48th Baeksang Art Awards: A night of keen observation

One night’s expectation took on a life of its own and now I have visions of someone else other than the OB couple floating around in my head. I went to report on what Joowon and Uee are really like in real life and ended up with an extra crush by the end of the night. Not sure if it’s directly related to my regret for not seizing an opportunity or if his constant smile cast some sort of spell on me, but now I am officially a Lee Je Hoon fan. Of all the people in the room, I wonder what kind of cosmic destiny placed him right across from me in my direct line of vision. A few months ago, I didn’t even know this guy existed. It’s funny how life always finds a way to surprise you and keep you on your toes when it comes to celebrity crushes cuz if Choi Min Sik from “Oldboy” had sat just one seat over giving me flashbacks from his movie all night, this would have been a whole different experience. 🙂

UPDATED with more photos and videos:

*I did it – I made a YT account and uploaded the cam videos. I can finally relax now. Last night I was thinking all these videos add up to a total of a few minutes so why am I stressing over them, but then I thought about what they represent. For that day at least, I got to see the people whose work gave us so much joy these past months and years. Just this morning it finally sunk in that on a wish list of stars I wanted to see in person, I can check these names off. 🙂

Most of these photos were taken by professionals and the occasional blurry ones were either shot by my friend or me. Part of the reason why they came out so fuzzy was cuz trying to capture these celebrities as they sprint by is like trying to take a picture of a squirmy rambunctious puppy. Most of the videos were taken by me, but some were taken by my friend. Obviously neither one of us is all that great with a camera. Sorry for the poor quality, but I wanted to throw those in to prove I was actually there. 🙂

*some of these videos were corrected by YT to get rid of the shaking and it slowed down the film so sometimes it looks like it went into slow motion – that was not done by me. 🙂

Only JW could make such a funny looking tux look this good.

I had no idea he had on this outfit till later that night when I saw pics from the news online. During the red carpet, I was lucky just to be able to see him from the neck up. Plus the sunlight in the background sort of made him glow so the only thing I saw was his flawless face. At first glance, it does sort of look tacky to put that extra bit of fabric on, but I have to say on him it doesn’t look half as bad as most people think. Now if you had put that on a less handsome guy, we are talking major fashion “no no.”

When we got there around 4:45pm, we thought we were pretty early until our cab rounded the corner and pulled up to the start of the red carpet. There was a mob of people there already and that’s when we realized we were really late as far as getting great spots to take pics. These fans are pretty hard core – they brought everything they needed to make the most out of this opportunity. High tech camera equipment, portable chairs, step ladders, food and water, and these were just the fans. The real professional photographers had their own personal area right by the red carpet so that when they stood on their mini platforms, the people behind them couldn’t see anything. The rest of the hard core fans stood on step ladders to hold up banners of their stars for over 2 hours. I can’t imagine that kind of dedication. Not sure I would do the same for any star even if I had the stamina or desire to do so. My arms were killing me just from holding up my tiny Sony Cyber Shot camera. What I found the most interesting was that all the screaming and yelling happened even before a single celebrity was spotted. It’s like they were practicing their cheers too. When the chaos began with the first wave of stars who arrived, I noticed that there were people at the start of the red carpet who would yell out the name of the celebrity who just got out of the car. If it was someone not famous, that name was either never yelled out cuz they had no clue who it was or it wasn’t passed around so there was a sudden stillness as the star walked the carpet amidst pretty much close to total silence as you can get in that situation. You would hear a few polite obligatory camera clicking sounds, but that would be all. I felt sorry for those celebrities who had to endure that. (One of them was the skinny girl from WBDJ who wore a black dress) But whenever a really famous star walked by, it was total madness. (Like for Micky, KSH, JW, Uee, Suzy, etc) The crowd reacted physically first cuz they would rush to follow every step and the screams would make you feel like rock concerts were quiet affairs compared to this. I have never heard screams that loud before and I even went to Keanu Reeves movie screening in Yongsan. Through all this chaos, I still noticed something very touching. A young reckless girl got on top of her bike seat to stand with her camera to take pics, but the bike was very unsteady and was about to tip over. An elderly lady who came from Japan for this quickly went over to stable the bike for that girl. I have no idea how long she held that bike for the girl, but the woman’s friend kept telling her to let go and come over to see the stars walk by. But that woman insisted she couldn’t just let the girl fall and kept holding onto the bike to steady it. I fought back the urge to tell the girl in Korean to get down so the elderly woman could let go and enjoy her own time. I thought it was pretty rude and selfish of the girl to take advantage of that woman’s help and not even thank her for it. I hate that Korean mentality where they think since they don’t know how to speak the other person’s language; they assume not saying anything at all is a better option. She should have just thanked the woman in Korean since most foreigners would understand that at least. Even though most of the other people were practically trampling on each other to get a better vantage point, I was still grateful that there were still people like that Japanese woman who cared about common courtesy.

