Celebrating OB with a giveaway: Winners

Well it turns out when you have two guest judges, the odds are that it will be very difficult to have three clear cut winners with an unanimous vote. So I played it super safe and asked for their top 7 choices. That’s how I was able to get at least the same names to make up the top three winners. As soon as I realized there was a tie for third place, I went back and looked to see who was next on the list to be a possible contender to round out the total number of winners to make five. Congratulations to all the winners and I want to thank everyone who entered cuz each and every contribution made this giveaway very special for me. Emails will be sent out to the winners tonight.   :)

Drum roll please…And the winners are in order:

First place: Maidenelle

Second Place: SS

Third Place tie: Jasmine and Chokichoki

Fourth Place: Nonski   

Here are my two guest judges who had the burden of selecting the winners among all the great entries.

Fanderay: I was thrilled that Softy asked to be a guest judge for this giveaway, but I had no idea how incredibly difficult it would be! I enjoyed everyone’s contribution, and felt like I was reliving the drama as I read through all the fabulous and thought-provoking entries. It’s hard to feel like I can ever be fair since choosing winners is a subjective process, and what struck a chord with me wouldn’t necessarily strike a chord with a different judge. I didn’t make my decisions based on whose answers were most similar to what I would have said (I kept an open mind) but it’s still true that my own life experiences caused certain entries to really stand out and create more of an emotional response. For everyone who didn’t “win”, I hope you know that you still make a very worthwhile contribution to our little OB community, and that your thoughts are still enjoyed and appreciated. It was agony to pick only three!

MS is a friend who has been watching kdramas for a few years and she happened to be visiting Korea right now so it was great to get her feedback and help with this. I was impressed by how enthusiastic and methodical she was about this whole judging process -she even memorized a lot of the submissions.

First Place Winner:  Maidenelle

winning entry:
I would like to answer option #1: Episode 28 was a big milestone for Tae-hee. Despite his growing interest in her, Tae-hee had been treating Jae-eun with mostly feigned indifference or emotional resistance. In this episode, he finally faces the emotional wall he had put up as a child and what it has cost him. The most moving scene to me is the one where, after being rejected earlier by Jae-eun, Tae-hee confronts Tae-Shik for wanting to give up his son Guk-su (Noodles).  For the first time he reveals to his brothers what it has been like for him to grow up as an outsider, envious of the natural parental love the brothers received and disconnected from his own emotional needs. The pretense he was living broke him on the inside, even if was able to convince his family, and even himself, that he was okay. This scene represents Ojakgyo Brothers at its best—when it can teach me more about my own life experiences through the feelings of the characters. Tae-hee experiences such a raw outpour of emotion that in this scene, the brothers cannot meet his eyes. When Tae-hee describes the “fake” persona he had to develop, pretending to be okay, yet always feeling empty inside, I cry. He can finally face the consequences of the abandonment and pain he suffered—he has grown to become dutiful, reliable, efficient but not truly alive. Losing Ja-eun has awakened him to all he has lost—not just the mother who left him, but a life of hope, joy, and connection. Throughout the series, Tae-hee has been like an onion whose layers are slowly peeled away, often through interactions with Jae-eun or Guk-su, until we can finally see what he has been hiding at his core. This is the scene where he finally becomes vulnerable and takes the first step to healing his scars.

Fanderay: I feel like this wasn’t an obvious choice, but it’s a scene that stayed in my memory every time I saw TH on screen and I agree with everything M said. That scene developed TH’s character more than almost any other, and it changed his relationship with his brothers and made them (and us) see him in a new light. It’s also the only answer that really reflects on brotherhood, which is nice since everyone usually focuses on the relationship between JE/TH and JE/ajhumma.

Second Place Winner: SS

Here is what SS wrote: Softy, thank you for the opportunity to write our thoughts for our beloved OB. This is a great way to commemorate the anniversary. I had tears in my eyes just reading the entries posted thus far. To be honest, I had a difficult time writing this because I felt that I could not bring out the beauty of the show by my writing. I also had a hard time choosing the scenes, I’d start on some and give up half-way. In the end, I chose this scene because TH&JE couple is the closest to my heart and their love is also the epitome of the show’s message. (sorry about the length of this post. What was just 2 lines from the scene became a thousand words) Posting on question 1. Episode 58

One can say the wedding is the culmination of their courtship. But it is in this scene where after the wedding, in a quiet moment, when TH and JE say thank you to each other, they show us exactly what each meant to the other.  Starts from where TH carries JE to bed, looks at her so lovingly and said ‘Thank you, for marrying me” In these few words, they encapsulate how TH felt for JE, that she was not just the love of his life but she was his life. He would have never existed without her, perhaps only at the existential level, a man incapable of expressing his feelings, incapable of loving himself. The loss of his father and abandonment by his mother left a hole in TH’s young heart. The pain and heartache he must have felt was so tremendous that the only way he could deal with it was to bury all his true feelings and pretended he was alright so that the pain will go away. As time passes, the pain faded but he didn’t realize that the true TH had also faded away. He had denied his own emotions so well that he too disappeared. When JE appeared in his life and the attraction stirred in him, he wasn’t just discovering love, he was discovering himself. JE is a girl who is the antithesis of himself. She is spontaneous where he is reserved, she speaks her mind and talks a lot where he is taciturn, she is the beam of light in his life. Where there was darkness, there is now sunshine. Where there was a void, it is now filled with love, happiness and joy overflowing. This is the woman who loves him with all her heart and soul, who gave up her dream as she could not bear being apart from him. How could he have left her? Even though during their break up, the bleakest period of his life, he had told his grandmother that he will go to the States because it was hard to live knowing they share the same sky. In his heart, he knew it will not be possible. He’d have simply re-live the sad & tragic life his mother led, thinking that being apart could ease the pain but the love will never go away nor can it be replaced by anyone else. He is thus grateful to JE for loving him, for marrying him, for being his tree, never to be separate from him for the rest of his life. He then leaned forward and kissed her gently on her forehead. JE opened her eyes and said “Me too. No, I am more grateful, for you not giving up on me all the way till the end.” This is so line with JE’s character. She always sees herself as the one receiving but never thought that she is the one who gives and sometimes a lot more than she receives. Like how eager she was to please her stepmother and earn her love even though she knows it is not mutual. Like how she was the one who was the first to warm up to Mom and break her resolve with her bubbly affections, sealing the bond of a mother-daughter relationship which was later threatened but stood the test of time. JE & TH’s got off a rocky start. In the beginning, though they fought with each other and exchanged angry words, the air literally crackled and the physical attraction was undeniable. JE was the first to catch it. When TH stumbled into her tent, when he leaned in on her in the car, when she felt his gaze burning right through her as she tied his necktie, JE describes all these perfectly when she told Kim PD that she cannot explain it but it is her body that first reacts to TH. He was a man who said very little but she could see everything he felt through his eyes and actions. He was a man who couldn’t express himself but when you look beneath, this is a man whose heart is gold and has so much to give. Most of all, this is the man who will do everything for her and love her more than himself. When he is down, all she wants to do is to hug him and comfort him. Without having a real mother in her life, JE could truly empathize with TH’s emptiness in his heart, waiting his whole life for someone who never came. That made her want to love him even more, to be there for him, to make him laugh. When he smiles, her heart bursts and overflows with such happiness, joy and fulfillment. She is grateful to TH for loving her, cherishing her and for being her shadow, always one and together with her. As TH & JE embark on this new phrase of their life together, I think Mom said it best when she affirms that marriage is a good thing. To me, marriage is the seal of love. We are created by love, for love and to love. In Ojakgyo Brothers, the central message is this and it resonates clear, that of all things, love is the greatest.

