Can You Hear My Heart E10

* E11 trailer translated on comments under kcomments video link
It is official – this drama is so good I am crazy over it. The last time I swooned this much was during the sit up scene in SG. I’m not joking- I almost fainted watching that last scene.
Did anyone else feel like when D was holding her in his arms -that he did it to feel normal again? she was the last person he felt happy with before his accident- when he could hear and not have to go thru all this hiding and deception. Maybe he thought if he could hold onto her – a little bit of what he lost, he could feel again- a little bit of the happiness she gives him whenever she acts funny or says something cute to make him laugh. For that reason, I hope he never lets her go.
I watched an entertainment news bit with rising stars featuring these 3 kids. the reporter took the kids in a limo to an amusement park. when asked what is different now in their lives, young D says the friends he used to play with ask about what it was like on the filming sites. she asked each kid what their most memorable scene was-young D chose the cliff scene where T drags him to the cliffs -he got scared when he looked down and felt dizzy and nauseous so she warns he will feel that when they ride rollercoasters. he says that’s ok-it’s better than the cliffs (he ended up holding the reporter’s hand thru the ride cuz he was scared). young W chose the factory scene cuz from the night before she shot that, she had been crying for 3 days straight. the reporter says young M was his shirtless scene in saipan. he got embarrassed cuz he said his friends came over and asked him to show them and they kept trying to take his shirt off. the reporter asks young W if she thought young M was cool and she says he is. also that he took good care of her during filming. the reporter asks what young W thinks of young M as a bf since she doesnt have one. the poor girl looked shocked. when little W and young D first met, she was going to call him oppa cuz he is a year ahead of her in school (her 5th grade and him 6th) but he told her he doesnt want that. soooo cute. young M said when he first saw young D that he thought he was a doll. young D seemed surprised to hear that. young M compliments young W cuz she is cute 12 yr old girl and she calls him oppa and the reporter asks: you like it that much? he got all embarrassed. they show each kids past history from their baby pics to what they did before this drama. they made young W say hi to won bin on camera. she says they still keep in touch after making the movie together, but she doesnt know how to text well. turns out the kid who played D was on some show dancing with Micky so they call young D “micky chunee”. he was so cute on the show and did a wink and point with micky.  little W has two younger sisters that look like her- the youngest one wants to act like her but her other sister wants to sing and dance.  young M was on that racy movie with jo in sung in like a cameo so the reporter tells the other two kids they cant watch that movie (LOL). then she makes each kid pretend they are acting in a CF and they all do great jobs. at the park, young D is more popular than the other two. poor young D was really scared during that rollercoaster ride. for children’s day, they all wanted dogs as presents.
everyone will be relieved to know that I finally learned the name of the place where Y works
it is called the botanical garden but you guys try typing that like 20 times an episode and see how good nursery sounds
a nursery is where you grow plants so I am sticking with it but you guys can think botanical garden in your heads ok?
Can you hear my heart E10
W goes to the manager and asks where D is
she threatens to talk about his drinking incident if he fires her dad
the manager says it doesnt matter if she does
I dont want to fire your dad either
to be honest – he is a little frustrating at times but I know he works hard
W: so where is D?
manager says he doesnt know and complains about D -how he doesnt say hi to him
when he sees him
even if he is WK’s son he is still a son but he doesnt say hi back and just keeps walking
how could a guy wear so much white makeup on his face
why is he so white?
when i see him at night
he is like a beacon – it is so scary
W: he isnt wearing makeup – he is normally that white
he cant believe she referred to D as “that guy” instead of showing deference to D’s position
W says D has no right to fire her dad
manager says that is true – that D is too old to be doing whatever his mom wants
he hints that Y was fired for his “condition”-that D said her dad was “different” from other ppl
so W is furious and goes running to find D
manager tells her not to cuz he will get fired too
choi and D and a bunch of men are having a meeting
choi mentions some hiccups the company is having
D adds something to that, but choi tells him not to interfere and just listen
he says the other men didnt come just to listen either
instead of changing something with the system, it would be better to add on a better business
D announces his project – energy cell- a cosmetic business
outside the conference room
MS is on the phone and tells W that she cant talk cuz she is in a imp meeting
kim comes out to call her in
she asks how her makeup is
if her mascara has smeared or anything (she is wearing what they are presenting)
choi laughs and says is that all D came up with-that he will sell cosmetic
D: cant I do that?
choi: you think business is a joke?
I was in the cosmetic business for 16 yrs
and mentions how difficult the market is
D says that is why he wants to start/it is worth doing
D claims he can accomplish something within a year
he starts his presentation
MS’s dad (kang) says it’s not easy – it takes 3 yrs of investments just to start out in england to at least have a good enough product or something
D says it takes 5 yrs and brings the guy’s daughter MS out
she gives a speech about the new makeup
choi is mad
Y is at home drawing
he wonders when he can go to work
grandma almost lets it slip that Y was fired
she tells Y to go tm
SC asks why she lied-what is she going to do later when Y finds out
she says she can keep saying  “tm” tm too
she talks about M and gets sad so SC comforts her
choi comes out of the meeting
other men are happy and says D did a great job
they enjoyed the presentation
they cant believe it took 5 yrs
they say D takes after his dad
choi calls D into his room
D tells the team to follow him
D says all choi is going to tell him is that D did a great job
D says choi’s compliment needs to be heard by his team first before him 
MS’s dad wants to see her but she hides behind D saying D wanted to see her first
D’s cell phone vibrates
D ignores it and asks choi to look over the marketing something
choi tells him to answer his phone first
W and D exchange worried looks cuz D has to talk into the phone like normal
D picks up and says : this is D
W: I know you are – this is W
D says into the phone: yes, I understand, i will take care of it like that
he hangs up
she shows up in person
W:take care of what?
it wasnt enough you fired my dad
now you are going to take care of me too?
choi : what is she?
W looks at choi and goes up to D and asks why do these impressive ppl keep going after my family
D goes up to W but M stops him
W steps up and calls his name
she says: you are here too
and she says she warned him not to mess with her family
choi: who do you think you are to show up here on your own
where are the security guards