Everything else on the red carpet went by in a blur. I don’t know what to blame, maybe the stars were nervous about walking the red carpet, maybe some of them were just cold from the chilly breeze, or maybe they had to hurry inside and pee cuz that’s the only thing that makes me haul butt like that, but I have never seen anyone walk so fast in my life. These celebrities practically sprinted all the way down the red carpet. Half the time if you blinked, you missed them. None of them would walk slowly for some reason. (Uee was one of the few who stopped and spoke to reporters) No wonder the award show finished so early. It started here when everyone decided to speed walk the red carpet. As far as celebrity sightings goes, I must say this one was pretty shocking and special. I always see celebrities around the city, but they are never in formal attire. The most noticeable things about female stars are that they are super duper skinny in real life. They look like they have 20 inch waists. I kept thinking “man – don’t these women eat? In a stiff Chicago wind, she would literally blow away.” Even the guys were a lot shorter in real life. Maybe cuz I was wearing heels or something, but they just didn’t seem as tall as they do onscreen. As for the specific reactions for each star, I will start with the main reason why I came here. When the crowd started yelling out Joowon’s name, I swear I stopped breathing and I could literally hear my own heart beating faster. You know that nervous anticipation that floods you the moment you know something very special is headed your way – that moment you dreamed about happening – when it’s right in front of you, it really does a number on your heart. I started filming before he even came into sight. I think my hands shook the most as he passed by as you can tell from the video. He has this way of walking that’s so charming. He keeps bowing periodically as he walks and has a polite and sincere smile. Just by looking at him, you get the feeling he is the real deal. You know what I mean right – like one of those genuine people who will always remain humble no matter how popular he gets over the years. I have no idea why he arrived with UJW and that older actor from YAI’s movie “Punch” since they didn’t even sit with JW, but maybe the chance to ride in that long white stretch limo was part of the reason. I can just picture UTW calling JW up and asking JW to escort his sister so it’s not awkward for her to arrive with that other guy alone. It might also be cuz he seems pretty close to her already so maybe she asked him herself. I love how he stepped off the red carpet to walk so he could let UJH and that other older actor walk side by side on the red carpet. He could have walked ahead or behind and stayed on the red carpet, but he didn’t want to ruin any of her photo shots. That was so considerate of him. There is more cuz he held onto her arm to steady her as she stepped down from the platform so she wouldn’t trip on her dress. Such a gentleman. There is a lot of evidence to support that, but that comes out later inside during the award show.

When Micky walked by, he is the definition of a fast walker. Man it was so hard to even get a good look at him. His brother is even faster.  It was like something was chasing the guy. I only got a shot of the back of him as he went inside. He also didn’t turn around one last time before he goes in like the more seasoned veterans do.  I think one of the Moon actors like KSH actually stopped next to the line of fans cuz the screams I heard from down the line were pretty loud. KSH is also one of those actors that seem taller on screen. He is super sweet looking and kept bowing a lot as he walked. The kid from Moon ( Jin Gu) was also adorable and looked really great.

After the red carpet was over, the guards at the front misinformed us and sent us to the wrong side door. It happened to be the entrance for stars who missed the red carpet cuz they were running late or planned to miss on purpose to avoid the press and crowd like Moon Chae Won, Lee Byung Hun, Top, JGS, Lee Je Hoon, etc. That’s why we ended up seeing some random stars by accident like Top. His blue tips on his hair made him sort of stand out. The small crowd went nuts over him and screamed like crazy and some teenagers starting crying cuz they missed seeing him by like a few seconds. Lee Byung Hun came way at the end so no one saw him arrive or leave. JGS arrived during the intermission and took off right after he got his award. Micky and his brother left super early too after Micky presented and won his award.

As soon as we went inside, my friend didn’t let us sit in our seats. She wanted to sit closer to the edge near the stars, but I didn’t feel easy about that cuz what if the seat owners show up. She says there are always lots of empty chairs cuz no one wants to pay for VIP seats. I didn’t really like the angle where we were sitting cuz I had to look at the back of JW’s head too much and I rather stare at his face so we moved again. Turns out my friend totally underestimated JGS’s popularity cuz that section was filled to the brim and we ended up in our original assigned seats which turned out to be the best for me and my “surveillance mission.” The minute I sat down, I faced my entire body towards Uee and JW. To my credit, I was so devoted, I didn’t even notice where Micky and KSH were sitting until a while later. I was afraid if I looked away from our OB couple, I might miss something important. I debated whether or not to take notes and count how many times they spoke to each other or smiled at one another. After all that constant staring, I decided I needed to be more objective and have some other couples to compare them to so I glanced periodically at the rest of the actors that were sitting with their costars. It turns out my original observation was accurate – these on screen couples in real life really do just sit there and not talk. I would if I was in their situation just to stave off boredom. Based on what I observed, from the first minute I started watching them till the end of the night, these two were the only ones talking. They seemed pretty comfortable around each other. At the beginning they talked a lot – probably catching up on each other’s lives. Then it got more sporadic. Sometimes she would lean over and say something to him. Mostly to ask something about the program cuz she would point to it or he would. Other times they just suddenly started talking during a performance or other random moments. Whatever they said made them laugh or smile each time. I can tell you exactly how many times JW got up cuz the first time was to get info from the woman in charge about when JW and Uee had to go on. He came back and reported to Uee what the woman said. Then later the woman came over to the table and spoke to both of them. Right before intermission she came to get them so I thought they were going to go on soon, but that was to take them backstage to rehearse what they would say on stage later cuz every couple exchanged some kind of banter right before listing the nominees and winners. After the first half was over, the same woman came back again to report how many more minutes till they would go on. The last time the woman came was to take both of them and that’s when I left a comment they would be going on the stage. I could tell from the way JW started to fix his clothes to get ready to go on as he walked backstage with Uee. All those other times he didn’t do that. Can I just say the first time I saw him get up and leave the table, I really noticed his walk. I never knew he had this way of walking that makes him look tall, lean, and graceful. Like his feet barely touch the ground kind of floating walk.  Maybe it’s inaccurate to describe a walk like this, but it’s dreamy. The way his head tilts a little to the side as he walks across the floor, it sort of puts you in a trance. If he happens to be smiling as he walks, then omg watch out – swoon factor skyrockets. Anyway getting back on topic, here comes the highlight of this post cuz this is all about JW and Uee’s mannerisms. They are both true proper clappers. Not just once or twice, but for EVERY speech and performance. Half the room didn’t really bother with the clapping and even when they did, it was barely any sound. These two clapped the right way with attention. They also mimicked each other. When Uee suddenly clapped for something most people didn’t, JW immediately clapped with her for support. They also danced to every song with a beat while they were sitting. You could literally see their upper bodies moving to the music or singing along. You can catch it on video footage during the performances. I guess cuz they are both musically inclined or something, but they would clap and dance along as soon as the music started. I noticed that Suzy did that too, but Lee Je Hoon didn’t move his body – only polite light clapping. Uee looked around the room from time to time, but JW barely moved his head the whole night. Once in a while a loud fan would cause him to look over his shoulder, but mostly he faced the front. He only semi-yawned once. Neither one of them looked sleepy or tired. They must have a lot of patience cuz these two remind me of those people in church who are totally into the sermon and never fidget or nod off. I was surprised she stayed the entire night since I was pretty sure I read she was leaving on a flight and had to leave the show early. Part of the reason why she stayed was cuz the show was going to end a lot sooner than planned and also cuz they would be second to last to present. Since they arrived in separate cars – hers a white van and he came in that white stretch limo, I knew they weren’t headed out the same way. I tried to watch them till they left the room, but the guards made us leave a few minutes after the show was over so I never did see which way they went.

