This time around I thought we could make page 5 last for a while, but it was not meant to be. Now that the other page is starting to act up, let’s start fresh with this one. To make things more interesting, I will be posting quick “scene” recaps up here for some of the dramas I don’t cover on the main page – like for Man of Honor, Thousand day promise, or FBR shop. The rest of the page will be for the usual chats, music videos, and previews.


S writes down her number and address and puts those slips of paper in all her pockets. I really admire how she makes every effort to remain in control of a situation she has no control over. It’s admirable somehow that she wants to fight the inevitable for as long as she can and it breaks my heart for her. I love this screenshot – her face is in normal light then a whiteness covers her face as if she is fading away.
One of the best Kdrama weddings in a long time – the tragedy behind their love makes it more beautiful

345 comments on “KDF 6

  1. nonski says:

    Thanks so much for the recaps softy! gah, i was just away for a while but i think i already missed so much here. I might not be able to come back till “saturday night live”… will be off to some far off mountain hot spring… gawd! i can’t understand why we have to travel so far to a place with no name just so we can have a freakin’ meeting!

    cya then softy!


  2. sunshine says:

    Thanks for the recap, Softy!

    I can’t believe the vile nerve IW’s dad has-cringe worthy disgust is all that comes to mind. Seeing as how we still have 6 eps left, I’m guessing the next few will be her possibly believing him, then getting angry with her “adoptive” fam, and then of course reconciliation when IW’s dad tries to kill her (and Y saves the day).

    Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  3. Fanderay says:

    All this MoH talk has me feeling envious and wondering if I should give it a shot. I’m not crazy for either of the leads (second lead syndrome, here I come) so it’ll need to have a good story. What do you guys all think of it overall? How does it compare to other dramas this year?


    • Anya says:

      I cant judge it based on other dramas of this year, but.. I will say, its not upto the mark of last years Baker king, but its not bad either.
      My definition of bad would be some of the overtly fluffy dramas, with out good enough story to satisfy me.
      ex Mary stayed out all night, My princess, etc.
      BUT if your Going in, on purpose to be engulfed in second lead syndrome trauma, then I would say, forge right ahead. ITs right up in that alley. I feel, like in their previous work ,baker king drama, its actually very easy to be engulfed by second lead syndrome , based solely on character development.
      While the pace of character development is a bit slow on the leads, I would say, its right on, for our second lead here.
      IF this were, a book I had to read, and write a paper on, I would definitively choose our IW.


  4. are u watchin me too flower? if u hav tyme will u pliz recap tat. pliz


    • Softy says:

      First of all, it’s on at the same time as man of honor so obviously I can’t recap two dramas at once. Secondly I am not even watching MTF – even though I like the baker king actor, I cant stand Lee Jia. So sorry- you can find recaps over at dramabeans. 🙂


  5. nik says:

    Oh, thundie. I can’t agree with you more. You nailed it perfectly at how I feel about them.

    I like how they are like that in real life as well! :DDD

    I feel like I’m betraying OB. Meep! Nevertheless, can’t wait for OB tomorrow night! 😀


    • Fanderay says:

      No offense to OB, but I love Smile You more. How can they be so freaking adorable? I wouldn’t let myself watch any Smile You MVs until I finished watching the whole series, so now it makes me extra happy to watch them. Personally I love that you’re posting them!


      • nikesma says:

        Hihi, I know! They’re so really really adorable together! I agree that out of family drama that I watch (well I only watch a few, Family’s Honor, CYHMH, OB and Smile, You) I must say, Smile, you is the best!
        Sometimes, while watching Smile, You I can’t help but thinking how I wish OB would have more development and screen of J and TH together. T^T


        • Fanderay says:

          CYHMH still reigns supreme as my favorite family drama (besides the OTP the dad, the kids and Ma Ru were all fantastic, and the story had me on the edge of my seat). I think we’re going to get more J/TH time soon, but it’s impossible for anyone to compete with the dorky cuteness of Smile You’s OTP. Their chemistry is through the roof, but in an absurdly adorable way that will probably never be duplicated.


          • ck1Oz says:

            Yup Lee Min Jung and that guy were just so natural together.
            However to this day I have memories of the blended roach smoothie. It’s now one of my enduring Korean food nightmares. Shudders.


  6. ck1Oz says:

    Hi softy been busy with MoH,Brain (don’t you feel sorry for me 😦 ) and Padam. Can you believe it’s starting next Monday already?
    Been totally spazzing over Bummie didn’t realize I missed him so much. Is that PMY with him?Gah. Lee Min Ho’s girlfriend err…working with his BFF? If they all meet up with JIW as well the collective hotness of the 3 guys with 1 girl out for dinner…my mind boggles at the thought of it 🙂


  7. ck1Oz says:

    Passing by Fanderay just to let you know…it looks like the Padam posters are going to be watercolour paintings worthy. Seriously.I don’t want to seem bias but it’s pretty. Have to run but have a good week guys.That is what I’ve been busy with besides Brain and MoH. http://www.viki.com/channels/4854-padam-padam
    This is because I don’t like dropping in empty handed 🙂


  8. Softy says:

    Merging some of the earlier comments so that latest comments will appear at the bottom.