W: why? so you can say those words you say so well again
“drag them away right now”
try dragging me away
cuz I came to protest (not sure of this word)
choi wants to know who W is
W says her name
before she can accuse choi of killing her mom
D steps in and stops her
D: leave
W: D – i thought you would be different
choi steps forward so D acts quickly and takes her arm and says “come out”
she pulls away and slaps him (with something rolled up- it leave an instant red welt)
W: D- how could you end up like this
tho i hated everyone at WK enough to want to kill them
I wasnt going to hate you
but after lying about the contract
now you fire my dad?
what did my father do wrong to fire him from the botanical garden
if you dont want to act like you know me – go ahead
it’s ok if you act like you dont know me but
dont mess with my family
I am not that little kid from back then anymore
cuz of your family
I lost my mom and brother
but watching my dad get fired for no reason 
i wont just stand by and watch that
guards try to take W away
she struggles and says let go- I said all that I came to say so there is no need to hold onto me
choi yells at D: what are you going around doing -where did you …that girl….
D tells the guards to let her go
D says to her: I dont know you
dont ever show up again for any reason
there is no good from hanging around me
if you are done talking – go right now
D asks choi to speak with him
as D walks away to follow choi,
he turns to M and says: I’m asking you a favor (to take care of her)
M nods
MS’s dad takes her away
M stares at W
choi yells at D
choi: what do you think everyone who just saw that will say
D makes light of it and says
he needed her design so he tricked her but that girl overreacted
D touches his cheek and asks
dad- is this red?
D acts like it hurts
choi asks if you prepared for 5 yrs
why didnt you tell me in advance?
D: it was your wake up surprise present
after 16 yrs – coming back to my old position as (successor?)
choi: does that mean you intend to do that business
D: since I started it – i have to see it till the end
since i am your son you will support me right?
choi: fine -let’s bout (go up against each other like in a boxing ring fight)
D: thanks dad
choi makes some kind of comment that he didnt give D enough credit all this time or something
D promises to try harder
and smiles at choi
chois does too
until D leaves the room -then choi goes berserk
D runs out and looks for W
he sees her down below staring at the giant aquarium
M goes up to W
he asks her to speak for a moment
but W walks away
MS comes and calls out J’s name
she tells M not to say he saw her if a short legged man looks for her
MS goes after W and makes her run away
D watches from above
W says she wants to go home
she has nothing to say to MS
MS said she never asked W to talk – just to eat
Y is anxious about being cooped up inside
neighbor comes and asks Y
you like working at the nursery more than drawing dont you?
Y: how did you know? there is nothing you dont know about me
he says that they have been friends for 30 yrs
Y asks how long 30 yrs is
so the neighbor tells Y to draw and eat fried chicken
Y asks him what tm is cuz his mom said he could work tm
but tm isnt coming and mom and W keep saying it is “today”
neighbor mutters
if they left Y alone he would have been confused anyway so why did they have to go and make Y more confused-if they were going to teach Y they should do it right
he has to explain what tm means to Y
how it has to pass midnight to be the next day
Y doesnt know what midnight is
so the neighbor does that thing with his two fingers to indicate the two hands on the clock that indicates midnight – when it says two – that is when Y is drinking alcohol
choi talks with MS’s dad-kang
choi puts kang in charge of D’s cosmetic company
kang asks if choi means it – what about the additional cost/investment
choi tells kang to use kang’s own money since his daughter started it too
kang says his daughter didnt do it on her own
choi says D is not his bloodline-do you have anything else to say?
choi says their meeting is done and tells him to go
kang says he cant-he tells choi to take responsibility
choi asks why kang is like this – since D started work does kang want to go over to D’s side?
did kang forget what he did in the past?
kang: did you forget? i am WK’s (his job title)
why do you think i lived like this up to now and listened to you
I betrayed the president to protect my fortune and held on till now
so why should I give my money to you now
S comes in
kang says to choi- is there anything else left to us but money after we gave up on ppl
Kang says he cant do what choi asked
S tells choi to fire that crazy old guy
choi : you said if I asked – you would do anything at all
he says she is the only one he trusts now
she looks honored
T is on the phone and finds out W went to the company
she thinks there should have been tighter security
S comes in
T:what brings you by
S: dont you like that I came?
T: that’s not it but why did you come
S says she was happiest being T’s secretary and wants to follow T around
and offers to do any errands T wants
T: if you want then go ahead
S thanks her
T: let’s go out
 junha and D are too busy so I have to shop for them
S says she doesnt like the way J looks and tells T not to get too close to him
T says choi said the same thing
S: he did- the way ppl see others is similar
T asks when S’s son who lives in america is coming back
S lies and says her son likes living abroad
T says she wants to meet her son cuz if he looks like S – he should be handsome
T says she has to wash up and asks S to make the bed and get ready to go out
S looks at the beds
there are two beds – that’s why he cant trust her
MS and W are drinking
both are drunk
MS says all of this is cuz of D cuz he convinced her to work for his cosmetic company
W said she almost became a pianist cuz of D convincing her
pianists have to practice a lot so he is a bad guy (for making her want to be one)
MS says the worst person is Junha
W agrees and says he upset her
MS says that is his specialty
their speech is slurred so this is hard to understand
MS says she was going to be J’s gf in america but D looked at her funny
(so J backed off)
W tells her to forget about D
MS says she was talking about J
W says that is what she meant
J is D’s older brother
she begs MS not to bring up D’s name cuz it makes her angry
how dare he fire her dad
when he is a fraud – a bad jerk
D goes home and feeds his fish
D shows his fish his face
look at your older brother’s face
it hurts
I said look – here
do you know how much it hurts?
(guess the fish didnt pay attention to him so he is annoyed)
hey you -from tm i am really busy so I am not going to feed you
D mutters under his breath
she doesnt even know anything
W’s head is on the table
she mutters
he doesnt even know anything
 MS calls SC
saying she has a dream so she took off her doctor’s coat…is this fate playing around..fate cant seem to be avoided
W has her head down muttering: my mom wore a white gown too
she is close to passing out
SC yells at MS : stop talking nonsense
i heard W’s voice
you crazy woman
hurry and put W on the phone
arent you going to tell me where you are
I’m gonna scour all over seoul
put W on the phone
hey alcohol ghost
what nonsense are you saying?
Y comes down and looks at the clock trying to figure out the time
SC: you gave her alcohol to drink didnt you?
my W cant even drink one drop of alcohol
from the first moment I saw you i didnt like you
shut up
put W on the phone
 why cant you understand what I am saying?
