was younger he was terrible. he says it was cuz he was young and she says that awful kid transformed into this. he says he was popular back then too. he says his brother is the same too. she starts to say something but he says he has to leave and thanks her for dinner. he tells her not to walk him out.
AJ falls asleep in the closet. K pushes back her hair behind her ears and kisses her cheek.she wakes up. he says cuz she is too adorable. she dreamt it.
K tells her to just to come out of the closet. she looks flushed so he asks “what” and she says “it’s nothing”. she asks if everyone left. nothing happened right?K:what would happen? she asks :did he get caught by SR. he says no and tells her to clean up. she keeps looking at him so he asks “why” again and she says “it’s nothing” and says “let’s clean up”
AJ asks why he kissed her. he said he already told her -that he was a good actor. she asks if he was acting then. he says she wanted to deceive her friend. she walks out so he goes after her. AJ:why did you act?  she is my friend-even if we have to lie- I have to do that. she cries and goes home
she walks home and sits on a bench. AJ: acting – the kiss was an act? he is really awful- and cries some more
next day  his maid is cleaning up but he tells his maid to leave everything the way it is and dont touch anything -that he will take care of it and tells her to take the next few days off and rest.
AJ has hot compresses on her body and her coworkers and boss makes her take those off (cuz they smell strong) she goes to the bathroom and takes them off complaining that she doesnt get to put them on like she wants and remembers the kiss
AJ’s friends talk about how K couldnt stop staring at AJ. another one says she didnt even get to kiss like that when she was dating. another one says it was a like a movie. other says she hasnt kissed in 30 yrs so she is envious.  other girl tells that one not to lie cuz she did yesterday. one accuses SR of being childish going around saying that K is cheating. other one says AJ and K  totally liked each other there is no way K is cheating. SR asks if they are saying she lied. other one says SR saw it wrong. SR says they are all stupid cuz AJ and K were putting on a show for them and were just acting. she says cuz AJ disappeared when the aunt came over, it means they did have to marry secretly cuz the aunt opposed. other friend says even if that is true- SR is going to far- is there a rule in the world that only SR can be happy-why is she so awful to AJ.  other friends say SR is a little sensitive these days. she gets mad and says if they dont want to believe it they dont have to
SR walks out of the gym and runs into JB’s gf. the gf asks SR how she is doing with JB
SR goes to see JB and beats him up in front of another guy. she pulls his hair and attacks him and chokes him then leaves
JB is all bloodied up and his office is a mess and he cries
AJ is in a daze at work and erases some pics she didnt mean to. K calls and wonders why she isnt cleaning up his place. she says she will
H gets a call from K’s aunt.she drills H asking questions. aunt says just seeing that K is worried that she will do something to that girl-there is something for sure between K and that girl.  isnt there? H says he cant say-cuz it’s the president’s personal business. she yells at H to talk. H says he wont ever talk even if she fires him. she guesses that is what it is- otherwise there would be no reason to keep being pulled along (by AJ).I dont my nephew would never do such a thing -guys are all the same. since he did something that he needs to be held responsible for – he has to.  how many months along is she. H:what? aunt: that GAJ girl- how many months pregnant is she? H: what do you mean pregant-that is not it at all.aunt: she isnt (pregnant)? H: yes – how could you think of the president like that. aunt takes out her pics of K and AJ on the boats and asks then what are they doing? if she isnt pregnant-why are there rumors about their marriage and why are they going around like that. are the two of them dating? H:that’s cuz…..
H reports to K. K: so how much did you tell? H: everything – about the written contract and everything. I’m sorry president. K says ok and tells him to go out.
K is sitting and looking thru a book, but watches AJ cleaning up. he points out what she didnt pick up.she brings out the vacuum cleaner, but he says he doesnt like it. she asks him to go in the room then, but he says he doesnt want to. so he makes her clean by hand. he asks why she was mad yesterday. AJ: are you asking cuz you dont know? K: i dont know-tho I thought about it carefully.
she says cuz he kissed her without permission. K:was it by any chance your first kiss. she doesnt say anything so he looks over at her. K:it was really your first kiss? she says it wasnt. K: how could that happen for you not to until this age. she yells it wasnt. he says: no wonder (and makes a reference to her kiss). she asks if he is having fun. is it fun making fun of me? she gets up and tells him to move his legs so she can pass by but he pulls her down to sit next to him. he blocked her on purpose and says he wasnt acting. he looks right at her and says: I lied that it was acting. he puts his arm behind her. K: I did pretend to act – but it wasnt an act. she asks if it wasnt acting then what was it. he asks why too so she asks why he is asking her after he kissed her. he looks at her so she asks “why”. SH shows up and asks what the two of them are doing-he looks mad. AJ moves away from K. K asks what brought SH here. 
SH came to take all the clothes and bags back. SH asks if AJ is going to keep staying there. she says she has to keep cleaning-he is going to help right? SH:why should I?  he leaves so she mutters what kind of fairy godmother is he. SH comes back and drags her out. he tells K to clean up on his own
AJ asks what SH is doing. SH; you told me to help you. AJ: is this helping? SH glares at her. AJ:what now? SH: seems like you are mistaken about something. he leaves