    Subject says (November 23, 2011 at 3:19 pm):
    Thanks, Softy, for loving this drama too. i always prefer your recaps then anybody else. i didn’t get something: why J was sorry for asking the money previous? you wrote: I am sorry this is what I can do (in her head)? i also don’t understand why IW wants J work there when he aware the dangerous of this act.
    finally progress. hopefully J’s background will ravels tm.

    D says (November 23, 2011 at 3:27 pm):
    thank you Softy, cant wait for tomorrow’s ep when evil daddy got his heart attack, lol…

    sunshine says (November 23, 2011 at 5:31 pm)
    Thank you so much, Softy! Ahhh! I love this drama! Finally some forward momentum. Thanks again for the recap. It was seriously the first thing I went looking for when I logged on this morning.

    Subject says (November 23, 2011 at 3:26 pm):
    i have a question: before the drama started, there was something about Lee Seung Ki, it was a commersial or a new drama with him?

    Softy says (November 23, 2011 at 3:43 pm):
    I didnt see anything about a new drama for lee seung ki – is he starting one? the only new thing I saw was his CF with After school members including Uee.
    as for what J said – I translated word for word how she said it but she meant she is sorry to IW cuz she cant like him back and can only work for him cuz of the money she is being paid by the cousin – that is why she was saying sorry in her head. Also IW just wants her to be near him and maybe help him cure his condition but I dont think he intends to take her to work and be in front of his dad. or maybe he didnt think that far ahead yet.
    The bad thing about Y finding out is now he is going to feel guilty towards J for what his dad did. pretty soon I think Y will find out his dad accepted money and gave J to those nuns to raise. after that – I bet that is what’s going to make him keep his distance from her. That’s what I am afraid of at least. I hope I am wrong. on the other hand, I want IW to have a chance to become a better person cuz of her.

    Subject says (November 23, 2011 at 3:31 pm):
    i hope soon, he’s really disgusting person.

    Subject says (November 23, 2011 at 3:54 pm):
    I didn’t hear anything about new drama with LSK , but i miss him, I just saw him before MoH started and kind of hope.
    the preview for tm ep with IW’s awful Dad, OMG, it’s gonna be hard. i really can’t understand him. why he so cruel to Y? is it cause he afraid Y will discover the truth about the “accident”? or maybe about J parents?
    anyway, i think IW made huge mistake by keeping J beside him. how can he protect her when he himself terrified from his own Dad?

    D says (November 24, 2011 at 2:47 pm):
    softy, i officially love u! thank you..

    Anonymous says (November 24, 2011 at 3:21 pm):
    dear softy,
    lots lots of thanks, happy Thanksgiving, and have a nice evening.

    Swee says (November 24, 2011 at 4:23 pm):
    Thank you very much Softy. I have been a fan of yours since SKKS but a silent lurker and too shy to write. Thank you for recapping MOH, you are truly the Greatest!

    Muyamoh says (November 24, 2011 at 4:59 pm):
    thank you


  9. Softy says:

    Thousand day promise E13: This is why I can’t stop watching this drama. When his ex-fiance learns about his wedding and why he is rushing to marry, she cries and feels bad for both of them and says “now I think I know why I liked oppa so much –oppa and I are similar. I could have loved like that. I could have done that too.” More than her scene, his mom’s words over the phone unleashed a flood of tears…the night before the wedding, his mother puts aside her objections and opens her heart saying to her son “Since it’s a wedding you wanted, I should say congratulations, but it’s not easy. You should do your best all the way till the end. What you feel in your heart now – don’t let it change. Don’t make that kid sad. Make her listen to her doctor and take her medicine on time. Spend a lot of time with her. Love her. Love her again and again. Love her without an end. If it’s not that kind of heart (love) – it will be too hard on you and that kid. Have a good wedding and have a safe trip.” They had the most beautiful wedding in a drama and I bawled through it all – more than her aunt.
    E14 She cries cuz she forgot about her brother and didnt call him like she was supposed to. Then she finds out she is pregnant and he says he wants to have the baby, but will follow what she wants. She is afraid that she will hurt the baby saying that she is dangerous and wants to abort. her doctor says she has to stop taking her medication if she has the baby so she suddenly changes her mind and says she wants to have the baby since she heard its heartbeat.Now he is against having the baby cuz he didnt know she would have to stop her medication and it’s more important. In the preview she quits work and tells her boss the truth. Her coworkers are going to cry buckets.