Y hears the name W and goes back to the desk and starts to draw again
MS: i have a dream – what is your dream
W : my dream? i dont know
i really dont know
every single day I am busy
i think about it and give up and give up so…
now i dont know what that is anymore
MS is almost passed out
she says she is cold
so W puts napkins on her to make her warm and tells her to sleep
M shows up to take them home
he pats W: let’s go now
he tries to wake MS
but W shushes him and says she is sleeping
M leans over and asks : do you think you can you stand?
W puts her finger on his lips and shushes him
she tries to drink again but he holds her hand and
tells W to stop drinking
he spoke formally then informally
let’s go and takes the glass out of her hand
so she says
you are my brother- M oppa
she points to him and says M oppa one
then other men in the room as M 2. M3, M4 etc
she leans on MS to sleep
he calls T
mom, it’s me
MS is drunk so I will go home after I take her home
T: i thought you were with D
take her home safely and drive carefully
M: mom i am with that girl too
T: who is that girl?
M: W -she came to the company to complain to D for firing her dad
T: she did? J- thank you for telling me (and being up front about W)
T smiles after she hangs up
As Y is skipping along, he sees D sitting outside on his front porch with a laptop
Y goes up to D
Y bows and says hello
it is me Y
D closes his laptop and goes in
Y:were you waiting for me?
D: no i was working
Y: not you werent
when you do this (puts his hand under his chin)
it means you are waiting
it is sign language
my daughter W taught me
Y signs what he knows: mom is waiting in heaven
D tries to go in again
Y: I was wrong – were you mad cuz I came late?
last time I said I would play with you
right now it is midnight
today is tm
so should I play with you now?
D notices the cuts on Y’s hands
D asks how Y injured his hands
Y says he always gets hurt (planting and stuff)
but since a lot of flowers are blooming it doesnt hurt at all
D takes Y inside
Y counts the fish
D asks Y to come over to him
Y thanks D for treating his cuts
D puts balm and band aids on Y’s hand
Y asks what the fish names are
cuz everything has a name
D says they dont have names yet
Y: even if they dont have names
they are pretty
D: do you like fish
Y: i like fish, flowers, trees, birds, i like everything in the botanical garden
D: is there anything you dont like
Y: what?
D: not something you like, but what you dont like-something you hate
Y: something i dont like? something i hate? I dont have any- I like everything
D: you really dont have anything? how about someone you hate
do you really not have anyone you hate?
Y : yes- i dont- i like everything
ah -instead of something i hate – I have something I am scared of
I’m really afraid of fire
fire – factory – and the man i gave S kimchi too
now that i think about it again i am scared
D says he is done putting band aids on Y so he can go home
Y thanks him
Y asks what D is afraid of
D: i am afraid of the dark
i cant see anything
i cant hear anything
everything is dark so it is frustrating
so closing my eyes is the scariest
Y: ah – you are scared of the dark the most
D tells him it is late and to go home
Y left his flashlight behind I think
so D takes it to his house
M pulls up with W
he tries to get her to wake up
he says they are at her house
he calls her name informally
then back to formal
D watches M piggy backing W up the steps
D remembers how M said W wasnt his sister when they were younger
then when M said he threw away his whole family
W carries her up the steps
in her drunk state, W calls out “oppa, mom” and cries
W rings the bell and sits with her
and lets her rest her head on his shoulder
 neighbor piggybacks her into her room
SC is there sleeping in her room grinning in his sleep
grandma hits W on her back for coming home drunk
Y sleeps next to W
grandma goes in and tells him to go sleep in his room
he says he is cold in his sleep
she is upset at W for drinking cuz she is young-she says W should leave it to old ppl to drink (cuz they have higher tolerance)
grandma complains cuz W is making her dad sleep on the cold floor
she covers both of them with a blanket
D goes to M’s room and wakes him by knocking on the window like it is an emergency
when M runs out
D sprays him with water
and says exactly what M said when they were younger
D: nice
he throws M a baseball mitt
D: sorry (for throwing it at him)
let’s play catch
M: you’re dead
D throws the ball at him
D taunts:I said let’s play
 why? are you afraid? do you think you will lose
they have a water fight
and I am in heaven watching this
they are lying on the grass
M: it is tiring
D didnt hear that so M leans over and
M mouths the words “it’s tiring”
it’s not like we are 14 yrs old anymore
D: were you 14 when we first met?
M: yea – it’s been too long
D: cuz of me – at least you got an education overseas
and ended up a doctor
M repeats: ended up a doctor
D: it’s good cuz you can do two things at the same time
I can only do one thing at a time
when i drive i cant talk
i can talk but i cant hear
if I look up at the sky like this, I cant talk to you
i acted like i didnt know W
but i cant tell her I’m sorry
since you can do both
be D’s older brother and W’s older brother
M looks away and says: did you want to say that and made me go thru all this
this morning?
D: what? say it again
M tells him to get prepare well for his launching show since there are only two days left
D says that isnt what M said-what did you say?
they walk along together
M says D got better (with catching the ball)
in the distance
manager is telling Y that he is fired and to go away
M sees that
and distracts D  before D can see
manager is yelling at Y to go home cuz Y is fired
Y says : today is tm
mom said I could come if it is tm
is your mom the owner
the owner doesnt want to see you
Y: why dont they want to see me? who is the owner?
W comes up and says she told her dad to stay home
she looks over at M and D playing
she calls them a set of bad ant poop
W:you’re worse cha dong joo
Y asks W: why am I fired? why does the owner not like me?
I was wrong – dont fire me W
W: let’s go home
dont ever come back to the nursery
Y: it is tm so I can come here
W: who said that? the owner said not to come-let’s go
she pushes Y to go home
Y keeps saying he has to go to the nursery-today is tm
W threatens to call her dad – baby if he keeps doing this
Y:no you cant I am a dad
she says : then why arent you listening and acting like a baby
there is someone scary at the nursery so I told you not to go there
the owner changed and it’s a really scary person
Y says he knows but he is worried that M will come
W promises to check every day when she goes to see if M came back
so dont go there ok?
Y says he gets it but the scary person is the person he gave S’s kimchi to and
 if it is him then there will be a fire  and if the flowers catch on fire they wont blossom
if the walls come down they wont blossom so what do I do- I have to go there
she says she will call Y a baby from now on
Y promises he wont go there and that he was wrong
SC comes in and hears that
SC is sitting deep in thought
his dad comes over and his mom too
she asks why he called them when they are busy
SC kneels in front of them
mom and dad
for raising someone like me who doesnt listen well
you suffered too much
from now on I will respect you two more
and become a good son who does anything you tell me to do
instead of being moved- they both sigh and ask at the same time: how much
SC: $3,000