Fanderay:  I thought this answer was really sweet and it reflected on the whole drama like some of my other favs. It was a short scene, but it felt like it encompassed all the other scenes between those two, and SS reminded me of that.

Third Place Tie Winners: Jasmine and Chokichoki    

Jasmine wrote: Hey Softy, Like you, Ojakgyo Brothers will always hold that special little corner in my heart, as emotionally it resonated with my life. What I appreciated the most about this show, was that the characters were authentic: they made mistakes, matured, and moved on. I found each character so lovable, as each one of them took their time to mature and grow from their mistakes, and eventually earn our respect. The story was very down-to-earth and realistic, as if we were watching a real-life tale of a family growing and maturing with support from each other. I chose to answer #1, and this moment was ultimately the moment which sealed my love for this family, and made me understand the emotional center of the entire show, Bokja ajhumma. The scene is from episode 15, which was the turning point in the relationship between Jaeun and ajhumma, as ajhumma tends to a sick Jaeun, despite her reservations to care for her. This moment reminded me of my own mother, a person who is always willing to extend that hand in my moments of need. I would like to dedicate this post to her. Softy thanks again for sharing all the moments of this amazing show with us.

A Mother’s Warmth They say a mother’s hand is what you grasp on tightly as a little girl for the world is a scary place. Jaeun had no hand to grasp.  They say a mother’s hand is what steers you through life. Jaeun lost everything in a moment. Pampered and sheltered by her father’s love, she was not accustomed to the cold, ruthless world that surrounded her. The warmth she needed to guide her disappeared, as she began to open her eyes to the cold nature of those around her. The person she longed for to fill her emptiness and become a mother, betrayed her and left her to fend for herself. She rebelled against the world of no warmth, a world she didn’t wish to exist in. Bokja ajhumma was a character I had grown to despise through the beginning episodes. Although I understood the pain and confusion she must have gone through to realize that her fifth child (the farm) was being taken away from her by a stranger, I thought she was very childish and immature about the ways she went about handling the situation. Throwing tantrums, openly torturing Jaeun due to her guilty conscience, I found her actions inexcusable. However, as she opened up little by little to the stray duck that had wandered into her home, I found myself liking her little by little.  She was opening her heart to the one person who needed comfort the most. As they got under each other’s skin and gradually opened up to one another, I was moved by Bokja ajhumma’s reluctant affection for Jaeun. And then episode 15 sealed my love for this unconventional pairing, as Bokja ajhumma’s resolve finally broke. Jaeun was once again sick, cold, and helpless in the world that offered no warmth. Yet, this time it was Bokja ajhumma who became this warmth for her. Pretending to not care, and speaking to Jaeun in a blasé manner, she couldn’t contain the motherly affection that seeped through her cold words. She claims, “You do a little farm work and you’re already sick? How can you do work in that weak body?!” She nags and scolds Jaeun lightly, but as a viewer you notice that her gaze only follows Jaeun, full of deep concern for her well-being. And then she extends the warmth Jaeun has longed for, the warmth of her medicinal hands. They say a mother’s hands are what you clasp onto when you hurt the most. When Bokja ajhumma extended her hand to Jaeun, and as tears streamed down her face, Jaeun had gained the warmth, the warmth of a mother’s hands. Jaeun had gained a hand to grasp against the scary world, a hand to steer her through the obstacles she was bound to face. And this scene is the moment where the show had earned my heart. The moment where two people were united emotionally by the bounds of a mother’s hand. They say a mother molds and shapes you into the person you will become. Bokja ajhumma became that guiding light for Jaeun, the one who held her hand in her darkest hours, and shaped and molded her into the individual she eventually became.