    • nonski says:

      thanks softy for the recaps! seriously, even while reading the recaps here and on db, it already makes me cry and watching it to cry again. that is the wonder of us people, why do we watch dramas that will only make us cry.


  10. nonski says:

    Oh, on another note, i saw your comment on FBRS episode 10… yeah, i swooned, like the nth time already, as well as the rest of the people watching the topic at soompi!

    and my gosh, that was the longest, hottest, “realist” kiss ever! and almost 99% of the preview for the next week is the all about the whole hotness of the kiss. squeeeee!


  11. Iviih says:

    So, CK and Softy, remember I said i wouldn’t watch Padam Padam?

    Okay, my mind changed. I hope it isn’t like In Soo’s pretty, but I don’t think so, I’m really curious to what happened to the guy,a nd I like the leading girl, she seems so likeable here, the only drama I watched with her was Cain and Abel but I didn’t liked her so much because she was supposed to be a from N. Korea and had a strange accent.

    But here, I’m liking what I see of her so far, Kim Bum too. And the lead guy, sometimes he is adorable and hot but why scream so much? heheheheh

    Softy, I think It’s too much to ask for you translate the entire trailer, but can you tell me the whole idea the trailer is giving? I’m so confused o0 Thanks!! ^^


    • Softy says:

      If I translated this line by line you would still be just as confused as me. 🙂

      Blue translated this whole preview on her blog so I deleted mine just now.

      I want to recap this drama but I have no idea where this is airing – I know it’s cable but I only memorized channel TVN for FBRS and have no clue which cable station has this drama. I must have it since I have cable but i have been trying for days to find this one. Better find it soon since it starts next mon.


      • nonski says:

        it will air on jTBC.


      • ck1Oz says:

        iTBC is a new cable station softy. It starts on 1st Dec. They have another drama Fermentation Family which has beautiful posters and looks very interesting too.
        Oh the raw episodes. Your guess is as good as mine as the normal ripper groups are not doing it. I was going to use Bangsuk which apparently is one of the most stable private ripper group. However they have stopped ripping FBRS since last week.Wondering if the group has folded or not. At this point if semi-fly posts it wondering if we’re using WITH. Not sure till the episode airs what’s happening.


        • nonski says:

          noticed that too Ck, no Bangsuk was upped since, correct me if i’m wrong, two weeks ago. they are either using 450 Chan or WITH.


          • ck1Oz says:

            WITH has no consistent release time. It’s stressing me out because I have to let my segmenters know. Might have to tell them not to hold their breathe for the usual upload time.


  12. Iviih says:

    Btw, Kim Rae Won oppa RAWR so handsome… 🙂


  13. Iviih says:

    Oohhhhh first kiss… . FBRS…

    I wanted a sexy and not a shut up kiss… 😦

    Btw, since kisses have name now, we can call their kiss, Bell Kiss. LOL


  14. Softy says:

    I love this adoption campaign – best idea EVER 🙂

    sorry had to delete pics cuz they were too large and overlapped to the side.


    • ck1Oz says:

      What campaign is this? Adoption?


      • Softy says:

        yup – isnt it the best? the celebrities promise to meet the babies ten years from now. I wonder if any of them actually will.


        • ck1Oz says:

          Why not 🙂
          I hear that local adoption rates in SK are increasing.You know me,Ms useless facts. Well, why not? If they remember.Hang on,they can’t meet the babies. They would have been adopted!


          • Softy says:

            but the thing is not all of them get adopted. some of them have health issues and no one wants them so they move on to local orphanages nearby. at least that is what I heard. but I guess the ones who stay in Korea could be tracked down, but something tells me most of these celebrities would have forgotten in ten years time.
            I just love how adoringly they look at the babies. makes your heart melt.


            • nonski says:

              awww, those are super cute pics softy and a nice promo strategy too. i bet these actors are rich, can they just support one of these children. even if they just stay in the orphanage or at least adopt one for themselves. in the phils, there are actually some actors who had adopted children.


            • ck1Oz says:

              NIckhun’s baby is looking up at him.That baby is cute 🙂

              Abandoned children in Korea are no eligible for adoption. They have to stay in the orphanages till they are adults. Only babies whose mother formally relinquishes them are allowed to be adopted.
              Park Si Hoo’s baby is as white as him 🙂 How come they all look like boys?


            • Jadoore says:

              I am not Korean and I live in a small town in MN. The school I work we have staff members that adopted children from Korea. Among them there have 5 children. The beauty of their adoption stories is they take the kids to Korean program and visit Korea every so often. Some have even visited the orphanages they were adopted from. I am sadden at time to see the kids raised by parents that look different than them and I secretly wish that local adoption in Korea was better that way the kids would have had homeland experience. Hearing and knowing your parents are different from you can be disheartening. However being adopted by a loving family trumps growing up in foster systems. I am not white and I know first hand what it feel like to be a non white in a small white town, at least I have the support my parents and they understand what i feel. These kids parents are oblivious to everything


        • ydoodler says:

          Wow. That makes the campaign all the more special. I really hope they keep their promises.