I love watching these two on stage together. It’s so cute how they take turns looking at each other. I’m curious if they really didn’t rehearse what they were going to say other than earlier that night. I want to believe they called each other and planned some stuff over the phone, despite the fact that on camera JW asked her what she had been up to since it had been a while since they met since OB ended. Hopefully that was just a fib. 🙂

*their acceptance speeches and their banter on stage is posted at the bottom 🙂

The one thing I still can’t figure out was why they didn’t exchange any words of congratulations when JW won. She could have said something and he could have said thanks, but he just went on stage. Maybe they did it backstage or something, but if you watch that footage, they didn’t exchange words right before JW went onstage.  Of course when she won, the other guy congratulated her cuz JW had already won and was still backstage. They also came back to their seats at different times and not together. I’m assuming he went on a bathroom break cuz he never briefly left the room during the show. He was only gone during their rehearsal time with Uee, when he won, and when they went up to present the award together. The way he is around Uee is perfect ease. You can totally tell he does not speak to her formally – he definitely uses banmal. I don’t know for sure what all this info says about their relationship, but from my impression, I get the feeling that they have grown close enough to feel relaxed with one another. He seems to be more considerate of her than the other way around, but maybe  that’s just cuz he is a gentleman. There is a perfect example of that in the final paragraph. Wanted to share that last cuz it’s the memory that will stay with me permanently.

Now onto my second focus for the night. I never meant for this to happen, but my line of vision was directly across from Lee Je Hoon who was sitting at the table next to JW and Uee so the only thing separating us were a few people. So throughout the night, whenever JW or Uee left the table, I stared at LJH the most. Yumi from Rooftop, Micky, and his brother sat clear across the room next to the table with the “MTETS” group KSH, Yeo Jin Gu, Kim Yoo Jung. Even though I was bummed they were sitting so far away, I rather have a better view of JW and Uee. Plus this side of the room had JGS, PSH, LJH, Suzy, and a bunch of other famous older actors who attracted attention from the camera crew like the one from Oldboy and Ahn Sung Ki. I found it interesting that throughout the night, most of these celebrities sitting next to each other never spoke to one another. Like I wrote before, LJH and Suzy only spoke when he congratulated her on her win and again when she asked one short question. He had one brief conversation with the actor from “Oldboy.” The rest of the time, LJH was looking up at the fans on the second floor or the giant screen monitor with a permanent smile on his face. I have no idea how you continually smile like that, but there you have it. The guy is a nonstop smiler. During intermission between the first and second half, he walked out the side exit to go back to the VIP lounge for a bathroom break. That’s when the entire room just suddenly got up and moved around. Fans started milling towards the railings hoping to catch sight of the stars as they came back to their seats. My friend literally called me on the phone and told me to come down a few steps to the railing cuz you can take better pictures of the few celebrities that remained in their seats. That’s how she got a shot of JGS arriving right before he got his award. Since JW and Uee were already out of the room, I went down to see what the fuss was. Just as I reached the railing, LJH walked by. The girl next to me was super quick and alert and asked to shake his hand. Since I was right next to her, he looked at me expecting me to want to shake his hand too, but I was too stunned to move or do anything except grin really big.  CN Blue started singing which was the cue to go back to your seats so he just smiled at me apologetically and went back to sit. I stood there and wished there was a way to invent a device to turn back just a few seconds of time. I’m not joking – the minute it dawned on me that I had  just blown my chance to shake his hand, I literally wondered if it was possible to kick yourself in public and not be noticed.

In the first one, it was taken right after it ended. You can see Uee and JW in the background the whole time, but PSH and others are in front. Next one is when the winners were called on stage. You can clearly see that JW went up first and Uee later. They didnt stand by each other so they did meet up again to walk down together.