Fanderay: I think that this response was the most eloquent and well worded compared to the others

MS: I like how Jasmine describes in great detail and very touchingly how a hand becomes a symbol of reconciliation. On a side note: This explanation made me finally understand why we always see photos of politicians shake hands and always have close-ups of only the hands. Though there were similar ones, Jasmine’s is more in depth, more layered and more touching for me.

chokichoki wrote this:  The scene that I chose to discuss for question no 1 is actually one that I’m not satisfied with. I felt that it could have been done better because there was a lot of awkwardness. It’s the necktie scene from before they bid farewell to each other in episode 51. When Ja Eun kissed Tae Hee, she looked awkward and so was him despite her claim that she wanted to be more expressive. Even the dialogues sounded a bit cheesy to me (at least to someone who understood zero Korean and had to rely on the subs.. haha). But after countless reruns of OB, I finally understood why it was done as such. Pardon me if the way I’m going to explain this is confusing. I find it really difficult to come up with a thorough but simple explanation to deliver my meanings. To me, what makes OB meaningful is that it is full of purity and innocence. It is a drama filled with hearts and honest affections. Tae Hee and Ja Eun represented these themes well and it was established since early in the drama that they both have childlike innocence with pure hearts that are thirsty for love. We can see that as lovers, they didn’t need to constantly touch each other or be lovey dovey to show their affection. They didn’t even realize that they had never praised each other (which other couples would have done all the time), not until their very last date before the breakup. Despite being in love, they are always shy around each other and rarely spoke of their true feelings. When the day finally came for them to say goodbye, it was heart wrenching to see the separation of two innocent souls. The necktie scene, as acknowledged by the writer, is so significant that it was played out twice. The first time in episode 18, we witnessed how awkward they were around each other for being at such a close proximity. The second time it happened, there was a hint of awkwardness again, but for different reasons. We can see that their eyes were brimming with tears when Ja Eun helped Tae Hee with his necktie. And when he finally confessed that it was during those moments that the wound in his heart finally heals, the two struggled to keep themselves from crying. Then Ja Eun vowed Tae Hee will be the first and the last man she will ever do the necktie for and it later echoed in Tae Hee’s vows. Doing someone else’s necktie may not be an extravagant symbol of love; in fact, it’s just a simple act that many people can do. And yet, because this whole drama is full of innocence, even doing someone’s necktie can mean the world. To Tae Hee and Ja Eun, it is exclusive to just them. No one else is allowed to have the privilege of doing so because their hearts are already tied to each other. Indirectly, it is also a vow that they will never marry anyone else. If this scene was done in a different drama, or a different situation, it might have ended up being cheesy and immature. But because of who Ja Eun and Tae Hee are, it makes perfect sense why they would take such a thing seriously. Right after the confession, everything turned awkward (to me at least); how Ja Eun praises herself for doing such a good job at doing the necktie and how she came up to kiss him (though, more of a peck) and he barely responded. I guess all of these awkwardness happened because after the confessions from each other, it’s difficult not to feel more nervous around each other. They also knew and dreaded what is to happen next and when the whole feelings mixed up, I guess one can’t help but feel numb. It’s even worse that both of them were holding back themselves from crying. Plus, had they shown too much emotion, it would have been even more difficult for the breakup to happen.

MS: Chokichoki shows very convincingly the different layers at play in a scene and how different tropes can work together to deliver one message of “innocent, strong love”. She explains how the awkwardness in the kissing scene is a sign for the upcoming separation of two “innocent souls in love” and their fear of having to face this future. In the same time, she shows how a simple everyday object (a necktie) also becomes a symbol for the fear of this future but simultaneously conveys the message of strong, innocent love and the lovers promise for their future (even if living separately, to stay true to their love).

Fanderay: This seems like one of the more obvious scenes to choose, but she expanded on the details well and it’s hard not to love that scene to death.

Fourth Place Winner: Nonski

This is what Nonski wrote: okay, i had been very vocal about my love for JE and Pak Bok Ja.  I pick my fave scene where both of them are in.  Frankly there are so many scenes in OB that stayed with me and can still remember very well but this one is important for this pair.  OB was the only drama so far that never had an episode disappoint me.

I choose scene at the end of ep 15 where Ajumma is rubbing JE stomach as she is having a fever and menstrual pains.  Actually the last 5-6 minutes of that episode really struck me including the first few minutes of episode 16 but the highlight would be as mentioned earlier.  Ajumma chasing JE away from the previous episodes and JE persisting and sleeping in that tent was a great contrast now to Ajumma rubbing JE’s stomach.  It became special to me because at that point, even with bok ja denying her acceptance of JE, it became clear that a special bond had been forged.  As i write this my heart constricts remembering that scene.  Poor JE who grew without a loving mom had for the the first time in her life experienced the bond  between a mother and her daughter.  She cannot talk to her dad about her menstrual pains because he was a man.  She had no one to talk to but now ajumma is by her side extending her warm hands of a mother so she can bear the pain.  The hand that made the pain go away.  I cried much during this scene.  Even tho ajumma had been hesitant to go look for JE outside but eventually the instinct of a mother prevailed and still she checked on JE.  Thankfully there is TH who was there and carried JE back inside.  When ajumma had started caring for JE but was hesitant to show it, this scene was a start of a beautiful relationship between the two.  I love that  ajumma showed so much care for JE despite outwardly displaying a hint of anger.  I would never forget that JE shed a tear knowing that she felt a mom’s hand for the first time and ajumma touched by these words from JE and knowing that this child cherishes her simple action.

I cut and pasted comments they emailed me as they were narrowing down their choices so some of these entries did not have both of their comments. Rest assured, all five of these winners were chosen by both judges.

Honorable mentions that barely missed the cut:

MS voted for her and I like this one as well: hitomiakiko. E52 ending scene. I might have felt so strongly towards this scene cuz I still remember bawling through it as I watched and recapped. But the way hitomiakiko described every emotion that was involved just touched me. She pointed out details that you can only notice when you feel everything the character is going through and that’s what made this entry stand out for me. (Softy)

I loved this one as well: Letters from E31. I loved how she described this scene. Everything she wrote brought me right back into that raw moment between TH and JE and she nailed every detail. If  I had a choice, this entry would have been one of my top four contenders. (Softy)

Fanderay: Aisha (mom’s wedding speech): I like that this one reflects on motherhood and the relationship that the mom had with the entire family. That speech reflected on her past, everything that happened through-out the drama, and even included the future (I found myself nodding along as I read Aisha’s post, and could tell she really thought hard about her choice).

MS: Aisha, Episode 58, mom’s wedding speech
I felt this was difficult to judge in comparison to the others as it had a different way of analyzing. While the others analyzed the scenes’ dynamics as reasons why they were touched by the scene, Aisha foregrounds the influence of her chosen scene on her life and why the scene meant so much to her as a viewer. She explains very touchingly how this drama teaches that togetherness, forgiveness and love are the most important ingredients for a family life but also for life in general. In the same time, she shows how words of wisdom are only possible to express on the basis of the life experiences one had and that is life experiences in all its colors (from joyful to heartbreaking). one could say Aisha did something else than she was asked to do, but at the same time one could say she simply did it her way.