  15. Softy says:

    Man of honor – was deleted cuz it was too long and takes up too much space.


    • ck1Oz says:

      Hi softy. Thanks for it. I was live streaming just now after seeing ep 15’s preview. Liked the episode I don’t usually watch it till the subs are done 🙂 so when I start streaming it must be the ‘more exciting’ part. I only have one comment-you know ep 16’s preview? Man that dad is NUTS I tell you.How can you just assault anyone… much less your son with a golf club?People have been killed using a golf club.

      Back to my hidey hole now. Am in the middle of editing ep 14 for softsubs for release on Friday. I am not as addicted to this drama as OB surprisingly.

      Oh I found 2 comments. Do we remember the CH kiss? How come the kiss is so tame huh? It was tame wasn’t it? The typical boring heroine hands down by her side. Maybe ep 16 will show a continuation and it becomes more realistic. However knowing this drama,IW will come and interrupt. This drama is nothing if not cliched 🙂



    • nonski says:

      thanks for the recaps softy, that was fast! (as usual) 🙂

      i don’t livestream this one and ck, don’t be surprised if you aren’t addicted to MoH, i’m not too but still following. about FBRS, i must say Eun-bi was just shocked, hehehe.


    • sunshine says:

      Hey Softy, thanks for the recap! Looks like things are really starting to cook in our little drama. P.S. Loving the holiday background. 🙂


  16. Evelin says:

    Oh, good video for OB (ep 1-34). I like when at 0:38 Joo Won
    said “I love you”. sooo cute!


  17. Anonymous says:

    dear softy,
    lots lots lots of thanks, you are the best.


  18. Swee says:

    Dear Softy, you are really a Super Fast Woman, thank you very much for the MOH recap. Off to bed now, thanks to you, I can sleep easy tonight.


  19. ck1Oz says:

    Softy SOFTY SOFTY!!
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Romance ( Lee Dong Wook) and Padam are both Mon Tue.
    Then I just found out.
    That is Sat Sun


    Then there is Bachelor Vegetable Store. Wed Thur.Err…it’s the guy I am interested in.


    • MJShinshi says:

      Hi ck! love the video and it looks like your schedule isn’t going to let up anytime soon 🙂


    • Softy says:

      oh good lord CK – are you trying to kill me – why couldnt you keep your crush to yourself cuz now I am interested too. 🙂 darn it I knew I shouldnt have pressed play. man oh man – who is this guy? He has like perfect side profile. why have we never seen him before? Hope he doesnt open his mouth and sound like Beckham cuz girly voices kill it for me.
      why are all these dramas starting at once? it’s like the crazy month of May all over again. *aigoo-my head hurts from all the dramas about to start*
      p.s. It just dawned on me that this is an ad for Hera – I use that makeup brand. Their compacts and BBcream are the best.


      • ck1Oz says:

        I came back because I forgot ONE more drama starting in Jan.
        Yup…ONE more. The moon that swallowed the sun with KSH. If Joo Won accepts it. I will literally go crawl into a corner and not come out till I decide whom I love more.

        However MJ and softy. ck has a new year resolution…stop playing around with so many viki dramas and study real hard to be a subber instead of an editor. I can’t take on anymore as I am already still on Padam and I am on Wild Romance anyway. I need to concentrate on my Korean class which starts in Feb.

        I am not helping on Bachelor Vegetable Store. However am super tempted for ‘The Feast of the Gods’ It has Lee Sang Woo and it has food. However will resist. I want a life outside the computer.It’s a given I am watching this subs or no subs. Did you guys ever see him in Don’t Hesitate? Think it was a daily 98 episodes.

        Good luck softy. This is one time I am happy I am not you who has to decide what drama you’re watching vs recapping :-0
        Oh I am on because I’ve caught up on my viki work and only have 5 episodes backlog to edit 🙂


        • nonski says:

          Hi ck, i doubt you can get away with The Moon That Embraces The Sun… Kim Soo-hyun = love, love, love… but when you add Joo Won to the equation = swoon, swoon, swoon!


      • sunshine says:

        softy, is there a particular site you go thru to buy your Hera bb cream? I’ve been shopping for one.


        • Softy says:

          Sorry no clue where you can buy online. I live here so I just buy it at the department store. If you have a Korean market nearby you could ask them if they have any in stock cuz most Korean markets sell makeup and stuff from Korea. Or you can find them in any airports in Asia cuz that’s a popular brand. Jang dong gun is the male model for Hera and Kim Tae Hee was the former model for Hera.