There is a very good chance I might end up going to more of these award shows in the future now that my friend knows I am a JW fan. All this time she thought I was only a YAI and Hyun Bin fan for life and had no idea my attention had shifted to include others as well. Even though it’s tiring and tedious to sit through an awards show, the highlight for me was spying on how the real JW and Uee interact behind the cameras. I used to think I was an impatient person until I started this blog and doing all these recaps and translations. More than any other fan out there, I bet I’ve watched more footage of JW since I sat through countless hours of pressing rewind to hear the lines over and over again for all the episodes of OB and 1n2d. That is why I thought I was pretty familiar with his habits and mannerisms until I learned there was a lot more to him than just what you observe on camera. I saved one tidbit of info for last cuz this is pretty special. I thought of all the possible reasons why he did it. Maybe cuz he still felt responsible for her as an “oppa” or a fellow former cast mate. Maybe it was cuz he is a professional and knows that since Uee has a concert the next night, she can’t afford any injuries. I stopped wondering about all the plausible excuses why he did it and just settled for the fact that ultimately it just means he still cares about her. It happened at the very end when all the cameras were turned off and people were exiting the building. As the winners for the night gathered on stage to take a commemorative photo, JW was one of the first ones on stage with KSH. I have video footage of that. He didn’t even end up standing next to Uee cuz she went up later. She stood towards the end on the right while he took the pic standing in the middle. Not sure if someone arranged them that way or not, but what is interesting to note is they were nowhere near each other for the actual photo. But as they dispersed after taking the photo, they both ended up walking down together. I bet after the photo, he looked for her and saw her going that way and followed her on purpose. Most of the other celebrities exited through the side exits that lead backstage that winners took after receiving their awards and that should have been his choice too, but I’m guessing since Uee was standing on that right side, she went down the front way and JW followed her to help her. I really don’t think JW was the one who went that way first since he was standing closer to the middle of the stage when he took pics. Remember earlier I told you he took UJH’s arm to steady her as he helped her down the steps, well he didn’t do that for Uee here. He did something even better. He walked down a few steps ahead and shadowed her. He kept his head down and looked over at her feet to make sure she was walking down safely and was ready to grab her if she slipped and fell. Since she had on high heels and a fluffy skirt that obstructed her view, she took slow, gingerly steps so he had to pace his steps to make sure he wasn’t too far down and not once did he stop checking on her till she was safely on the ground.  Anyone would say it would have been easier just to take her hand and help her down. Lord knows I would have appreciated that too so I can snap a mental picture of it, but watching him being so considerate of her without her needing to ask just made me melt.  I’m beginning to think he is never going to give us a shortage of reasons for swooning over him. Let’s face facts, this crush we are all suffering from just might be lifelong. After witnessing this, I know mine is going to be cemented in stone so that it’s perpetual.

Here are some more screencaps from the night:

Here are some more photos of our couple taken from Baidu that SS found and shared with us. 🙂

The female host describes his character TH on the weekend drama OB and how TH is brusque with others, but sweet in front of the girl he likes so he made a lot of women’s heart thump (race) – (that is one accurate description of what TH did to us) I think that’s why he smiled so big when he heard that last part as he got on stage.

This is what they said when they won:

JW: thank you very much. first – I want to thank God. through OB, I thought how happy I was doing a drama. I really want to thank [he lists everyone by name – the director, scriptwriters] For everyone – all the actors and staff who pulled me along (helping me) since I lacked, thank you very much. my S entertainment family (his agency) and everyone in my fan cafe 1mang1jang and my 1n2d hyungs and staff -thank you very much. also for always cheering me on and loving me, I want to pass on the honor of this award to my family. I will work hard from now on. thank you.

when Uee goes on stage, the guy who is hosting talks about how she is a girl group member but the part when he says “personally, her father is a hyungnim I know well so I am so happy” -that made Uee laugh.

Uee: hello I am Uee. this is my first time coming here so I was really nervous and trembling. to my family who is watching this on tv, everyone in my family at Pledis, OB brothers, (she names the directors and scriptwriters) there are so many people I am grateful to -also to my sunbaes (seniors) (she lists some others) then says for all my fans who cheer me on, thank you very much. my members are in japan now for our first concert there tm so I want to thank them for letting me come here. I want to come again. I will work hard to come again. thank you.

This is what they said on stage when they presented for best actor and best actress in a movie:

JW to Uee: it seems like it’s been a long time since we’ve met after OB, how have you been? Uee talks about how she is emcee at a live music program “and like I said a while ago, I’m doing the first after school concert in Japan tm and kept practicing for that. The nervousness from today seems like it will continue till tm. You’ve been very busy these days – filming your drama Bridal Mask and the variety program 1n2d” She goes on and says how much she enjoys watching him doing variety on 1n2d – “How is it going” so he says “from here on I will work hard on 1n2d and BMask will be on after Equator Man ends so please look forward to it a lot. Variety is a lot of fun but what I love a lot are movies so I want to applaud the (senior =sunbaes) nominees for this right now. Uee jokes: you werent by any chance nominated for this right? JW says it’s too far off for him (to get nominated for best acting in a movie) and that he is satisfied with just winning the award from earlier. “Personally I hope UJH senior wins this.” Uee says it doesnt seem right for the announcer to show who he favors so he says “I will just do this today”

This entry was posted in Extra.

139 comments on “48th Baeksang Art Awards: A night of keen observation

  1. GS says:

    First of all thanks for your report. It is great to read what actually happens in Korean awards shows. I’ve been lurking in your site quite some time. This is my first post. :). I’m a kind of KSH fan and I have maybe two questions, did you find KSH better looking in person or on screen? Do you still like him? It is because, you know, sometimes after you see them in person it kind of changes the perception.


    • Softy says:

      I like him more now than I ever did. Not sure which I prefer cuz seeing him give that moving acceptance speech sort of made me like him even more than on screen. Plus he had a great attitude and was so polite and nice to everyone. However I did notice that he hardly spoke to the two little kids (his co-stars) sitting next to him. Maybe it was the age gap or something. But one thing that stood out – it’s really true what they say cuz in real life his face is tiny. Also, I thought he would be a lot taller. 🙂 The only person I can think of that gave me a bad impression was JGS. He seemed a little too insincere.