MS: KimLuvv, Episode 46,Tadpole Scene
KimLuv description shows very well how a street can be both in the same time: a symbol of distance, unfulfilled desire, heartbreak and (once crossed) a symbol of blossoming love, reunion and trust. In doing this, she showed how to take into consideration the place where the scene is filmed is key for its complete understanding. I think this is often overlooked and KimLuvv did a very good job to point this out.

Thank you all for contributing to my first blog giveaway.  :)


Written July 28th: I think I read up on almost every blog giveaway to find out how this is done, but everyone has their own unique style and I didn’t want to duplicate any of their ideas.  Coming up with prize ideas was the hardest part. I didn’t want to just have one prize winner and wanted second and third place winners as well, but that would have been easier to do with DVDs and drama related stuff. If only I planned ahead and got those back when this drama was still airing. In November this blog will be two years old so I guess I could have held off till then to have a giveaway, but the one year anniversary of the drama that this blog owes a lot of its number of hits for is coming up on August 6th  so I moved it up. Even though I have recapped over 18 dramas so far here and at Thundie’s Prattle, Ojakkyo Brothers holds a special place in all our hearts. For me it’s probably the only 58 episode family drama I will ever recap unless there is a miracle of a season two with the same exact cast or at least if Uee and JW come out as a couple again in another drama. Hopefully a shorter 16 episode one this time.  :)

My first choice for prizes was obviously the DVD set, but there isn’t an official one from KBS. If they don’t have them yet, the chances are pretty good they won’t be coming out with them at all. So I went down the other options for OB related stuff and drew a blank. During the time the drama was airing, I bought some of the clothes items JE wore on the show, but none of those are available anymore.  I even bugged Fanderay to give me some suggestions on what could be great prizes. She came up with the idea for key chains of the duck pendant that TH and JE traded with each other. Unless she learned how to whittle on top of painting, I am not sure where I can buy those. The only key chains from a drama I can give away are the bear ones from You’ve fallen for me and some post-its of the main characters from that drama. Then I thought of tracking down one of those parkas that JW wore for Mountia, but after checking 3 department stores, I gave up looking for that brand. Even if I found that store and bought the most feminine looking parka that he wore, it will still be men’s clothing and I doubt any of my readers are men. I rather get practical prizes that my readers can use or consume.  :)

I finally decided to go with these after a lot of deliberation and consideration. First prize winner will get the best one. I have one too and it’s really pretty. Just looking at it reminds me of the drama all the time.  It’s the Swarovski “Promise” necklace that JE wore for pretty much the whole drama series until she gave it to her father towards the end. Here are some photos of it above. In Korea, it retails for around $190. Second and third prize winners will get large and medium box sets of Cantata. Winners will later specify which type of coffee they want – Rich Gold or Mild Gold. For some reason JW smiled better on Rich Gold boxes.  Even though it’s not OB related, if I give these away as prizes then at least we will be supporting this coffee brand so hopefully they will continue to use Uee and JW as their models. Uee’s face is on one side of the box and JW’s face is on the other. Since I can’t drink coffee cuz even one drop will keep me up all night, I have no idea what it tastes like. Might I suggest if it doesn’t taste as good as it looks on those commercials then give the coffee away and just keep the box to store things in.  :)

Now comes the fun part – entries and how to win.

While I was making this post trying to come up with an original question, I was watching Spring Waltz on cable. That scene where a jacket photo had to be chosen for the CD came out and the girl chose one where the guy is looking off to the side cuz she said “it’s like him the most – even though he is smiling he looks sad.” That made me think of all the scenes in OB where I felt like the line of dialogue and emotions portrayed told more than what we saw so I came up with these two questions to choose from. One is creative and the other more direct and clear cut.

1 – Analyze, interpret, explain, or delve more into a scene that meant something to you. Be sure to include why it stood out in your memory the most or caught your eye as one of the best scenes out of the whole OB series.

2 – Pick one character from OB and describe what makes that person brave.

For a chance to win, all you have to do is be sure to fill in both top boxes and leave your normal user name and current email when you leave your entry in comments. That means no Anonymous entries. Limit one answer per person. All answers must be one paragraph long in length and please specify which number you want to answer. Three winners will be chosen by two guest judges. Deadline will be the OB anniversary date August 6th.

Here are two samples for #1. I included screencaps for a visual cue, but there is no need for you to go through the trouble.

When this scene first aired, I was pretty miffed since this was the only one these two shared for this entire episode. Now looking back on it, I realized I missed something crucial. During the tie scene, TH kept pretending to look away and then sneak looks over at her, but this time he stared right at her and never looked away as she focused on bandaging his hands. Though no words were exchanged for that short length of time at first, there was a certain air of greediness to the way he stared as if he was trying to memorize everything about her in these precious few minutes and take everything in. It was like he was trying to check whether or not she was ok, if she ate, if being this close to her again was a dream. What made it even special was the way she was afraid to look up cuz she knew the expression on her face would betray she still cares.

While I watched this scene live, I bawled like crazy – more than both of them. Then later when I played it again to translate word for word, I had to pause again cuz there was another lump in my throat and even more tears flowed. It’s not what the mother said to JE, it’s how she said it. Like a woman who knows the full extent of her wrongdoing and the pain she caused this young girl. She cares so much for this girl, but she knows that JE will never forgive her and deservedly so. Knowing this is the last chance she has to talk to JE alone, the mom lets it all out and tells JE to keep hating her. Despite not having the right anymore to be caring, the mom gives her some hard advice to survive in this world, to come to her if JE ever wants to have more of that porridge, and to keep warm. You have to imagine that some of JE’s tears weren’t all hatred directed at the mother but more so because the mom put her in this situation where JE has to despise her. One of the most difficult emotions in the world has to be hating someone you want to love and this scene just encapsulated that the best.