      • nonski says:

        ikr! softy, we are in for a lot of good dramas come start of 2012 and what a way to start a year… and here i am contemplating of lurking during that time due to RL… agency budget proposal for 2013. argh! what a girl to do? even with OB along, i can’t seem to stick with my resolve. 😦

        softy, ck, the guy on the mv is sung ha. the other guy below, which i often see, since he is on a skin food ad airing on fbrs commercial breaks is shin won-ho.


    • sunshine says:

      Oh my goodness. I loved the short Hera. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing ck10z!


  20. MJShinshi says:

    thank you much softy! too many late nights couldn’t get up for live streaming….ha! I barely make it in time for work these days 🙂 now I cannot wait to watch MOH and even less patience for OB this weekend! these 2 shows are delivering the goodies 🙂 thanks again!


  21. Softy says:

    This seems to be the week of kisses – first FBRS and now Man of honor. wonder if OB will make the week complete. If it does, it better not be KJ and J or I will throw something at my TV. 🙂


    • ck1Oz says:

      I just saw FBRS ep 10’s ending not even the whole episode as I haven’t started the series. Mama…what a preview. God bless cable channels huh?


    • Anonymous says:

      Softy can you translate the preview of FBRS pretty plsssss?


      • Softy says:

        FBRS preview
        E: just cuz you do this – you think I will close my eyes?
        C: I didnt finish yet.
        he kisses her more.
        she closes her eyes

        C pulls up on his bike and said : I came to confess -properly
        E: in your eyes you cant see me. in your eyes now – you can only see you.

        the other girl asks E if C fell for E.

        H says: for now it looks like my wife did it.
        the fluffy hair guy says: noona you really dont have any feelings for that punk right?
        H looks at E and says: she is hurting.

        C says to E: cuz of you it’s weird *here for the first time (*meaning his heart)

        H asks E: what are you looking for this late at night? perhaps me? he lifts the blanket to make room for her next to him.

        E:what to do.

        other girl asks E: do you not have feelings for C?

        H says to E: wife, I wish you wouldnt deceive your heart.


        • Anonymous says:

          YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!!!
          Thanks 🙂


        • Anonymous says:

          Thank you so much softy for helping interpret! A million thanks and deeply appreciated:D


        • MJShinshi says:

          OMG…now gotta go watch the videos….have only been reading but trying real hard to keep my kdramas to MOH and OB but too many seemingly good ones coming up with people I like! that one ck showed us in hera commercial is one yummy one that I haven’t seen…..oh my where is OB preview so I won’t go watching other shows! too weak already opening FBRS video! thanks ck for sharing 🙂 and softy dear thank you much for that FBRS preview translation!


    • nonski says:

      it’s always been just my gut feel when i guess here and i don’t think KJ and J will ever kiss, hopefully, with the jealous TH, we might end up with a kiss this weekend. *crosses fingers*


  22. ck1Oz says:

    I swear I am not promoting Bachelor vegetable store to you softy. I am not even planning to watch it. However this is another one of the cast. There are 6 cuties. YUP SIX


    • Softy says:

      Actually there are only 5 cuz one of them is that tall guy from CH and running man and let’s just say his humor and height are the best things about him. 🙂


      • ck1Oz says:

        Oh yeah I forgot about him he is kinda dorky. Anyway,have spend enough time procrastinating. Why isn’t ep 35’s preview out yet? Aigoo.
        Darn it was trying to procrastinate going back to Brain 😦 and the fractured compound comminuted fracture. Darn it asked you for subdural haemorrhage we have extradural haemorrhage! Can I say I have just learnt this last week.’gyosinjeoja’ it was a research term. When will I ever have a chance to use that. Am going to find a conference to attend in Seoul next year 🙂 Just watch. LOL.


  23. Softy says:

    Man of honor recap was deleted.


    • Subject says:

      Thanks. Softy, for the recap. now i’ll wait for downloading and respond later.


    • Anonymous says:

      dear softy,
      thanks thanks…..,with all my heart.


    • MJShinshi says:

      wow thanks softy! I’m annoyed with my schedule for not allowing me to live stream but what can I do cannot help it! finally IW stands up to his dad! interesting to see how the dirty old man an Y know each other….he isn’t the same one who gave J her necklace and 3 wishes right? will have to watch soon! have a wonderful night and YAY it’s almost Saturday 🙂 any ob previews out yet..cannot wait!


      • Softy says:

        nope totally different old man – this one is the actor who played Daewoong’s grandpa in MGIAG and the homeless one is the actor from SOW when J thought Y was being molested by the creepy old man in the country and J barged in the room to save her.
        OB preview came out hours ago. 🙂


    • D says:

      thanks softy.. My live streaming buffered so much, i need to rewatch this weekend.. Im glad ahjumma told J d truth instead of kowtowing to evil dad, and IW seems to gain more strength frm J. The cousin, i gv up trying to figure him out. Cant wait fr next week cos that’s my favourite kdrama araboji..