* I think SH might be jealous that his new buddy is hanging out with his brother. first he loses the love of his life to his brother and now his new best friend- I can see why he is a little miffed. who knows-maybe he doesnt want her to fall for his brother knowing there is no chance whatsoever that his aunt would allow K to date AJ. so maybe he is saving her from the pain and rejection by the aunt later on down the line so he is telling her not to be mistaken that she has a chance for a future with K.
P sees SH walking along
AJ is in bed and cant sleep and thinks back to K saying it wasnt an act
K thinks about AJ’s question – about why he did it if it wasnt acting and he asks himself why he did it
AJ tells her dad that she didnt sleep well. he tells her to eat, but she says later.  on her way out, she trips over a box. it is all her stuff that she left at K’s. she looks around and sees K’s car pulling away
in the parking garage, P bows to K as he gets out of his car. in the elevator, P tells K that she saw SH yesterday-that he looks like a grown man now. K: what are you talking about- he is still a kid. P says K is still the same- acting like a father instead of a brother. she mentions how he acted mature when he was a kid. K says that if he didnt do that as a kid, his relatives would have separated him and SH cuz of the money.  P says he did too much when he was a kid. K says he promised that he would protect SH.
AJ’s coworkers hear that someone in the ministry of culture married K-they wonder who it could have been-they figure out which women are not married-then eliminate older women-and says there arent that many left-like ten
the female coworker tells AJ to go have lunch as she drops off a sandwich, but AJ says she works better when everyone is out. AJ asks her female coworker-why do you think a serious person suddenly acts childish- calling her over to clean or drop by her home when it’s not necessary. since that person would never do those things.  the woman guesses the guy likes AJ. AJ keeps saying he doesnt.
AJ’s dad, SB, and AK are at a park. she says she wants to be buried at the park when she dies. SB asks if they dated. she says they were better at the end than in the beginning. even tho they loved each other-they had to send the other off. SB guesses that means their love is over than. AJ’s dad says love doesnt end
AJ starts to text K-“what are you doing after work”-she thinks it’s too obvious so she tries “if you have nothing to do now” “do you have some time by any chance”  then she just calls and asks where he is. K: it doesnt matter does it? AJ: did you go home yet. K:why? AJ  asks him to find her pen cuz it’s really important to her- she thinks she dropped it there so he needs to find it for her and to meet (so she can get it back) he starts to look for it. then guesses she is using this as an excuse to see him and smiles
AJ is waiting and asks if he brought it. he gives her a bunch of pens and asks which one it is. she picks hers up-the world hotel one saying she cant do anything without it.K:it’s a good thing you were able to find something that important.  he starts to leave but she asks how he can just go. he says she asked him to find the pen, but she says she is really grateful and offers to  pay for a movie.
they are watching jane eyre and a kiss scene comes out. K smiles after they reach for the popcorn at the same time. after the movie-he says she should buy drinks too since the pen was imp to her so she shouldnt try to get away with just paying for a movie. she says she will buy drinks
K asks if she has siblings. she says it’s just her dad and her. she asks when K started to want to be president. he doesnt remember when he wanted to become one. she asks if he is doing it without wanting to -he says that’s not it- it was expected of him-and since he has to do it- he wanted to do a good job. she says he is nice. he asks when she wanted to be a civil servant. AJ:why did I want to become one- at first -there were this and that reasons-now that I think about it- she thinks (?) was testing her- so (?) challenged her and is testing her right now (it was a complicated answer). he isnt so impressed with her answer.
she asks if it’s not lonely living alone. he says he isnt. she asks if he likes girl groups-does he like girls-maybe he likes boys. is there a secret he doesnt want others to know about. K: if it’s something I dont want ppl to know-why ask? AJ:oh that’s true- then next question. K says aloud that he likes building models- isnt it funny at his age. she quickly asks him to show it to her- her next time when there is a chance.
* the model thing he was building on the first episode right before he got a call about SH returning
they walk by the same park bench where they almost kissed. she thanks him for bringing her home. and thanks him for the pen and goes.he mutters something about how he wasnt even thinking of it and looks at the bench and smiles
K is having a staff meeting. he gets a text and stops the meeting to reply and forgets where he left off talking.
AJ gets his text that he is in a meeting. AJ talks to the phone – then you wont be able to eat.
YJ goes to see K at his office. he seems surpised so she asks why he is surprised- is he that happy to see her.they go for a walk in the park and she is barefoot. she just got back from pusan and she was busy going around 4 dept stores so her feet hurt. he says she should have rested at home if she was tired. she says she missed him. she mentions all the cities she has to go starting from next week and says she will be busy-but not as busy as him. were you that busy that you couldnt take my calls?
 K says sorry. she mentions she saw SH. he acted like he wouldnt see me for the rest of his life and avoided me but he came to see me with his own two feet. he is so bad. I hated him every day for 3 yrs, but as soon as I saw his face- I didnt hate him at all and it was good to see him. he wont even let me hate him like i want.