the mom walks away but SC stops her
SC: should I do the laundry? clean? do the dishes?
just say it and the minute you give me $3,000
you can make me do anything
I will do everything you ask
his mom: then fry chicken
SC pulls away:mom-just leave that out
except for chicken, I will do everything else
she turns to leave again
SC: mom I’m a guy with a dream
I have to earn money
to pay off that D jerk and ruin his life
she tells him to take care of his own life and not think of ruining the other guy’s life
she says she is tired of watching him chase around W
if he quits selling cars and fry chicken
then she will give him the money
dad says he will fry the chicken
she says she needs to keep SC close so he wont do anything else
your life belongs to me- use your body to fry chicken
M and D are preparing for the launch
as they walk around Kim yells down from high up at D calling him boss to get his attention
M gets D’s attention so D will look up
M asks D if he can see Kim’s mouth
D: no-what did he say?
M: that from 4:30 they are going to start the rehearsal for the dance
D yells up at Kim: got it- I will watch it from the stage
M: do you think you will be ok tm?
shouldnt they make something better (or was it higher)
D replies that he isnt the focus of attention and that this is what they need to do for the product
a girl gives D the phone saying some guy cant make it tm so the guy wants to say hello
so M takes the call and pretends to be D
D explains to the girl who gave them the call
that M has a better voice than him
MS tells someone to turn dim the lights
T is there and makes a comment about the lights so MS talks into the mic that the lights are too bright
she tells the guy to turn all the lights off and only turn on the spotlight
MS makes an announcement to the room about the lights
T spots D walking around alone
T asks where J is
the lights go off suddenly
D is scared
 he calls out for M
M shows up next to him and asks if D is ok
D grabs his arm and looks upset
the spotlight comes on
D is still shaken and wont let go of M
D is sitting and M takes him water
as D starts to drink, M hits the bottom of the bottle so water spills on D
D: what is this
M: are you a child- why did you have to get scared of that (light incident)
D says he doesnt like the dark – he isnt used to it
D starts to drink again and M gets ready
he promises not to do it twice and tells D to drink
D warns M better not
M does it again
SC comes in wearing his chicken uniform calling out for D
he asks if M is D
then D
he yells who is D?
D: what is going on?
SC throws down the money
this is $3,000
the money you gave W for the flower design
you kill her mom
make her brother leave home
you lie to her (trick her)
you drive her dad away from the nursery
what else is next? what?
if you lived with her even one day  by her side
you wouldnt be able to do those things
if you make her cry one more time
even if that stupid girl puts up with it
but I cant
I can only be patient up to this
Y is waiting at the gate
D goes up to him
D is wearing a helmet with a light on it
they bow hello to each other
D: you were here – I looked for you a long time
Y : I cant go to the nursery
so I cant play with you – I’m sorry D
D says that is a problem cuz he was going to ask Y a favor
Y:what is it?
Y is wearing the helmet with the light on it and looking at his family portrait
Y talks to the picture and signs
MS-did you worry a lot?
I’m going back to work tm at the nursery
I did well
he signs and tells M’s pic
I’m going to the nursery
I will wait till you come back
T goes to visit her dad’s gravesite
dad- i couldnt help you back then
but now I can do what you wanted
please protect D the one you loved the most
D starts his launch for energy cell
he introduces himself
he says energy cell is water and the audience’s skin/complexion is the flower
and when they combine their skin with energy cell
it will blossom beautifully
then something about how it was produced for 5 yrs in england
he introduces and lists his team members one by one and their individual contributions
name and the person in charge of moisture (think that was MS) , the colorist, etc
S tells choi that she met with someone
and made an appt for choi to meet tm evening with him
choi says she did well
she asks if T didnt come  and makes a remark she always runs off 
S congratulates D
he goes around with M saying hello and thank you
M stops an interviewer who had asked D a question
and D didnt know so M tells the guy they will have Q and A later
MS tells D he was cool
and asks if he is ok
D smiles and nods yes
grandma is sneaking around eating spoonfuls of sugar
and gets caught by the neighbor
he asks why she is doing this in the morning
she lies and says cuz she had a bad taste in her mouth -she insists she didnt eat much sugar
he takes it away from her and says it is better if she drank alcohol cuz if she does crazy things after drinking they can blame the alcohol – she has to regain control of her senses and to think about them
she asks for the sugar back
when W comes in
neighbor eats the sugar
he pretends he was craving sweets (he was covering for the grandma-awwww so nice of him)
W says he will gain weight
he says to leave him alone
W asks where her dad is
he says: your dad is having an affair
it’s like he is hiding a gf at the nursery
he motions that instead of saying Y is going to make rice tasty
he is went to go get tasty food for fish
* awww Y went to get food for D’s fish
wearing the helmet with the light
Y is scooping up green stuff from the pond
Y: MS -I’ve become friends with someone who is a lot like you
his name is D “one who isnt M”
but his eyes are just like yours
but he cant sign
should I teach him?
Y says that looking up at the sky
D comes home looking pale and tired
and he doesnt even have the energy to put on the watch
M calls and asks D
are you okay?
did you overdo it and not feel well?
D says he cant drink alcohol and it wasnt fun so he came home
he says he is going to wash up and hangs up
the doorbell rings
he sees the watch vibrate with the doorbell warning
he goes and opens it
W asks:where is my dad? where is he?
she goes in the house looking for her dad
D cant even see her cuz his vision is blurry
D: could you please stop and go
W: who are you to give my dad work
when it wasnt long ago you fired him
who told you to give my dad work?
he says let’s talk later and tells her to go
he walks off
she calls out his name
she pulls him back roughly so he twirls and that makes him more dizzy
D takes her hand off of him and tells her to go
as he walks away
he falls down
W:ya- what is wrong with you?
she tries to shake him awake
D- ya- why are you like this? are you unwell?
he blinks and looks up at her
she keeps shaking him
W: wake up D
cant you hear what I am saying?
cant you hear my voice?
cant you hear?
he pulls her down to him in a hug and closes his eyes
flashback to childhood
tree scene with young W and young D
young W with her eyes closed and her hands over her ears:
if I say “I see ahjussi- I can see ahjussi”
if I say “I can hear my mom’s voice”
then I can hear my mom’s voice
khung khung khung
she opens her eyes and asks:
isnt it amazing
young D with his hands over his ears and his eyes closed:
I can see
my mom and also my grandpa
young W: what about sound?
yound D: I can hear it
young W: what sound is it?
young W asks:  what sound do you hear?
young D’s voice echoes present day D as he says: your voice
D cries as he says
I hear it – your voice
I hear it – your voice
I hear it – your voice
OMG daebak-best ending ever
no preview