  24. Swee says:

    You made my day, Softy! Thhhhhhhaaaaaskkkkkk you! How can you write so fast? Hats off to you, Softy.


  25. nonski says:

    yay! for IW standing up against his dad… J is clearly a good influence to him. haizt! i hope J mets her mom soon.

    thanks so much softy, this is super fast!


  26. sunshine says:

    When you said you were going to call IW’s dad____ from now on, I thought you were going to type Papa Evil. Haha.

    Anyhoo, thanks for the recap, Softy! I was so caught up in reading it that I burned what was on the stove (never set anything on high, and walk away to read…)

    Have a great weekend!

    Oh…P.S. After all the glowing reports you’ve given, and after watching svetski’s latest fan video, I’m giving the O brothers a shot. I’ll probably be marathoning it once I start…


    • Softy says:

      So glad you are giving OB a chance cuz I think you will love it – I love when readers are excited about a drama while it’s still airing and I always feel bad for the ones who caught on after it’s all over. the last 16 episodes are going to be amazing judging from the preview for E35. Sorry the recap distracted you from cooking. hope there wasnt too much damage. 🙂
      p.s. Svetik has tons more great videos posted all over KDF forum so click around and look for her name on the music videos on the bottom right. 🙂


  27. ck1Oz says:

    Here’s wishing you all who like hanging out in the KD Forums early Christmas wishes.

    It’s specially for you softy because you have a Christmas thing 🙂


    • Softy says:

      Thanks for these videos CK. Of course I want to translate Lee dong wook’s taxi episode too but I have to get a post out by tonight and then work on OB this weekend so I probably wont be able to work on his interview till early next week. Not sure how I will fit it in with Padam starting and I am still watching thousand day promise but will try to make time. 🙂


      • ck1Oz says:

        Don’t worry about it then. I get the gist. OMG every time I think I am over him and he is not as cute he appears on a show somewhere and I fall in love all over again. I think it is because he has such an outgoing personality, is witty and humorous.
        Oh yes…doing video work tonight so no translating took time out.Even I feel like Christmas shopping.
        Padam is starting at 2045hrs and it’s only 45 min long. So hopefully it will be less work. The character description is nuts and Kim Bum has abs 🙂 Loosing 10kgs and he develops abs.LOL.


  28. ck1Oz says:

    Wow. I thought I had over estimated the chemistry and my memory was faulty. Just starting the Taxi episode and heard about him and KSA meeting for the 1st time. He went to the filming set the afternoon he was discharged from the army right? The photoshoot? Oh man softy can you post some tidbits and highlights? I want you to enjoy your Christmas shopping and not disturb you. Just came here to spazz seriously thought I was sorta calmer over the Lee Dong Wook effect but obviously not 🙂


  29. svetusikls says:

    Here’s more from the last of my videos for OB. Possible as well as sunshine… and who is not watching this drama, give it a chance) I love it! you know that, right?)))


    • Softy says:

      The bottom one someone beat you to it and already posted it somewhere else on this blog so I watched it like a million times, but the top one was new so I had to drop everything to watch this the same amount too. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your great work. Let’s hope for some happier scenes coming up this weekend to inspire you to make more. 🙂


  30. My2Girls says:


    I am loving the snow affect on the site and I am glad to hear you love the holiday season as much as I do. I can’t wait until tomorrow and I keep wandering over to the site in the hopes that by some miracle you will have figured out how to make time leaps and we can read the recap of OB #35 just that much sooner – but sadly no 😦 I hope you have a great weekend.

    As always – THANK YOU!!!!



    • Softy says:

      hello Amy, credit goes to Thundie for adding the snow effect and changing the theme color to this egg shell one while I was stuck in Seoul traffic tonight. I do love the holidays so I have tons of Christmas backgrounds to switch out every few days. If I could make time leap, there would be no weekdays and only back to back weekends till OB finished. It’s already Saturday here in Seoul so the countdown to E35 begins. See you later on the post. 🙂


      • My2Girls says:


        So here is a question for you – I am sure that you have already written about it somewhere but I must not have seen it – how is that you are living in Seoul? I know that you are Korean American (at least I think you are) and I just wondered how you came to this stage in your life? I must confess if I were 20 years younger, unmarried and not the mother of 2 beautiful girls I would love to live in Seoul. But perhaps that is just the kdrama addiction talking. I did spend a year living in London when in my early 20’s. I did it for 2 reasons 1) because I would have no language barrier and 2) because my mom was a huge Anglophile and I was hoping to understand her better (it didn’t work). I loved the experience and have wonderful friends there that I still go back every few years to see because of it but I didn’t have the immerse myself in a completely foreign language and culture experience – which I regret. I hope you don’t mind my asking personal questions but I feel after reading your caps on Scandal, Secret Garden, YFFM, Protect the Boss and now OB that it is about time I knew more about this very talented writer I whose blog I spend way too much time. In the interest of fairness I will tell you a little about me – Hhmmmm, OK harder to do than I thought! Let’s see this week I found out that Judy Lewis died. She was the daughter of Loretta Young and Clark Gable and in my pre-children life I wrote/produced/directed episodes of “Biography” for A&E. One of my shows was on Clark Gable and I spent a great deal of time with Judy and she was a wonderful woman so I was really sad to hear of her passing – there a picture of a moment in my life.