she steps on glass. her feet is bleeding. he asks what’s wrong and says it’s bleeding. are you ok? she says it’s ok cuz she wasnt cut much. he goes to a pharmacy to get her some medicine but when he gets back she is already gone. he runs around looking for her everywhere
(she was testing to see if he would try to find her)
he finally finds her. he asks why she made him worry when he told her to stay where she is. YJ: you looked for me cuz you couldnt see me-if you were going to look for me like that (meaning he shouldnt have broken up with her) . he says her name. she asks for them  to start over cuz they didnt break up for real. now SH will be ok. K wants her to sit to treat her cut but she yells stuff like this doesnt hurt at all. he leaves the medicine and storms off
AJ thinks since she left a text during lunch he should text her when she gets off work. she was going to text him that she is leaving work but changes her mind and decides to leave
AJ goes to the cafe and asks for food. SH shows up. SH asks about her friend cuz she is too quiet after the housewarming. she asks if K is really busy. SH looks mad. she explains cuz she is grateful for the housewarming and wondered how he was. SH says his brother is busy – alot so she shouldnt bother him.AJ: what did I do? SH: i told you very clearly not to be mistaken.  SH leaves suddenly. she wonders why he is like that.
SB explains that a girl SH cant have came back -SH’s one sided love when AJ asks who
AJ’s friends are at the gym and call SR but she isnt joining them. they wonder what she is up to cuz she isnt coming to any of their activties. girl says SR didnt say what she was doing- only that the friends who know in time.
SR gets on an elevator with YJ. SR sort of checks out YJ. YJ says she thinks she saw SR yesterday too.
H gives K a present for his wife (AJ). it’s a necklace and earring set.H explains it is cuz chen and his wife know K’s wife.  K tells him to return it to chen but H says it would hurt his feelings. H offers to give it to AJ himself
AJ’s boss and the group are having a meeting. they are going with AJ’s idea. a guy tries to use her pen and she grabs it out of his hand saying how imp that pen is to her
she wonders why K isnt calling or texting
she gets a call from H
she meets him and she gets the gift from chen. how chen was thankful for her for hanging out that day. she wonders if she should accept and H tells her to cuz chen and his wife wanted her to have it. she asks what K said. H says K didnt have much to say about it. H tells her to accept it.
P tells K that chen is going to tour junju tm and P hired him a guide. K says something about chen’s health so P says she will look into it. she turns to leave but doesnt and speaks informally that K changed a lot-texting during a meeting. he asks why P is speaking down. she says cuz he seems to need a friend now.P:are you going to start over with YJ? I dont know what you are worried over, but should I (not sure if she said support him or give him advice)?  she says YJ and K looked good together but cuz of SH…she doesnt finish and leaves
K goes drinking alone. then he plays squash
he remembers YJ showing her the engagement ring
then YJ asking him to start over
then him kissing AJ
and AJ choosing his world pen
K goes home and finds the note AJ wrote him and left with a plate of leftover.
president SKJ
thank you for lending me your home
you are a dependable/reliable secret husband
I put the leftover food in the fridge
for one or two days it will be ok (to eat)
eat a lot
he starts to eat it
AJ goes home and she tells her dad to go ahead and eat without her so he complains and asks her to eat with him when she is home -doesnt she feel sorry for him
she tries on the necklace and earrings and thinks they look pretty
she calls K and asks where he is
*throughout this episode she made her dad eat alone a lot and over the past few episodes he has complained about eating alone cuz he is sick of it 
she goes and gives back chen’s gift. she says she doesnt think she should accept and came to return it. he faints on her.
some nurse hooks K up to an IV drip. the doctor and nurse are about to leave and doctor tells AJ that K got a lot of stress and something about his digestion i think. AJ asks if he will get better if he rests.  she calls her dad saying it’s a friend of hers who lives alone -it’s not serious-the friend wasnt well already but ate food she made and caught something –  since the friend collapsed cuz of her -how can she just leave her friend alone and leave. she says sorry to her dad and hangs up.
she goes and asks K why he ate that- he should have thrown it away. she takes care of him by changing out his compress and does her work sitting next to him. then she falls asleep next to him. she wakes up and sees that he still has a fever. she says sorry cuz it’s her fault.
she gets up, but he grabs her hand. he lets go a little but then holds on tighter. they look at each other.
AJ makes food for K saying like she is talking to a kid
dont spill any – chew everything and eat it all 
K:who are you saying that to?
AJ makes an aegyo sound “you”
someone says it’s bad to work leaving someone sick alone
AJ agrees that’s true
she yells his name outside of his gate
K comes up behind her and asks “why”
AJ’s dad asks AJ : is going around duping ppl your work?
how much longer are you going to do this?
AJ says she will handle everything
JB overhears AJ and her dad talking about her lie – being married
SH says to K that he wants too much
K: if it’s about that then I am done talking
SH yells to K that SH isnt done yet
aunt to YJ: are you only going to be happy splitting up two kids that are left who dont have parents
YJ: no matter what you say-this time it wont work
YJ to SH: do you still like me?
AJ goes to see YJ asking herself :what are you trying confirm? since I am here I will just see her face and go  