      • GS says:

        I’m so giddy since you like him more now. 🙂 I kind of knew he wasn’t that tall based on the videos I’ve watched (cannot be compared with Joo Won who, by the way, I also adore :)). I think I love both of them even more after your report.
        Speaking of the table conversations, it seems like all of them are froze in their seats. Maybe it is the expected norms at the Korean awards? The two little kids and KSH seemed close at the after party of Moon/Sun.


        • Softy says:

          I really thought these people would talk a lot more to each other since most of them worked together on a movie or drama, but it was really surprising how they acted so distant. Like Suzy and Lee Je Hoon. On their BTS for their movie or interviews, he seemed to have gotten along with her so I just assumed they would chat all night. She must have been bored out of her mind not talking to anyone hardly at all. the more I think about it, I think the Korean phrase that is used often in this situation sums it up better – these celebrities have a hard time “opening up to people.” Unlike westerners who can easily chit chat with strangers, koreans are more reserved and hold back till they are more chummy. I get the feeling from their interviews JW and Uee never had that problem from the start. It really seems like they just jumped into oppa dongsang mentality right off the bat cuz they had such great chemistry.
          * cuz I wasted so many hours yesterday trying to add video, I forgot I should have translated some of those acceptance speeches and stuff. I desperately need to find how to share my videos cuz even though everyone has watched a clear video of the red carpet, it’s just seems more real if you see what’s going on from the POV ( point of view) of a fan from behind the lines


      • nonski says:

        before i continue my reading… weeeeeeeeeeeeh (again!) KSH… Softy… see me faint?! although that suit of his was rather not to my liking and agh what had they done to his hair, but he is my fave still… 🙂

        on JGS… i liked him on YAB but after that i just turned sour on him… never even taken a look on love rain.


  2. klutz21 says:

    omg softy!!
    you are soooooo lucky to be there and witnessing all these..
    im actually giggling reading this!!
    did u save the world in the past?? lol..(just following some typical comments that koreans usually use =D)


    • Softy says:

      I didn’t “save any worlds,” but I think I’m very lucky to have friends who are connected to the entertainment industry. Like my other friend is close to a PD for KBS’s variety programs and music shows so she can get me tickets for anything except 1n2d (which is ironically the only one I care about) That means ever since Uee joined music bank, I could have gone to see her film the show live but I didn’t want to sit through hours of kpop and screaming teens just to watch Uee host with another guy – no matter how cute he is. If JW ever releases an album and goes on music bank to perform, I will be there front and center for sure. 🙂


  3. flo says:

    Softy!!!!thank you sooooo much i’ve been waiting for this for a whole night!!
    yes..i love your last paragraph.i relieved,coz i saw their picture when they were walking down together before you posted this recap! and my heart feel uneasy coz in the picture JW seem not to pay attention with uee..he didn’t hold uee’s arm when they were walking down the stairs.like he did before with UJW in red carpet.i chatted with my twin sister Umi in yahoo messenger and we discussed this matter together a whole night!
    and now after i read your recap,yes softy i know our JW still cares about her,and it makes me happy! yes you are right he did something even better than he just hold her arm/hand,coz he knows there were so many reporters there! and he knows they were very curious about his relationship with uee including us of course!he didn’t dare to hold her arm but still can’t help his self to still cares for her!i really know JW is a such gentleman and caring person towards to everyone,esp person who is close with him, and as i know he really admire uhm jung hwa and they came from the same agency,he really respect to her,but still as with uee..i still can feel he cares about uee much more than the other
    i love this couple soo much.and they are my first couple onscreen whom i really want they are together in real life as a couple and later as married couple!
    once again thank you sooo much i can feel your love towards JW & Uee by reading this recap!


    • umi says:

      fllo dear..when I read the last paragraph, omg I wanted to tell you asap but you read it already, I know you must be very happy now… 🙂


    • Softy says:

      Hey Flo and Umi 🙂

      So cool you guys chat about JW and Uee like that – my sister isn’t that big of a fan. She likes different dramas than me.

      Flo – I had no idea you and Umi were twins – all this time I just knew you were one of the loyal fans of OB and JW and as the woman who cracked me up by secretly buying JW’s underwear for her husband – wait that came out wrong – I meant bought the same brand of underwear as JW for your husband. 🙂

      I am so glad I was able to see that moment and explain what really happened as they went down those steps cuz that photo someone took really doesn’t tell the real story. As a fan of OB and this couple, I was so relieved to notice all the little things about these two cuz in my book, all those small kind gestures add up to a lifelong friendship and who knows what else down the line. Maybe she will visit him in the army and make his life easier there when she brings signed pics for his superiors so they will go easier on him. My real secret dream is for Uee to appear on 1n2d as his guest. That would be so perfect. The next best thing to an OB reunion. 🙂


      • Anonymous says:

        To be honest, I already imagined Uee as a guest in 1n2d in another actress special. I think I already thought up enough to fill 10 episodes.

        Here’s a mission/scenario I made up:

        There are guest actresses so the members get to play a game to determine who gets to pick his partner first. Either JW loses or his hyungs pressure/tease him into picking Uee.

        Fist mission of the day: Pick up your partner wherever she may be and last pair back will be punished. I know Korean guys are pretty awkward with girls unless they’re close so this could be very entertaining. I honestly just want to see JW calling Uee and bonus if he gets to pick her up from her home but since this is my imagination, I can think anything right?