        I hope you are enjoying your time in Seoul and that it is giving all that you may have wished for.



        • Softy says:

          wow what a small world – guess who used to be a huge fan of A&E’s Biography? When I was a kid, my mom would make me spend Saturday afternoons with her watching old black and white movies. It was sort of like our thing to do – my sister would always fall asleep bored out of her mind, but black and white films just fascinated me. The acting stood out more it seemed since the characters had to emote more with their faces than with words. That’s why I liked shows like Biography cuz it would feature those older actors. Also, like your mom I am a huge Anglophile and watch BBC shows like crazy. Currently I am watching Downton Abbey and Upstairs and downstairs (the recent series). Most of my favorite authors are all British. I don’t mind sharing the reason why I am currently living in Seoul at all. Since I grew up in America, my family just dropped anything to do with Korean language, food, and culture. So that meant my grandmother had to learn to speak some english and I felt bad that I couldnt communicate with her well. Then in college, for the first time I met some Koreans. I had to start out learning the basics of the language like “hello” and mannerisms such as bowing and speaking formally. I wrote about some of that here. http://thundiesprattle.com/2010/11/01/sungkyunkwan-scandal-episode-19-live-recap/
          Then a few years ago when I had the opportunity to come to live in Korea, I took it and came to work and learn the language on the side so that I could communicate with my grandmother over the phone. I wrote about some of that here.http://belectricground.com/2011/08/01/celebrity-sightings-softys-edition-part-1/ I never wanted to learn how to read and write hangul though cuz I noticed right off that my thought process and writing speed in English slowed down drastically after I started learning Korean so I just stopped. Unlike a lot of other Korean Americans, I dont dream in Korean. My every waking or sleeping thought is in English and during that time, I hated the idea of sacrificing being slower in English just to learn a language I dont really need to know. After my grandmother passed away, I stopped going out of my way to learn the Korean language. it’s like the purpose to learn sort of died with her. The limited amount that I know now is as far as I got and I dont plan to get any better at it. With my korean friends, I am at a level where I could talk about the weather if it’s limited to “cold, chilly, or hot” but that’s about it. Also, I could never have a conversation in Korean about politics, business, or any other subjects that are difficult. Sorry I think I may have rambled a bit. To answer your question, I came to seoul to learn the language and stayed because it’s become my home now. I love my work and my life here for the time being so as long as I get to visit the US at least a few times a year, I am a happy camper.


          • Anonymous says:

            Dear Softy,

            I knew we were kindred spirits. I grew up with old B&W movies because of my dad. The walls of my home are covered on vintage movie posters that I have been collecting since I was 17! My favorite author is Miss Austen. I think that is part of why I love Kdramas but that is a discussion for another time. I hope the transcapping is going well.



          • My2Girls says:

            Dear Softy,

            Now that you reminded me I had read the SS piece on Thundie’s – that is probably where I found out that you are Korean American. I had not read the piece on celebrity sightings but I found it really amusing. I was born in Chicago but my parents went to USC for their post grad work when I was 3. After which my father moved to Santa Monica and my mom and I moved to Laguna Beach. I had the best of all worlds – a laid back beach town during the week and another beach town (littered with celebrities) on the weekend. As a result I became blase’ about celebrities at a very early age. Besides my father and I were always watching old B&W movies so I was more apt to stalk Don Ameche (who lived on my dad’s block and when he would go for his daily walk I would follow him) then I was to swoon over Rob Lowe (and yes! I realize that reference dates me but ALL my friends were nuts about him back then – side note I had him hit on me at party once not that that seems to have been much of a feat as he was a horndog!). When I went to UCLA (yes! I attended my parents crosstown rivals) I worked for the film and TV archive and after graduating I started working for a small company that produced “Biography” so I was soon having a legitimate reason to spend an afternoon in Gregory Peck’s house talking to him about a filmmaking – it was like I had died and gone to “Old Movie Buffs” heaven. Now that I live in Seattle I don’t see celebrities and that is just fine because I am trying to raise two daughters to have healthy self-esteems and body images and they don’t have to be visually assaulted by billboards of scantily clad, starving girls like they would in LA. Even the buses here only have ads for banks and car washes on the side. That is not to say that when we spend the summer visiting my mother-in-law in Pacific Palisades that we don’t have plenty of run-ins with Tom Hanks at the supermarket or Jennifer Garner at the park – in fact, Bradley Cooper moved in across the street from her a couple years back and frankly I do not see what all the fuss is about. But I must confess that when I found out that Hyun Bin was filming in Seattle a early last year I thought “now that would be someone I would like to see in person!”