Winners will be announced August 12th. Good luck and have fun.  :)

This entry was posted in Extra.

98 comments on “Celebrating OB with a giveaway: Winners

  1. chokichoki says:

    Hi all. Phew!! I think it took me forever to write because it’s just so hard to explain in writing. I choose question no. 1.

    The scene that I chose to discuss for question no 1 is actually one that I’m not satisfied with. I felt that it could have been done better because there was a lot of awkwardness. It’s the necktie scene from before they bid farewell to each other in episode 51. When Ja Eun kissed Tae Hee, she looked awkward and so was him despite her claim that she wanted to be more expressive. Even the dialogues sounded a bit cheesy to me (at least to someone who understood zero Korean and had to rely on the subs.. haha). But after countless reruns of OB, I finally understood why it was done as such. Pardon me if the way I’m going to explain this is confusing. I find it really difficult to come up with a thorough but simple explanation to deliver my meanings.

    To me, what makes OB meaningful is that it is full of purity and innocence. It is a drama filled with hearts and honest affections. Tae Hee and Ja Eun represented these themes well and it was established since early in the drama that they both have childlike innocence with pure hearts that are thirsty for love. We can see that as lovers, they didn’t need to constantly touch each other or be lovey dovey to show their affection. They didn’t even realize that they had never praised each other (which other couples would have done all the time), not until their very last date before the breakup. Despite being in love, they are always shy around each other and rarely spoke of their true feelings. When the day finally came for them to say goodbye, it was heart wrenching to see the separation of two innocent souls.

    The necktie scene, as acknowledged by the writer, is so significant that it was played out twice. The first time in episode 18, we witnessed how awkward they were around each other for being at such a close proximity. The second time it happened, there was a hint of awkwardness again, but for different reasons. We can see that their eyes were brimming with tears when Ja Eun helped Tae Hee with his necktie. And when he finally confessed that it was during those moments that the wound in his heart finally heals, the two struggled to keep themselves from crying. Then Ja Eun vowed Tae Hee will be the first and the last man she will ever do the necktie for and it later echoed in Tae Hee’s vows.

    Doing someone else’s necktie may not be an extravagant symbol of love; in fact, it’s just a simple act that many people can do. And yet, because this whole drama is full of innocence, even doing someone’s necktie can mean the world. To Tae Hee and Ja Eun, it is exclusive to just them. No one else is allowed to have the privilege of doing so because their hearts are already tied to each other. Indirectly, it is also a vow that they will never marry anyone else. If this scene was done in a different drama, or a different situation, it might have ended up being cheesy and immature. But because of who Ja Eun and Tae Hee are, it makes perfect sense why they would take such a thing seriously.

    Right after the confession, everything turned awkward (to me at least); how Ja Eun praises herself for doing such a good job at doing the necktie and how she came up to kiss him (though, more of a peck) and he barely responded. I guess all of these awkwardness happened because after the confessions from each other, it’s difficult not to feel more nervous around each other. They also knew and dreaded what is to happen next and when the whole feelings mixed up, I guess one can’t help but feel numb. It’s even worse that both of them were holding back themselves from crying. Plus, if they had shown too much emotion, it would have been even more difficult for the breakup to happen.

    So. there you go. That was the most memorable scene from OB, IMO. Sorry if I interpreted any parts of the scenes wrongly.


    • chokichoki says:

      Softy, I’m reposting this because I was such in a hurry to click the send button and forgot to put everything into 1 paragraph. I typed in the word doc and copy pasted everything.. heheh.. Feel free to delete the first entry.

      The scene that I chose to discuss for question no 1 is actually one that I’m not satisfied with. I felt that it could have been done better because there was a lot of awkwardness. It’s the necktie scene from before they bid farewell to each other in episode 51. When Ja Eun kissed Tae Hee, she looked awkward and so was him despite her claim that she wanted to be more expressive. Even the dialogues sounded a bit cheesy to me (at least to someone who understood zero Korean and had to rely on the subs.. haha). But after countless reruns of OB, I finally understood why it was done as such. Pardon me if the way I’m going to explain this is confusing. I find it really difficult to come up with a thorough but simple explanation to deliver my meanings. To me, what makes OB meaningful is that it is full of purity and innocence. It is a drama filled with hearts and honest affections. Tae Hee and Ja Eun represented these themes well and it was established since early in the drama that they both have childlike innocence with pure hearts that are thirsty for love. We can see that as lovers, they didn’t need to constantly touch each other or be lovey dovey to show their affection. They didn’t even realize that they had never praised each other (which other couples would have done all the time), not until their very last date before the breakup. Despite being in love, they are always shy around each other and rarely spoke of their true feelings. When the day finally came for them to say goodbye, it was heart wrenching to see the separation of two innocent souls. The necktie scene, as acknowledged by the writer, is so significant that it was played out twice. The first time in episode 18, we witnessed how awkward they were around each other for being at such a close proximity. The second time it happened, there was a hint of awkwardness again, but for different reasons. We can see that their eyes were brimming with tears when Ja Eun helped Tae Hee with his necktie. And when he finally confessed that it was during those moments that the wound in his heart finally heals, the two struggled to keep themselves from crying. Then Ja Eun vowed Tae Hee will be the first and the last man she will ever do the necktie for and it later echoed in Tae Hee’s vows. Doing someone else’s necktie may not be an extravagant symbol of love; in fact, it’s just a simple act that many people can do. And yet, because this whole drama is full of innocence, even doing someone’s necktie can mean the world. To Tae Hee and Ja Eun, it is exclusive to just them. No one else is allowed to have the privilege of doing so because their hearts are already tied to each other. Indirectly, it is also a vow that they will never marry anyone else. If this scene was done in a different drama, or a different situation, it might have ended up being cheesy and immature. But because of who Ja Eun and Tae Hee are, it makes perfect sense why they would take such a thing seriously. Right after the confession, everything turned awkward (to me at least); how Ja Eun praises herself for doing such a good job at doing the necktie and how she came up to kiss him (though, more of a peck) and he barely responded. I guess all of these awkwardness happened because after the confessions from each other, it’s difficult not to feel more nervous around each other. They also knew and dreaded what is to happen next and when the whole feelings mixed up, I guess one can’t help but feel numb. It’s even worse that both of them were holding back themselves from crying. Plus, had they shown too much emotion, it would have been even more difficult for the breakup to happen.