44 comments on “Lie To Me E7

  1. ssen68 says:

    love your recaps


  2. MJShinshi says:

    omo…even when she’s tending to him being sick is still sizzling chemistry 🙂 so they’ve already shared a bed just need for them to both know it next time…..after the “cola-kissz” LOL
    thank you softy…off to read now 🙂


  3. mangoandjojoba says:

    wow…you’re super fast!
    your recap saved my day LOL 🙂


  4. IBELIS says:

    Thanks softy for the recap you have the fastest fingers in the west.

    Is SH jealous don’t tell me they are going to have the brothers repeat their past mistake.


  5. Amber says:

    Thank you!
    LTM is so addicting!


  6. rainyrain says:

    thankuuuuuu softy , so the kiss on the cheek is just a dream 😦
    and now problems are going to start between the two , ahhh anguish anguish anguish , I hate this phase of kdrama


  7. gabby says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for your super fast recap!
    I know I won’t be able to sleep if i don’t read it first lol


  8. Fahm says:

    Love. you. so. much. THANK YOU for doing this. Because I’m too excited to wait for subs, I watch the episode with your recap beside it haha.

    Their chemistry is so awesome, I seriously hope they’ll get together in real life.


  9. jae says:

    thank you softy… for your dedication to LTM ^^;
    souls rebel fighting!!!


  10. andreana says:

    thank you so much!you are reall fast!=)


  11. ck1Oz says:

    SOFTY. I am at work and you’re a lifesave because I am dyi… to watch but I can’t!!



  12. gabby says:

    Text Preview of Episode 8
    기준이 병원에 실려간 사실을 상희에게서 들은 윤주. 병원으로 찾아가고, 병실에 누워있는 기준을 안스럽게 바라본다. 이때 병실로 들어오는 상희는 아무렇지 않은척 애써 농담을 던지고 기준과 윤주는 아무렇지도 않은 척 하는 상희가 불편하다. 윤주의 핸드폰이 울리고 밖에서 전화 받으려고 병실 문 여는데 문 앞에는 아정이 서 있다. 아정은 윤주를 보고 화들짝 놀라 병실 앞에 붙은 이름표 다시 확인하고 안에 있는 기준을 보고야 제대로 찾은 걸 알고 반색한다. 들어가는 아정과 나오는 윤주가 문 앞에서 스친다. 기분이 묘한 윤주. 한편, 카페 안, 메뉴 고르는데 정신 팔린 척 하는 아정은 거짓말 한 걸 들통났을까 싶어서 뒤에 버티고 있는 소란의 눈치를 살피는 중이다. 소란은 아정을 추궁하는데 아정은 건성으로 동문서답 하고..