48 comments on “Can You Hear My Heart E10

  1. kcomments says:

    Darn!, the ending scene!!! OMG OMG, never never trust writer Moon!
    Thanks softy, didn’t know you do it live tonight. I thought this was JH’s episode but gahhh! the ending! Oh I’m so rooting for JG and DJ, such a heart.
    *off to read now*


  2. applexu114 says:

    The live stream was so bad today so I missed the ending part. I can’t believe it :((. I missed the part that I anticipated the most since reading the preview few days ago. I need to see the hug :x. DJ was such a cutie today. The part he complained that he got hurt on the face in front of his fish tank was so so adorable. I couldn’t handle the sweetness of it. Poor dear, come here and I will take care of you. Then the helmet with a little light as a gift for Y from DJ scene melt my heart. Oh my… I agree with you. Today is such a great episode with all these lovely interactions between my favourite characters and a beginning of the payback for those bad people. And I can’t finish this rant without mentioning SC, he is such a sweetheart. I know that he won’t get WR at the end but I hope that he would get his own happy ending otherwise I’ll be seriously sad 😦

    Thanks for your live recap Softy and take care. Now I’m off to hunt ep 10 so that I can watch this hugging scene 😀


    • Softy says:

      I know – I am starting to see just how much he cares for W. I think he might end up with MS in the end 🙂 did you notice that scene where he begs his mom for money – it looked exactly like the set for smile you, the other drama he was on.
      Hope you got to see the hug scene 🙂


      • applexu114 says:

        I saw it again and again. Oh MY…what a scene :xxxxxxxxxxx. It was just such a heartbreaking + heartwarming + heart-whateveritcangowith scene. Seriously, Drama God, please let this episode pass 20% so that the production team + the writer know that the audience is long for more hugges, kisses!!!! I also think there is a chance that SC will end up with MS too. For some reasons, his characters from MNISKSS, Smile, You to this drama also make me feel good even though he is third party all the time :D. But then again, if it happens, JH is such a poor boy :((.