  2. Aqua says:

    Am I too late? My friend actually recommended this too me because she noes I like the show a lot, and I forgot about it. I’m not a regular so I’m not sure how you do things around here, but I hope I can join in =P? You didn’t specify what time it ends, like on the end of August 6th, or the beginning of August 6th or the time zones so I hope my entry will count?
    Looking at the other entries, I think everybody chose question 1, so I’ll go with question #2 (I tend to not go with the crowd lol 😛 ) I’m actually writing this in a hurry with limited memory of OB cuz I’m afraid I’ve run out of time and I have to go to sleep but I’ll try my hardest, hehe ^^
    2 – Pick one character from OB and describe what makes that person brave.
    I pick Ja-Eun! I feel like playing a game =P
    Girl, she is STRONG! She lost her mother and yet still lived happily with her father, and from what looked like it, she didn’t complain much to her father about it. Then she lost her father- what a heartbreaker! Poor girl. But her tragic story doesn’t end here- she was abandoned by her step-mother whom she thought was like a real mother to her. The whole mother gig was a sham and Ja Eun knows that but she still wants to accept her but the step-mother denies and Ja Eun is left again to defend for herself. Yet, she never showed that weakness to anybody- like when she slept in the classroom (was it the classroom, i don’t remember clearly?) all alone. For a rich girl like her to be brought out into the streets, in most cases, the girl would complain n complain and annoy people to death but Ja Eun didn’t. She instead continued to live her life to the fullest. When she found out about the deed to Ojakgyo Farm, she obviously would feel happy that she has now found a home and a gate to her survival but since Ojakgyo Farm already had people living there already, she was once again denied her way to home. But the farm became her sustenance and with guts, Ja Eun fights for the farm. Most people hated her during the scenes where she treated Mom and Dad like they were her slaves over the contract but I understood why she did that- because she rightfully believed the Farm was hers and that they were living off her farm. So Ojak Mom gets mad, steals the contract, and once again, Ja Eun is left to defend for herself but she doesn’t give up (okay, lets backtrack a bit- she lost basically EVERYTHING to her including her father, and then finally gets some hope but then loses it and is kicked out AGAIN but she comes STILL comes back- that’s called… I don’t even know what to call that- “Trust that her father is alive and needs her?” “To never give up” “Incredible bravery and perseverance?” To me, it’s one word- Ja-Eun, or is that two?). But even when Ja Eun was kicked out, I would imagine her to go crazy and not do anything like a normal high class girl would do but instead she looked for jobs and though it was hard and often you could see that the girl wanted to cry, she held it in. But she does go crazy for a little while by ruining the farm but Tae Hee puts her back on her feet by giving her advice and telling her to act like an adult. She works hard unlike most princesses I’ve seen, and wins Ojak Mom’s heart. But it’s a drama- so there’s more drama. The one mother figure that really treated her like her own daughter and went even as far as rubbing JE’s tummy to show her love- Ojak Mom- turns out to be a liar and JE’s world comes crashing down again. Why does this girl have the baddest mommy experiences and I’m probably sure JE was thinking the same thing when she cried her eyes out thinking about the times that Ojak Mom was like a complete mother figure to her. I keep thinking of that smile JE had when Ojak Mom rubbed her tummy, that pure, innocent look that showed that JE was only looking for love and just didn’t want to be alone in this world. JE tried to deny it and it was so tear-jerking that I cried buckets! Then there was the time she got drunk, wandered to OF and pretended like OM never lied about the contract- wouldn’t it be so easy if someone could escape from reality like that. You can see that JE just really wants to be loved but there are so many betrayals in her life- she just can’t escape from all the bad things people have done to her. I’m just gonna skip ahead a little cauz it’s getting too long so I’ll just say that even though people have betrayed her and used her, she came to understand them, accept them and forgive them. Like in the scene where she found out about her Step-Mother’s situation- even though the step mother treated her horribly, she tried to put herself in the woman’s shoes and tried to help her. So sweet ^^ Overall, JE went through thousands of hardships but she learned to preserve, and learned to understand the people around her.


  3. ziren87 says:

    Hi softy…

    What I liked in this series is when Tae Pil broke up with Yeo Wool (Seo Young’s aunt). I felt the intense pain they both have while while breaking up. They dealt with the situation maturely. Although they broke up they left each other hope that if within two years they are both free and still feel the same they will face the situation together. Being together after two years was not their goal in breaking up but to grow apart maturely and gain strength to face the kind of relationship they want to be in. This was the best scene i liked in OJ.

    And the bravest of them all is TaePil….maknae is truely my favorite among the brothers aside of from TaeHee. Why is he brave..although he showed his immaturity to certain situations…he finds ways to make up for it. I remember him saying to JE that he ran away from home…and he went to busan and became a dishwasher…his mom went there and washed all dishes and worked within the restaurant he is in for one month. Then one day said to his mom lets go home. TP also found his mom wrong for stealing JE papers…and he felt shame towards his actions and became nicer to JE. He has a voice of reason within him that is why he cant accept some facts like why would JE and TH sacrifice their relationship while it was not JEs faulty that caused THs dad’s death. When his idol hyung TB still has someone else in his heart while married is also not reasonable for him and he said he would also feel that same like his sisterinlaw…so his brother was at fault and must make ammends for his actions. And I too find him cool…when the child kook seo said i want to be someone like you to TP and saying he is the coolest one among his uncles….he was like in cloud nine…i felt his happy feeling in that scene.


  4. nonski says:

    omg! i hope this still counts… just finished a report.

    and how reporting here… okay, i had been very vocal about my love for JE and Pak Bok Ja. I pick my fave scene where both of them are in. Frankly there are so many scenes in OB that stayed with me and can still remember very well but this one is important for this pair. OB was the only drama so far that never had an episode disappoint me.