        Next: Somehow JW and Uee lose in a bokbulbok game so they don’t have food. But since they don’t want to starve a guest, the hyungs make JW beg for food while playing the role of a desperate husband and Uee can be the (preggy?)wife. Or they can just pretend to be TH and JE for the rest of the trip. Either way I’m happy.

        Please don’t label me creepy or anything. I am simply TaeJa couple deprived.


  4. umi says:

    omg..softy dear..thank you so much..I don’t how many times I refresh your blog until I woke up this morning and see your report, feels like I’m going to scream out loud..so excited to read about jw-uee. I like the way he walks too..omg I love your words about him, I’m grinning from ear to ear read their interaction during the award shows..I’m a lil bit disappointed when see the picture he just walked down the steps and didn’t hold uee’s hand but your observation that he did something even better make me happy…again thank you so much softy..*back to read again*.. 🙂


  5. Ginko says:

    This is the best weekend gift for us. Thank so much Softy.

    Can’t stop smiling after reading your wonderful Baeksang experience. Love him and respect him more after understanding him in real life, our Joo Won. I’m in paradise now that I know the real interaction of Joo Won and UEE. Thanks again Softy, for sharing with us your happy night 🙂

    Eh, the video? Could you please upload your videos on Youtube? It’s pretty easy, all you need is a free YT account, then upload them. Can’t wait to see your footage videos ^^


  6. bj says:

    Thank you very much Softy for giving us this perfect reports, updates, infos and upcoming photos….you’re so lucky to be there and see them in real life….I’m so glad to hear how comfortable Uee and Joo won around each other….yes…I keep smiling after reading your last paragraph…agree with Flo….he seemed ignoring her while taking the step down on the picture above… but actually we didn’t get the whole stories….hehehe..I’m so glad he still cares for her and I hope he will continue to do so….

    Many many thanks Softy, have a nice weekends and please take care…I want to keep reading this post over and over again…..and thanks for the new OBsession page….I’m glad to stay in your OB ward..

    suddenly it was like reading OB recaps all over again…hehehe


  7. umi says:

    Dear OBnians..softy just opened OBsession 3… thank you so much softy dear..


  8. umi says:

    Dear OBnians..softy just opened OBsession 3… thank you so much softy dear..you are the best!! 🙂


  9. nonski says:

    i knew it! weeeeeeeeeeh thanks softy for sharing this with us 🙂 goes back and read…


    • nonski says:

      Softy, you, you gurl, so lucky you! hahaha… can imagine you seated right across LJH… goes back to your first post on him and feeling guilty to YAI 🙂 Thursday night was kinda one cast with magic spells for you… and for us too. capping the night too with that wonderful ending on rtp, lols, what more can a girl ask for 🙂

      Uee looks really beautiful and fresh in her gown 🙂 i actually love her gown!

      JW *pyong pyong* hehehe… he can just get away with that hideous piece of cloth on his suit because of his uber handsomeness. 🙂 didn’t he walk like a model in one of your shots up there? Ain’t he and uee soooo good to look at together? *squee* they’re what you call “in-synced” with each other. it’s true what you said before that our OB couple are more comfy with each other as compared with the others due to the fact that they have been filming OB for so long. since it’s also a family drama, the atmosphere is something that can forge bonds for people involved. what JW did when Uee was walking down the stage was very sweet. You can only that when you are uber close with someone. i’m melting now! having goosebumps since reading this article dear.

      i was all grinning here reading about your encounter with ljh. 🙂 i love looking at him smiling. i think i would have been like you when i had that chance too.

      swooning over KSH and Micky too 🙂

      *about your vid, i suggest uploading it on yt… much easier to use on blogs, but still checking here of ways to post it from photobucket*


  10. bbblue73 says:

    You’re AWESOME SOFTY dear. This is incredibly loud & extremely perfect experience for us from you.

    Thank you isn’t enough for me to say to you but you know already how grateful i am/we are to you as always for everything you’ve shared to us.
    Anyway, reading from first paragraph down to the last one mentioning our Joowon & Uee makes my life complete. Sounds crazy but that’s the reality. As expected from your own observation about how Joowon’s in real life omii, the more that i have a great respect & admire him till the end.Of course Uee is always on the picture of my craziness about JW.
    I am really happy with their respective success as well as their close relationship. I don’t know the real story behind this two but i do always believe on my instinct, lol.

    Again SOFTY dear, a zillion THANKS to YOU.


  11. enz says:

    thanks softy for the report. i cant believe i teared up when you talk about how he is such a considerate and well mannered person. it does come across when you see him in 2d1n and in variety shows. what good taste we all have! haha


  12. sayha alee says:

    Softy, You Lucky Gal to be able to see JooWon and Uee in person ! I also like Lee Jee Hoon. Thanks sooo much Softy for sharing your wonderful experience at the 48th Baeksang Award ceremony and especially about our fav couple JW&Uee. 🙂 Softy, U R the BEST !!! pyong pyong


  13. I swear Softy you killed me. The last paragraph killed me. I can totally imagine what he did. He shadowed her ..omg… So considerate and caring and gentleman. I don’t find men like that T_T
    Thanks a lot for the review I was waiting for it ! 😀


  14. nonski says:

    finally, got how to do the vid posting
    1. go to this link: http://vodpod.com/wordpress/
    2. drag the “post to wordpress” to your bookmarks found just below the address bar
    3. if bookmarks is not visible, click your browser settings and enable bookmarks
    4. go to your photobucket account, open the video, then click on the “post to wordpress” on your bookmarks
    5. it’s done, it will now be posted on your blog, just follow the instructions. if there is no preview, click the next button, your vid will show.
    *i think each vid will count as one post, not really sure, just tried this one.
    hope this helps.