  3. lei2010 says:

    kawaii! best ending ever… now i have to wait for another week, this drama is getting more exciting and unpredictable….

    thank u for the live recap…


  4. Kfan says:

    Does anybody know the link from the site tudou where I can watch ep 9 and 10 raw?


  5. Audiance says:

    love love the recaps…thanks


  6. Celest says:

    agreed! loved the ending to this episode. I personally think that Kim Jae Won’s acting has gotten better since coming out of the army. Thanks for recapping softy! Too bad there’s no preview though. Way to tease us, show.


  7. janna says:

    Apparently the difference between regular DJ and sick DJ is pretty much just a swipe of nude lip stick. MS called SC drunk! Awww yeah. First step in a love connection.

    Thanks for the recap, shouldn’t you be asleep! D: Go get some sleep!


  8. arlyne says:

    Softy, thank you. I love everyone’s character except for W. Pardon my rant, but somehow, I find her annoying. On the other hand, I like the interaction between Y and D. I have a feeling that Y knows or senses that D can’t hear which is why he made a remark that “I’ve become friends with someone who is a lot like you
    his name is D “one who isnt M”. As for M, I feel bad for him. Even though he’s living the kind of life he wanted, he doesn’t have freedom to do what he really likes. He always has to report to “evil” mother. I call her “evil” because she can’t see how M is totally devoted to helping her and D. She only cares about revenge and using M.


  9. Mia says:

    AHHH!! Can’t wait to watch this!!! Thanks so much for your transcaps, softy!!!! ❤


  10. Ren says:

    Thank you so much for this recap! (I didn’t know you were doing CYHMH recaps ^^;)

    I am absolutely rabid for this drama. It reminds me of dramas from about 5 years ago, like Spring Waltz and such, that were full of heart and so romantic. The newer shows don’t give me that same feeling–I love them while watching them, but they leave me cold at the end. This show is so different.

    I just skimmed this episode (waiting on subs!), but I was breathless during the last scene and was dying to know what Dong Joo said. Thank you so much for translating! *hugs*

    Oh my goodness, I am so excited for next week and haven’t even watched episodes 9 and 10 completely yet! *sobs*


    • Softy says:

      I used to think smile you had a lot of heart and loved it, but this drama goes beyond that. It makes you go thru everything the characters are living thru – all their ups and downs. Recent dramas had moments of greatness, but every episode is wonderful with this drama. So far my fav scenes were with young D and young W when they meet for the first time in that classroom, then their tree scene, also when young D transitions into present day D, and now the hug tonight. This drama is seriously running away with my heart.


  11. Mia says:

    Btw, I’m confused. Do you interchange between M and J sometimes for M?


    • Softy says:

      Yup – I have him memorized as M, but when T calls him J – I go with that. Sorry it gets confusing I know. Initially I wasn’t even going to keep this drama past the kids episode so I didn’t bother learning names that well – I still call Y’s friend the neighbor – think his name is mong though but I can’t use his initial cuz of M. I really despise Korean names. On every drama I worked on, there’s always been J,D, S,M,and Y names.


      • Mia says:

        HAHAHAHA! I know! I just realized the nicknames for this drama and 49 Days is really really similar. Maybe you should try sticking with J? ‘Cos sometimes seeing M and MS at the same time is a little confusing in this drama.

        Also, it KILLS me that they didn’t show a preview for the next ep. How are we supposed to survive a week?!?! =/


  12. Iviih says:

    Awwww thanks for the recap. My heart ache for DJ. Poor him 😦

    I have to say WR is annoying sometimes, but hey! She isn’t wrong too, DJ did trick her. And since he just avoids her and don’t explain right the things she keeps blaming him and saying hurtful things.

    Softy did you sleep well? I hope so. Take care. Kisses^^


    • Softy says:

      Yes- I slept like a bear and hibernated for like 14 hrs straight on Sunday.thanks for caring. I still can’t believe I almost didn’t even start this drama cuz of the girl playing W, but now I can’t imagine what I would do without this drama.


  13. Keera says:

    Thanksss!! Love this drama! The neightboor is cute boy! He´s younger than in kimsansoon LOL

    Hope more and more romance >v<!!


  14. Kfan says:

    Do you know where I can watch the entertainment news with the child actors?