    I choose scene at the end of ep 15 where Ajumma is rubbing JE stomach as she is having a fever and menstrual pains. Actually the last 5-6 minutes of that episode really struck me including the first few minutes of episode 16 but the highlight would be as mentioned earlier. Ajumma chasing JE away from the previous episodes and JE persisting and sleeping in that tent was a great contrast now to Ajumma rubbing JE’s stomach. It became special to me because at that point, even with bok ja denying her acceptance of JE, it became clear that a special bond had been forged. As i write this my heart constricts remembering that scene. Poor JE who grew without a loving mom had for the the first time in her life experienced the bond between a mother and her daughter. She cannot talk to her dad about her menstrual pains because he was a man. She had no one to talk to but now ajumma is by her side extending her warm hands of a mother so she can bear the pain. The hand that made the pain go away. I cried much during this scene. Even tho ajumma had been hesitant to go look for JE outside but eventually the instinct of a mother prevailed and still she checked on JE. Thankfully there is TH who was there and carried JE back inside. When ajumma had started caring for JE but was hesitant to show it, this scene was a start of a beautiful relationship between the two. I love that ajumma showed so much care for JE despite outwardly displaying a hint of anger. I would never forget that JE shed a tear knowing that she felt a mom’s hand for the first time and ajumma touched by these words from JE and knowing that this child cherishes her simple action.

    Thanks again Softy for this wonderful opportunity to revisit OB again. Hope this counts. 11:54 KST on my clock… tic toc.


    • SS says:

      Yaaaayyyy…..nonski! so glad to see your piece here.
      I almost wanted to write about JE and Bok Ja too. When I was watching the finale for my piece, I teared when I re-watched the part where Ajumma said she didn’t regret her life and she felt so happy to have JE as her daughter-in-law. The whole thing felt so real to me and I thought Uee seemed genuinely touched during the scene, she cried. Isn’t it wonderful that JE has such a mother-in-law? Ooops why does the image of Joowon’s mother come to mind?


      • nonski says:

        I had to rush and need to watch it again to get the feel before i write my piece. It just made me tear up again. it is a sweet moment i love to rewatch. when i read back the other entries i noticed someone choose the same scene. but since i already posted and this is my face scene and characters it doesn’t matter and this is all about our love for OB.

        lols dear, yes i hope JW’s mom would become Uee’s mother-in-law. 🙂 JW’s mom would be lucky to have Uee as much as Uee will be lucky to have jW’s mom. *winks*

        JE and ajumma will forever hold a special place in my heart along side JE and TH.


    • Softy says:

      Hey nonski, no worries, you made it in time. So glad you left one cuz I was worried you were too busy. I just got finished working on 1n2d recap so I have to sleep now cuz it’s after 5am. So glad i dont have to pick the winners cuz i love all the entries. Winners will be announced on the 12th here so be sure to check back then. 🙂


      • nonski says:

        oh i really wanted to join not for the prize (well, i’m a little hypocrite cuz i love the cantata boxes and the the necklace is heaven.) but more for the love of OB. and i love your giveaway promo, the prizes and the questions… so original. 🙂

        looking forward to your 1n2d recaps… you got me addicted to it, even if i cannot watch it through the whole episode i make to DL and browse, just waiting for the time where i can watch the whole episode.

        i’m missing a lot lately, haven’t even touched BM. 😦


    • nonski says:

      softy i got the parcel today, thanks, thanks and thanks! i love the cantata boxes (haven’t tried the coffee yet) and bonus gifts. 🙂 my officemates are laughing at me here in the office cuz i had been grinning from ear to ear since i came back from the post office. 🙂


  5. aisha says:

    Hope it’s not too late to post 🙂

    First of all, I really want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart,to Softy n Fanderay for making this Anniversary giveaway. I know that our love to this drama is much much bigger n precious than anything. But,i gotta say,this is the sweetest thing that you both can do,..for us can do, celebrating OB 1st Anniversary. I did really have a hard time for the past few days, to choose only one of the precious OB moment. Really difficult..it’s like choosing your favourite kid among your children..You can’t really do that,because they’re unique in their own way. And i had this kinda problem with this OB moments. They’re all precious,and each of them had a special place in my heart,deep down inside…It’s just that there’s a connection between them and the situation of my personal life in my own family,pretty much has their similarities. (We’re 4 sisters in the family). Especially with our lovely couple’s experiences with their parents n families,and how you can be grow up through those difficulties you had. It kinda happened with my 3rd sister,who’s just got married on January,when she was only 24 and there were big hopes that she can choose OTHER way instead of getting married. Well,in the end…love and understanding among the family,really does works to solve things out,even with dramatic moments. And,the way we see our OB family handled the situation,we learnt SO MUCH…

    But,you do really have to choose one,right? 🙂 So,after all the thoughts and those precious scenes,i have to choose THE FINALE (58th) EPISODE : MOM’S WEDDING SPEECH.

    That was really special for me because it was the highlights,the red line of this drama. I cried like someone’s just died…Bawled like a crazy person,just listened to mom’s speech. You do really feel a mother’s love to her family there. Like there’s a saying,the tears that fall in a mother’s life, really describe what kind of life that this family had, and what would they become.And,we can see together,what quality this OB family have..

      For all those years,she sacrificed her youth life, just to be a good wife,a good mother for her four sons. A good daughter for her mother in law…Digging her life grave in marriage. Her hands never dry because of house keeping stuff, cleaning, taking care of her mother in-law,preparing meals for her family,and even working at the farm!!! We can say that she had a double job!! I know it’s not easy.. Even Oprah named them, -the traditional stay-at-home mom-, as a highly praised Super Woman..It’s really heavy. I still believe that the quality of a family,really depends on what kind of mother it has. And seeing our condition,especially single young women who prefer to choose to be a modern-working women these days, and to those women who (kinda) regret to choose marriage life in her youth days, I found this speech very enlighting, moving, inspiring, and gives u a wake up call. It’s like putting a mirror in front of you… (i’m starting to cry now,remembering my own life…remembering my own mom 😥 )

    She mentioned a saying to Ja Eun “Marriage is something you must do. it’s something you should experience. Marriage is misfortune that is okay to experience and also a grave of happiness.” She said this after Ja Eun commented about her willing to be like mom. Now,i found that words are the best words that a mom can say to her daughter before she gets married. And how Mom’s even more happy because she’s (JE) the one who took Tae Hee. That makes it even perfect!!