  15. chokichoki says:

    Gosh. it’s so obvious that JW was looking at Uee when they stood apart from each other. I wonder if she’s also looking at him?


  16. SS says:

    Thank you Softy for your hardwork. I stop breathing just reading this report so I can’t imagine how you held together and still able to give us such a detailed account.

    I so love the part where you said Uee and Joowon are proper clappers. It speaks volume of their personalities and makes my love for them as individuals soared.

    About Joowon, he just fascinates me day by day.
    In reel life, he blows me away with his passion for his art. You can see that he totally throws himself into the character. He is not self-conscious and “becomes” the character that he plays.

    In reality show like 1N2D, he knows he is the maknae and plays his part well. He is so cute, has so much aegyo and always giving respect to his hyungs.

    In reality, he is ever the gentleman, poised and yet sincere.So sweet, so caring to those around him.

    As we get to see more of him in various shows and occasions, he just amazes me that this is the same man. So multi-talented, mult-faceted yet altogether lovely.


  17. bird says:

    Thank you so much Softy for sharing the great experience to us 🙂
    I’m so happy while reading this post and so happy to know JW and Uee still close and comforted and still care for each other. Its feel so good to know that in real life these two are cute and have a well mannered like the others said about them .


  18. AAmn says:

    Thanks for sharing with us the night you swooned over Joo Won and the others:-)

    I love the fact that our Joo Won came in limo with his sunbae. I know that UJH and that other senior actor were in the same agency with him. I think that guy hv won several awards of best actor too.. Gosh I dont know his name, he’s in one of the movie wth YAI.

    I think that Joo Won and Uee still in a friendly zone and not in a special r’ships.. Yet :-). Gosh, I love Joo Won to bits.


  19. ck1Oz says:

    I was going to read then post but saying this. Can you create a Dailymotion or YouTube account then upload them there?

    Creating the accounts are easy. Then it’s just ” upload and save” then get the links and post as per normal softy. Hope it helps. I don’t think you can do videos via photobucket, imageshack and the rest right? Guys… waves who’s the techie here?


  20. ck1Oz says:

    Softy thank you so much. I will come back.really. However at this moment all your Joo Won report has made my heart rate go up too much.

    My take… he still cares for her. He already looks and off camera is known to be polite and considerate anyway. Plus they were together so long on OB where he WAS taking care of her. I think it’s a habit? I mean it in a good way, it is sweet and fuzzy that he thinks of her this way rather than just another co star you know?

    They may not be dating now but if they keep coming in contact with each other. Plus they are both so well brought up, young and ambitious professionals- doesn’t hurt to have a good lasting impression/friendship with each other. Who knows. when it’s time to get married… maybe they would start ” seeing each other with good intentions” Isn’t that the Korean euphenism for dating leading to marriage?

    Love your post and your thoughts softy. Go for more events PLEASE for all our sakes as well as your.

    Oh and, I watch sports games. I use the sports mode in my camera. If I can catch rugby players leaping in the air clearly in MOTION… your camera should work to take shots that are not blurry. Sports mode 🙂


    • Softy says:

      Man this tip would have come in handy the other night – I had no idea that’s what it was used for. 🙂 Totally going to practice taking better pics and video for future “spy on OB couple” missions. 🙂


      • ck1Oz says:

        Works with flash. Go practice shooting buses or children playing. With and without flash on 🙂

        Good luck, we have a vested interest in your progress. That and how to whip out a camera in less than 1 sec.
        Also, be ready to jump forward to ask for autographs and handshakes 🙂


      • Enz says:

        Otherwise get s95. Canon. Auto mode gets excellent shots in almost ANY condition. Even dim light conditions


    • SS says:

      Omy ck10z, I share the same feelings as you. After reading Softy’s recap and posting my comments earlier, thoughts of Joowon and Uee stayed in my mind the whole afternoon.

      I think they bonded during OB filming and probably feelings were stirred. But knowing the challenges and demands of their careers, they have rightfully put it aside. Choosing to be friends now and keeping the option of dating in the future.

      After watching 1N2D and seeing how close UTW is with JW, there was no way he could have teased JW about Uee the way he did on the Come to Play show if it was untrue. JW either let him on his crush or spoke so much about Uee.


      • nonski says:

        SS dear, i can now imagine them getting married and have children, not as our OB couple but JW and Uee… they so fit each other and I picture out anyone else that would be more perfect for each other.


  21. Thank you million times Softy dear, I love every detail you write here about our favorite couple & mostly JW… Woo Hoo… 😀
    I love everyone’s comments here, specially about our Tae-Ja couple.
    And I’m so glad that JW & Uee are still keep in touch after OB ended ***grinning & swooning at the same time*** 😉


  22. xoxcinderellaxox says:

    Finally! A new post that’s mostly about JW and UEE! I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed these two!

    You are so lucky to have actually seen them interact in reality, without all the cameras. And not just them, but also all the other celebrities. I, for one, never get to do that because 1. I’m not that dedicated, 2. I think I would literally faint or humiliate myself in some way if I’m ever in the same room as my favorite celebrities 3. And I don’t live in Korea.

    I really hope that JW and Uee would collaborate in another drama together, hopefully as onscreen couples again!

    On a side note, I definitely think that they care about each other so the possibility of them dating isn’t far-fetched. But I definitely agree with Choi Jung Yoon (Soo Young in OB) when she said (in the Happy Together OB special) that if JW and Uee were to date in reality, that they shouldn’t publicly announce it and for them to just let the relationship foster in private. I think that if they were to announce it in public, the press and the netizens would surely create problems for them (as they do with other celebrity couples). Whether those problems are created purposely or inadvertently. I’d rather see a news article a few years from now, saying that they’ve been secretly seeing each other and are getting married.