  15. kcomments says:

    *gulp* Ratings: Episode10; Nationwide 11.5(7th), Seoul 14.2 (6th) TT_TT, don’t know why all the ratings of other shows went down too. Well, may be from last week ppl were expecting JH tell the truth to WR and were disappointed.
    (In case you are wondering, No.1 ‘I Believe in Love’ (KBS2) Nationwide 23.3, Seoul 22.6)


  16. Mia says:

    Btw love the new background. Looks kinda familiar. Who is it?? >>;; I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere…


  17. toohearts says:

    Arghhhhh~~~~~ Gosh how am I suppose to endure until next week without any preview?? Why do they always do that on the last scene?! I am so hooked on this drama… Loved W and M scenes, and also D and W’s scenes…. At this point in the drama, I am having a hard time choosing which pair to root for! Ottoke?! 😛

    Thank you Softy! I am glad to hear that you were able to get some sleep that you much needed!! ^^


  18. Anon says:

    Wow, what an ending. I got kind of emotional watching it. I love ep 9 more, but it was still a good ep. I like the friendships that are developing, especially between YG and DJ, it’s good that DJ can tell YG what he is scared of and stuff . And I just love DJ more and more each ep, just how cute was the scene where he showed his face to his fish?

    Thanks for the entertainment news about the kids, can’t wait to see what they’ll do next.


  19. kcomments says:

    Thanks for the kid show translations^^, little DJ is quite a charisma, not just the looks but the way he acts too. Boy, your second paragraph sounds really romantic^^

    Even though I watched the ending scene many times, still have the feeling that I still didn’t comprehend the whole hidden meanings the writer wanted us to feel. There was so much depth in that scene. Agree with you, he reached out for her to feel normal again, and I believe he can actually remember her voice. Before he hugged her, he looked at her face/mouth, the voice cut off then, I could almost feel DJ’s world of loneliness where there is no even a tiny sound, making us understand a little bit of how a deaf person would feel. I dare not guess what next episode will bring but at least it should trigger some feelings in WR’s heart.

    Though ,may be I’m the only one here, I didn’t find the last two episodes as good as the ones before (tho the ending made up for it), the editing, the transitions between scenes and the writing were not as ‘smooth’, some scenes felt rush which might due to the shooting schedule. Also, the business aspect of revenge didn’t intrigue me, but I understand that we are in one third of the drama, the plot of revenge has to get going.
    What I’ve found confusing the most was JH, not sure it’s the writing or the character of JH himself, felt like he’s going in circle(on/off). I didn’t connect with the scene where DJ saw JH carried WR and the next morning he played water with him, it’s nice but kind of lost me there. I hope there were something the writer opt not to connect the dot until later. As for WR, did anyone find her red backpack/shoes disturbing? Well, it started to creep on me, it’s unattractive but may be it’s her connected thingy from the past.

    During the conference scene, I just *gulp* cuz DJ couldn’t hear a thing, he acted so cool, that must have stressed him out. In real life, I would wish DJ to take on a simple life, like how he played with the fish, walked along the park feeling content.

    As for JH, there is only one way he could go, accept/be content/treasure with what he has, cuz no matter how far he runs, the truth will always come back and haunt him. I really felt uncomfortable with the way he kept ignoring his dad(WR’s), I wish I could feel his pain but this is the path he intentionally chose himself(abandoned his fam), when he becomes brave and takes steps to make things right, I could only love him then.

    Phew! now off topic, do you play game on your iPad? Try Angry bird (Rio version), it’s free. I tried cuz I heard, it’s 20 million downloads just on the 1st day(not sure if this version), still couldn’t pass level 2 hehe, had to endure ridiculous monkey’s laugh when you lose tho. ^^


    • lei2010 says:

      i think after DJ saw JH with W at his back, he recalls moments when JH felt sad about leaving his family, how they missed MR and how JH felt miserable with it, that’s why DJ wants to console JH by playing with him. And also since he doesn’t want people to discover about his condition DJ wants JH to take care of W as being DJ and his oppa. That way he won’t feel sad whenever he’s ignoring her. We all know that W is part of his happy childhood memory. That’s the least he can do with her.

      i hope this saturday, the story will have a better result, i’m still a little confused about the plot of revenge and how are they going to take back WK and so on.. but what can i do, a drama like this i’m a little impatient thought im sure the near ending it won’t feel the same.


  20. phoenixash says:

    Thanks for your hard work on the translations. Just wanted to point out that you mixed up names a few times- you said “W” instead of “M” a few times when talking about Ma Roo. Since I was watching the show alongside the post, it didn’t matter, but it might be confusing to people who just have the text to go on. Still, I’ve been following you since SG and greatly appreciate all the work you put in to these posts!


  21. ck1Oz says:

    Hey softy.I finally started CYHMH yesterday.OMG…can’t believe I delayed.I wanted to wait a few episodes in before it started so I didn’t have to suffer.

    I am in love.Anyway the reason I wrote.How do you feel if I take some of your subs onto viki?I am trying to figure out how to credit you.I don’t actually know which lines I need.
    I am only at ep 7 so will go to your transcaps for that.However I may need to start ep 10 and then go backwards.Drats it I didn’t want spoilers.The viewers for ep 10 will just have to wait….maybe more subbers will come.
    The reason is that ep 7 softsubs are at 93% so I am going to see if any of yours can fill the gap.Do you want me to create a viki ID with softy as the name so it’s credited to you?
    Oh I think I told you I am the En mod for CYHMH on viki.Personally I can live without 99-100% subs but it bugged some ppl.Ep 10 is at 79% subs after 48hrs.It’s a fantastic drama but we don’t have high % subbers,we do but everyone’s time is split for the May drama..weekend dramas attract a different group from weekday subbers you see.

    I will go look at your ep 7 subs and please let me know what you want done for credits ep 10.Thanks.I am like you just trying to help some viewers who know even less Korean than me 😦 and mine is pretty dismal.