    The TH -JE’s wedding really was a happy moment for the whole family. You can feel the Love among the member of this family through this wedding. And Mom’s speech really is the summary of the wedding itself..Togetherness for the whole family,forgiveness to each other, and love that will take care to all of them whenever things get rough…

    I learnt a lot through her speech. Every words that comin out from her mouth (even words in this drama)  are worth to be taken for life. I will never forget that scene…

    PS : I dare to guess that OB’s writer is also a good feminist. She handled all the problems in OB through the eyes of women. How men can learn to live like a better person, through appreciate women’s life…The bottom line is,how a man can be happy,if his woman is happy…That’s just my opinion 🙂



  6. GaksitalPpyong says:

    Wooowwwwww this post was just amazing. I especially love this part: “The moment where two people were united emotionally by the bounds of a mother’s hand.” It was just so powerful and encompassed Ajhumma’s relationship with Jaeun so perfectly well.


  7. nonski says:

    omgeeeeee! the winners finally out. i am so happy i cried reading that i have been given a place in the winner’s hall. haha. first thanks again Softy for this lovely blog give-away. as usual, you never took anything in a stride that is why it turned out awesome. I would like to thank again the judges, Fanderay ( i missed you dear ) and MS (Hi!). You had a hard time choosing but i know that in the process you had been touched again by OB. I would also like to congratulate the winners, Maidenelle, SS (yay!), Jasmine and Chokichoki!

    this means a lot to me because, even with the stress at work, i was still able to join and got chosen. weeeeeeeeeeeeh!


    • chokichoki says:

      Congratulations to you too nonski! And to all other winners; SS and Jasmine! I’d actually forgotten that today is the day. For some reason I just felt like checking my email and boom came in Softy’s email. Special congratulations to Maidenelle. I hope you can post a picture of you wearing the necklace!

      Thank you Softy, Fanderay and MS for all the trouble. Wishing you all a nice week ahead. =)


  8. SS says:

    OMMMMMMIIIIIIIII…………I won 2nd place? I am so happy and surprised. When Maidenelle post the first entry, I was awed. It was beautifully written and I enjoyed it so much. Then a few more trickled in and I enjoyed them thoroughly as well. It was so wonderful to see how everyone expressed their thoughts and in their writings, I could feel the love they had for this drama and affirm what I believe-OB is truly special. This drama started one year ago and almost half a year has passed since the curtains closed and yet it stayed in our hearts and though memories may fade, I think we just have to hear a song or recognised in another drama, a place where our fav OB scene took place and the feeling will come back again. For me , at traffic junctions, I will always remember the tadpole dance that TH did for his love.

    As the deadline drew close, I began to panic. I had thrown a couple of drafts and scratched my head. There were so many scenes I wanted to write about that I had a hard time deciding. Although TH and JE were the main focus of the drama, I wanted also to write about JE and Ajumma. However, in the end I gave in to my heart cos it was only when I wrote about TH&JE , my ink just flowed.

    Running up to the deadline, more entries flooded in and I thought to myself, it’s a tough contest. They were really good pieces and I laughed to myself remembering what Softy said, about not envying the judges. No false modesty here but I didn’t expect to win anything. So I am really surprised and elated that I did.

    Congratulations to all winners – Maidenelle, Jasmine, chokichki, nonski(YAY!) and contributors like aisha, letters, kimluvv.

    Thanks to judges Fanderay(i missed you) and MS.

    I also wish to thank my friends Yanna and bbblue who didn’t contribute their writings but contribute wholeheartedly to OBsessions all this while by making lovely pictures, banners, giving updates, links and YT videos. *HUG* & *KISSES*

    And last but not least thanks to Softy for this having this giveaway and most of all opening this blog for all of us to share thoughts, gush, cry, scream, squeal, hug and express our love.


  9. Maidenelle says:

    Hello everyone! I am truly honored here~thanks to everyone, especially Softy, Fanderay, and MS! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why this drama holds a special place in your hearts. Also thanks to my dongseng, DT–she’s the one I bounce my ideas off of and discuss my favorite K-dramas with. Thanks, DT!


  10. letters says:

    Congrats to all the winners 🙂


  11. bbblue73 says:

    My congratulations to all participants & winners.

    *Group hugs*



  12. hitomiakiko says:

    A big congratulations to all the winners!! ❤ ❤ ❤ And Kudos to everyone for their posts and a million thanks to softy for giving everyone the chance to reminisce about OB and share their thoughts!! Reading them, especially Mad and SS's, was like reliving the whole drama but opening your eyes to new emotions and new thoughts which didn't occur to you the moment you saw the drama. Sitting down and thinking back now, every scene seems filled with such poignant meanings! This really was one of the best dramas I've seen in the recent past and not because of the romance but rather, because of the family and their stories together! Ojakgyo Brothers-what a befitting name ! <3!!


  13. Maidenelle says:

    I just rewatched the scene when Tae-Hee confronts his hyung about his son. I don’t think I did this scene justice: it is so emotional; it’s like Tae-hee is trying to stay in control of his emotions but that dam that he was holding back has begun to break and the burdens of his life are gushing through the cracks. Even though Joo-won can do cheeky, and he can do fierce, I like him best in this mode–showing the layers of someone whose hidden suffering has suffocated him into a forced and false existence. I have a “Tae-hee” in my life who is suffering now, someone who has been forced to be the cool-headed one everyone relied on, the one who kept herself together in the face of cruel abandonment so that she could move on, but she doesn’t feel like she really did. This person is so special; I will always love her no matter what because she has all the wonderful qualities that came out in the character of Tae-hee, and I know that like him, she will perservere. ~M


  14. Whoaaa… I hope I’m not late to say congratulation to all The Winners…
    Once again… C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.!!!!!!! Yaaaayyy….
    Heep Heep HORAY…. 😀 *Throw confetti & Fireworks *


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