            As for Austen my favorites list changes all the time. Sometimes P&P is my favorite sometimes S&S and sometimes even Persuasion. Frankly whichever one I am rereading at the moment is always my favorite.

            I am really sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I lost mine 6 years ago today and I still miss her. Especially around the holidays. I have her old Santa cookie jar. My daughter and I bake cookies on the weekends in December and every time I open it up I think of her. It is sad that your desire to learn the language died with her. I would think by the very fact that you remain living in Seoul would cause you to want to keep learning. After all what you fell in love with a non-english speaking Korean? I don’t think you would be able to only speak about the weather for ever. But I guess if you are able to get along living there without than why bother. I think it is a beautiful sounding language but very intimidating.

            Well I best fly – toddler awakes. Have a great week and I can’t wait to read about episode 37 of OB. Oh and I am on episode 12 of CYHMH and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Thank you once again.

            Take care, Amy


            • Softy says:

              You have the most fascinating background EVER. I love Tom Hanks! If Rob Lowe hit on you then you must be quite a looker. 🙂 I watched him on Brothers and sisters, but I thought his best work was on the West Wing and thought what a butt he was to quit over salary disputes and wanting top billing over everyone. my love for sam seaborn died then. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be envious of someone who got to see Don Ameche but I loved Cocoon cuz of all the great veteran actors. Also Gregory Peck is like my all time favorite “classic movie” actor and the fact that you got to sit and talk with him just kills me. You must share your anecdotes on that. When I was watching “10 things I hate about you” and saw Ethan Peck’s face, I just knew I recognized something familiar about him and lo and behold – he is Gregory Peck’s grandson. That’s how much of a fan I am – I can recognize their family members even. 🙂 Aside from Gregory Peck, I also love Jimmy Stewart, Gary Cooper (except my admiration went down somewhat after his affair), Cary Grant, and Spencer Tracy. My all time favorite movies star two of my favs and Katharine Hepburn – I love the Philadelphia story and Bringing up baby. Also I love directors like George Cukor, David Selznick, and Frank Capra. I don’t know why I still prefer a classic movie – maybe it was all that great writing. They were witty without being pretentious. My favorite playwright is Neil Simon and I think I read so much of his plays that I somehow wanted to emulate his writing style, but always failed. I also adore Nora Ephron and wish I could be as funny as her. Sometimes I think Kdramas remind me of classic movies – they have the same grassroots -the innocence, the awakening of feelings, etc and all that pecking and never anything inappropriate. Probably why my mother made me watch so many old movies and Disney – she wanted to keep me wholesome for as long as possible. It sort of worked cuz I still can’t freely curse in real life or on this blog. When it’s ingrained in you at such a young age,that sort of innocence becomes a part of you and you never quite let go of that.


          • My2Girls says:

            Dear Softy,

            I have been meaning to write back to you for ages but I have been trying to stay away from the computer for the holiday season. I hope you that you are well and enjoying the weather in Seoul. I keep crossing my fingers that we will get snow here in Seattle for Christmas but so far no such luck.

            Just to set the record straight Rob hit on me when I was 20 years old and that was OVER 20 years ago (when Rob was just past his “St. Elmo’s Fire” stage). Frankly I think everyone is a “looker” at 20! Now! I look like a mom and since my youngest is teething I look like a sleep-deprived mom – messy hair, large bags under the eyes, sporting sweatpants for the umpteenth time, etc. I’m glad you mentioned “10 Things I Hate About You” because I caught that on Netflix streaming and marathoned it and really liked it. I was crushed that it didn’t have a second season. I loved Ethan Peck – that voice! I am a sucker for voices. He does have a lot of his grandfather’s charisma and I hope he finds something else to do soon.

            I can’t tell you how much I love that you are an old movie fan too. George Cukor is one of my all time favorites too and I would put “The Philadelphia Story” on my top 5 movies list. I don’t think it is a coincidence that we both loved old movies and are now Kdrama addicts. I think you could make a strong argument that Kdramas are the descendants of films of the 30’s and 40’s. Especially in the rom-com genre.

            But there is one area where you and I diverge and that is profanity. Though I try really hard to keep myself in check – especially in front on my nine year old daughter and my Myna bird toddler – sadly I have the mouth of a sailor on leave. When I was a child in the 70’s we lived at USC and my father was in the theatre dept. whenever they needed a child in play I would do it. So every evening for weeks and weeks I was in rehearsals with college students and they ALL swore. I picked up the habit and it never went away. But my husband has always said that I make it work for me and he thinks it’s cute that it is my one flaw – HA!

            Well I just wanted to let you know that I am still reading the transcaps of OB and I am grateful for all of your dedication and hard work.

            Take care, Amy


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