    • ck1Oz says:

      I change my mind softy.I just came back fr ep 7.There were so many lines it gave me a headache.I will only do ep 7 because we are short of about 150 lines.The viewers will just have to wait for ep 10 to be done.I am getting better at guessing meanings to put the correct subs in but 150 lines WILL give me a headache to guess.
      I rather read your recap as a viewer.Thanks softy.


    • Softy says:

      Use whatever you want when you need to- except for parts I put question marks on, it means I understood it correctly. Part of the charm of this drama is that it is easy to translate. So glad you get to enjoy this with us – we have 20 more eps to go.
      I just found out Ripley starts around end of may with city hunter so now I am afraid by then, I will have settled into a routine with lie to me, best love, 49 days, and CYHMH. I just assumed I would pick up city hunter since it is right after 49 days.I’m wondering what would be the point of even posting on Ripley since I am not going to keep it at all. Don’t know what to do – too many dramas.


      • ck1Oz says:

        Thanks for that.I love your transcap but you and I know my Korean is not good enough.I will get the softsub editorto check it, my subs.
        How do I credit it?I will write on the page but it won’t turn up on the softsub itself as it’s the Heart team on viki.

        I don’t know about you softy but Lie to me,best love and CYHMH is going to be a full plate for you.You can’t start City Hunter/Ripley not unless you want to die from lack of sleep.

        I am watching Lie to me but on the staff of Best love,CYHMH and a daily drama and uploading for Strong Heart.Even that I think will kill me.
        You can try saving yourself for You’ve fallen for me…that’s 29th June.
        Good luck splitting yourself.Everyone’s torn in several directions with so many dramas.I cannot believe it’s all at once!


        • REBEL SOULS says:

          dont worry about crediting me-it’s just a few lines anyway. Shows like strong heart is harder cuz all they do is talk nonstop-dramas are better cuz there are moments where the character stares and emotes – that is when I press “update” 🙂 I am a little intimidated by so many new shows starting too, but I am going to reduce it down to quick summaries for the weekday dramas and not do normal line by line translations anymore except for really key scenes. Not for CYHMH tho, I love it too much to reduce it anymore than I already have. Going to try to pace myself so I dont burn out cuz I really love the dramas I chose. Hope they all end up being good. 🙂


  22. lei2010 says:

    seriously, y does W have to wear that bag in every scene? i can understand it if she bring it along during the day coz her job is to sell cars and it probably contains catalogue on it, but when she met with DJ at the ending scene still in red bag, it disturbed me a lot, its night already girl, must u bring it all the way there?

    i can feel the pain and sadness of DJ when he remembers his childhood memories with W when he hug her. Although his trying hard to live a normal life it must still be terrible and lonely to bear with it.

    what an ending is that, not even a slight preview to think tru the days…


  23. kcomments says:

    Preview episode 11 ^^

    Credits: lilcrash@soompi


    • REBEL SOULS says:

      DJ says to W: you’re saying that I used to like you?
      M to W: he (DJ) will probably not remember-after his accident, he couldnt remember anything from before (the accident)
      W to DJ: even if you do remember, you’ll be the only one who is embarrassed
      manager scolds Y for calling DJ by his name (too informal for a worker to address the owner’s son)
      DJ questions the manager about why Y was fired
      MS says that the “picture” of DJ is what she likes the most (don’t we all)
      when she she frames his face with her fingers
      M tells W: dont dislike me
      W to M: did I do that cuz I disliked you?
      M to W: then did you do that cuz you liked me?
      W to M in an indignant tone: when you dont even know anything
      M to W in a soft tone: when you dont even know anything
      M tells the grandma she took the wrong medicine by mistake and clarifies her name
      grandma wonders how he knew her name. she turns and looks at him like she sort of senses he might be M


    • kcomments says:

      Oh la la, thanks softy, so glad you translated this. I’m thrilled at the way grandma looked at JH, aww…something in the way he looked back, like a naive grandson afraid she would catch on his lies, but at the same time wanted her to , cuz he missed her. This drama just keeps tugging your heart.

      Oh ho, it’s today, reserve front seat here tonight with a box of Kleenex just in case ^_^


  24. iviih says:

    lol this interview is funny, even though I don’t know anything they are talking about…
    but when the girl put on the sunglasses is just LOL XD


  25. Richard says:

    I just wanted to let you know there are people out there like me who just started watching these dramas long past their play dates on sites like Dramafever. It is greatly appreciated to find recaps so I can follow along. Being new to these dramas, I find their multiple characters, time shifts and many plot lines difficult to follow. You really have to pay attention as some little thing will show up early and later it will make sense, so I find sites like this refreshing. K and J dramas are truly the best as they engage their audience to be part of the character’s lives. When they are over, for me at least, I feel empty. Again thanks for your detailed recaps. BTW, I find this drama becoming one of my top 5 favorites.


    • Softy says:

      I feel like I owe you an apology cuz I just read over this recap and there are typos galore. Plus there are no screencaps cuz I think this was back when I didn’t know how to insert them. These days a lot of people do recaps like this so you won’t ever run out of blogs that will help you out. I am always happy to read that people enjoyed a certain drama through my recaps – all the more reason to put such care into them.
      The great thing about these dramas is that emptiness you feel now will be filled the next time around- maybe even more than you thought it could. After this ended, a few months later I discovered OB and that drama filled my quota for a satisfying weekend drama for over a year so far. 🙂


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