    Can you help translating this too? Pleaseeeee 🙂


    • MJShinshi says:

      gabby, that’s part of softy’s amazing talent is she reads no Korean. She understands and speaks the language….ok sorry softy for answering for you 🙂 well I’m sure you can pick it up like it’s nothing.. oh anyway, it still baffles me that you don’t read Hangul since I’m more visual in learning I have to see things to get it most of the time. You have great hearing!! do you by any chance sing well too?? 🙂 Nevermind, in my mind all Koreans can sing!! lol

      hope the intensity of the lead actors’ chemistry won’t keep you going all night without some rest.. Thanks again softy for your time sharing this with us, appreciate it greatly!


      • MJShinshi says:

        ok may be not JB….he was awful but his singing cracked up K’s aunt and the others 😀


        • REBEL SOULS says:

          Thanks for answering for me MJShinshi -was busy translating 🙂 wow you seem to remember everything – guess not reading Korean is a bit odd to forget about so easily. As for the singing – it skipped my family – none of us can sing- I believe the word tone deaf is used frequently around us. Not me cuz I got really good at mouthing the words without audible sound coming out. My sister would like to believe she is the exception and every time she decides to subject us to her “cough” singing voice – she only ends up attracting dogs and cats to the door – guess only animals think she is a treat. But even I have to admit she is better than JB 🙂


      • gabby says:

        Oh thank you for answer me!
        I’m still new to this site ;D


  13. lhay says:

    thanks for the review, so fast!


  14. az says:

    thanks so much dear! you`re such an angel…i’m gonna watch this episode by refering to your recap..keep up..hwaiting! 🙂


  15. karola says:

    Waah! Thaks for such a quick review!

    I have a question actually…I got quiet confused by SH…. What did he mean in that conversation:
    “AJ asks what SH is doing. SH; you told me to help you. AJ: is this helping? SH glares at her. AJ:what now? SH: seems like you are mistaken about something. he leaves”
    I don’t get his intentions at all, someone, please (I beg of you) give me some hints on this chracter…what do you think?


    • zore says:

      I think he feels guilty for separating his brother and yoo ju and probably wants them back together, or does not want Ah Jung to get with is brother because thier aunt might not accept it.


    • Tien says:

      I think SH believes that AJ would eventually get hurt, since he knows that K is not yet completely over YJ. By taking AJ out of K’s house, SH really is “helping” AJ not to fall deeper for K, when K is not yet ready for AJ (not completely ready yet, anyway).


      On a completely different subject (sorry, but I don’t know where else to ask), when Korean people taking pictures, what does the V sign with index and middle fingers mean? Peace?


    • asikini-nun says:

      my opinion,
      may be SH don’t want AJ over noticed with his brother.


  16. Fano-Kpop says:

    Thank you for your swift recap, Softy.

    Now that I have read it, I can go to bed and meet the pair in my dreams.
    Just one question – the kiss scene on the left margin of this page – is it the cola kiss in episode 8?


    • karola says:

      yep, the picture on the left is the ‘cola kiss’ (^_^) there’re previews on youtube…


      • Nilly says:

        Why is it called “cola kiss”? Do you know? I was expecting a can of coca cola somewhere or at least a wet kiss. Lol


        • asikini-nun says:

          yes… K have cola’s bottle (coke) in his hand. Can found at preview before the kiss scene. that may be called cola kiss lor… look at the cola’s kiss pic. AJ wet already. They may collide and cause them to get wet.


          • nix says:

            yes asikini-nun is right. they were playing with cola before the kiss happened. ^__^ AJ started it but she ends up getting drenched in cola coz K sprayed/poured the bottle on her. haha. then comes the chu~ ❤ (aerr. thats what i saw in one vid. XD)


  17. angelparaiso says:

    i am also confused by Sang-hee’s actions.. did she like Ah-Jung?