    BTW, do you have a video of JW helping/observing Uee go down the stairs? Because I would so love to see it!! Thanks a bunch!


    • Softy says:

      sadly no – that’s why I had to post someone else’s photo and it’s also why I wrote I would have taken a “mental picture” on my post cuz I ran out of battery on my camera by then. Also since the whole thing was over, my camera and phone were in my purse. By the time I fished it out, it would have been too late and they would have been on the main ground floor again by then. I think it was better to keep watching what they were doing and not look away or else I wouldn’t have been able to see all that. Trust me if I knew this was going to happen, I would have taken pics and made it my main photo. 🙂


      • nonski says:

        just my thoughts, even if i would really love to see the footage of JW’s caring for Uee… i prefer it that you experienced seeing it and observing them than taking the vid or even a pic… that would ruin the moment for you and it would not have been the same feelings you would convey to us. 🙂 just plain looking at it against watching them and trying to get a shot or a vid makes a vast difference.


  23. jdkk09 says:

    Thank you for the recap of the show. The actions of the actors while sitting and watching the show, was something I wondered about. And you were there to see it all.


  24. sammi says:

    Softy are you gonna upload the fancam later??? Have you figured it out to upload it?? I know I am being impatient but can’t help it when it comes to JW and UEE!! Thank you


    • Softy says:

      Trust me – no one wants to upload these more than me. I didnt want to brag but some of these are pretty decent videos (if you ignore the fact that my hands were shaking). Just the ones with JGS, Uee, and JW though. The rest I might not even bother with cuz you only get glimpses of PSH, JW, Uee, LJH, KSH, etc. I am not a tech person so this is the hardest thing I’ve had to do since I started blogging. 🙂
      I just hope no one is expecting professional stuff cuz you can watch the red carpet in HD if you download the torrent for the award show.
      *speaking of which – did anyone notice they spelled baeksang wrong on the steps inside as the stars go up on stage. they wrote “Peaksang” – I cringed when I noticed that cuz who was that high to think that sounds anything like “Baeksang” – I am pretty sure the show was named after that mountain wasnt it.


  25. ck1Oz says:

    Oh you know that lady, that went beyond simple courtesy. Or even good deeds. I wish though, because I am not as kind. I would have tapped the girl really hard. And say ” annyeonghaseyo” and then walked off. If she had fallen off by then it’s her own fault. I know. I am mean.

    However that lady would be able to go home with a clear conscience. Which in the bigger scheme of things, last longer than a fan photo.


    • Softy says:

      omg I laughed so hard reading this – I could totally picture you doing that. 🙂 To be honest I felt guilty for not yelling at the kid myself. If that happened in america, I would have totally chewed her out, but living in korea somehow makes me suppress my “americanized behavior.” Since that rude girl obviously had a bad attitude from the start, I didnt want to find myself causing a commotion right before my favs celebrities arrived by getting into a verbal fight with her. The last thing i need is to miss seeing JW over that girl cuz then forget pushing her off that bike, I would have strangled her too. 🙂 Right now my conscience is still telling me “you chose JW, KSH, Micky and all those other guys over appeasing me and helping that elderly woman- shame on you” but the rest of me that had a wonderful time is able to live with it. 🙂


      • SS says:

        Dear Softy, please send my apologies to your Conscience and thank you for ignoring it and bearing this guilt while we just lapped up all your gifts


        • Softy says:

          You’re so funny SS 🙂 Everytime I am outside reading your comment on my iPhone – I end up giggling – it’s all your fault people give me weird looks in public. 🙂


  26. kdgrandma says:

    Loved reading your personal account of the Baeksang Awards show. It might be worth your while if you even have one more opportunity to see JW to invest in a single lens reflex camera with a low light long lens!!! Then you could have taken pictures like shooting with a machine gun — continuously for the nearly two hours he was within your viewfinder’s range!


  27. Lean says:

    Thanks Softy.

    I’m glad that Joo Won and Uee won the rookie awards, for their amazing performance in OB. I would like to see more Joo Won after this. Taking new project, pairing with other partner…

    I hope to see Uee acting in other project too, she’s one of the good actress in the making. But deep down inside me wonder will she deliver a good acting like she shows us in OB 🙂


  28. I am soooo happy to read softly post. How i evny u to have the chance to see JW and Uee up close. I am glad that they are still close. Though I wish they are dating rite now, isnt this our wish, they are still working hard in their careers. Who knows, a few years down the road we will be celebrating in joy here as they are getting married!


  29. SS says:

    Can you get a sweeter guy than this? In this clip, you can see how Joowon is looking out for UTH as she steps on the mini stage(i dont know what it’s called) for the photo.He is ever so watchful just in case she steps on her long gown. Softy, you are right, our crush on him is set to be perpetual


  30. thom says:

    Thanks softy for sharing this your reviews 48th Baeksang award.
    Fool me I just knows this day that Uhm jung hwa is the same agency with JW and be big sister of uhm tae woong (JW’hyoung on 1n2ds2). Ohh man I’m the one who watched kdrama such as The Man Who Can’t Get Married , Get Karl! Oh Soo Jung , Tropical Nights in December etc. how sexy and got talented actress she is. So now I’m get why JW made happy hop that’s she shoot him in 1n2ds2E4 and how the others’members laugh when she shoot her brother (TW) the person she don’t like (pretty shoot for the other’s member haha). Softy you can deleted this if it won’t be well with this page.


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