  18. REBEL SOULS says:

    Karola and angelparaiso – I responded to your comments on the post where SH dragged AJ out of K ‘s home. 🙂


    • karola says:

      Thank you for replaying. After reading your thoughts on SH I came with some scenarios ( this is the first time in my whole life when I’m so worked up over a character from a tv show, lol, I’m literally obsessing over SH and the fact that the writer for this show called him a black horse makes it even worse, becuase I so want to know what he/she had in his/her mind):
      1)I would agree with what you wrote: the insecure little brother and his rivalry over women/friendships, etc. because of what happened in the past
      2)This theory comes from the feeling I get while SH enters the scene.He has this disturbing if not alarming atmosphere around him and if I did not mistake it with the actors atmosphere, then SH might plot some kind of evil plan, lol. Why i think that way? First of all becuase he agreed to help AJ easily and was the main reason this whole contract got place, therefore I was thinking as it was pointed by SH himself he has his way with women and AJ might come as an airhead, him being the fairy godmother is actually to make his brother fall in love with AJ and then seduce her ( he did bond AJ to himself already) to hurt him like SH was hurt and the whole scene I did not understand before when he takes her away from his brother house was becuase he saw AJ falling for his bro already, which would destroy his plan.
      3)He has already feelings for AJ, becuase if i recall correctly there was a scene when he said something along the lines : “‘If I catch her it’s DESTINY” and I was thinking maybe after the girl he loved came back and judging by the way he approached her, he’s not aware yet of the fact that he moved on and when he saw his bro with AJ on that couch it hit him hard, made jelous…so perhaps the “aren’t you mistaking something” was actually not only for AJ, but also for himself, you know, the stage of denial – where he does not wnat to admit to himself that heart broken in the past started to heal long time ago…
      I would go with what you wrote or wih the 3rd option since it’s a rom-com of mixed storylines that were already used in other dramas… I was thinking something like love contract- main guy can’t choose between his ladies- the hurt brother falls for the main girl- main guy goes after the main girl, etc…
      Personally I would prefer AJ to end up with SH…hahaha…no matter if there’s a dark side to him…I hate when the main guy almost half into the series still holds such strong feelings for his past lover…and as I noticed in the forums,I share other viewers’ opinion on SH and AJ being more natural and…with warmer feelings around them…
      Sorry it’s so long, English is only my 4th language and I still can’t write short and accurate opinions…

      I’m so glad I found your blog…this is the best what happened to me in May… (*_*)


  19. kcomments says:

    O_O Holy COW, your background pic, another awesome kiss??? Then they’d better get married already with this kind of attraction!

    Off topic.
    Hop in to tell you, I lasted one whole ep on Miss Ripley, boy, the episode was well executed and compelling and intriguing, had me glued for like 50mins straight. Not bother with LDH at all, so engrossed in her character. Oh my Micky, so proud of him, his awards def not a mistake, tho I hope he will step up with his eye contact with the camera. But then [spoiler] LDH apply for a job, gets to interview, sexual harassment occurred in the office (tho no damage), she gets thrown down by the guards, yells at by the culprit man, she just cries with anger, spawns on the floor[end spoiler] At that moment, I knew, not for me, dropped it there. Cuz the PD couldn’t convince me why do I have to see LDH suffered and lied for 16eps, judging by the opening scene, the ending more to tragic or open end. I’d rather spend my time with KJH or LMH hootie kiss to enhance my Kdram experiences hehe. *wink*


  20. Kfan says:

    I can’t find the tudou link for this episode. Someone knows it?


  21. SayL says:

    K is so cute. Last week, he watched Jane Eyre with H but complained it’s a movie to watch with a girlfriend. When AJ drags him to watch it, he just sits with her to watch it again. 🙂


  22. J says:

    Thank you for youe fast recap! It really really helps me understand better 🙂 I really want YEH and KJH to have more screen time TOGETHER! Anyways, those two have SO much chemistry ^^

    I can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode…it’s going to be epic because of the cola kiss!!!


  23. alove says:

    OMG, looks like we’re in for more than just the cola kiss tomorrow due to the preview …what was that in the bed??!


  24. Blue Passion says:

    Thanks a million again for such a great recap!! I get so much of the drama because I read your recaps prior to watching the episode. Sure made my day, take care.


  25. shdm says:

    I think she is the one with the chemistry. She nows how to pick her roles and how to act pretty well. I hope to see her in antagonist role =D someday! Thanks for your recaps!


  26. Carine says:

    Oh my! thank you for updating it so swiftly!
    I’m having my finals on friday, and I still wanna watch LTM desperately! LOL!
    It’s so addictive!


  27. nix says:

    thank you for doing this! you’re awesome! i hope you wont get tired doing this. 🙂

    jeongmal kamsahamnida~ ^__^


  28. MissK says:

    I’m not sure if anyone noticed it but when he played tennis before coming home, he thought of YJ telling him that she wanted to start over and then he thought of AJ, and it was that scene where AJ had dreamt that he kissed her on the cheek… So maybe it wasn’t a dream?

    But i’m not sure…


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