KD Chats

Here is a new page for chats, videos, short recaps, and links :)

I had a feeling these two would have chemistry before they were even cast -just hearing their two names together sounded like a dream match made in romantic comedy heaven.


I was too shy to make a header out of these – pretty sure he is advertising the clothing brand Buckaroo, but he sort of lost me when he flashed his abs. people have been wondering why I suddenly liked Kim Woo Bin so here is my answer – not only does he look this good, he can also act well and is a decent model to boot.  I like that his looks change with just a grin or a scowl. diversity in the face is so hard to come by in korean actors, but he’s got it. oh boy does he ever.

238 comments on “KD Chats

  1. raindrops1 says:

    Hola Dear Softy,
    I hope you are doing well and feeling better. I’ve been checking the blog on a continuous basis because I just enjoy your writing and reading your thoughts. Although it might seem strange I consider you a friend that I’ve had the pleasure to meet through our mutual love of kdramas, and your blog gives me an opportunity to see how you are doing. Furthermore, I find your writing to be so full of heart and it allows me to see the stories and characters in greater detail.
    I’m very excited to read your upcoming post and find out what you are looking forward to. There are many dramas that are coming up that seem to have the potential to be good. I worry that I won’t be able to have the time to follow all the ones I want to check out (hey, as they say:where there is a will, there is a way 😉 ) I’m looking forward to It’s OKay, It’s Love, Joseon Gunman, Fated to Love and Trot Lovers. I think were in for a good stretch of dramas with lots of choices available.
    I look forward to us (your fans, supporters, friends and cheering squad) having a opportunity to be able to share the ride with you again. I’m happy that you have found a drama that has piqued your interest enough to recap and hopefully one you will completely fall in love with.
    Sending you a big virtual hug for you and Joonni. I hope she is doing well.


  2. as says:

    Hi softy! I am in korea now and was wondering if you go at 5am on Friday to kbs if you can see 1n2d filming? Or how early should I go and what day? Thank you!!


    • Softy says:

      Hi AS,

      Welcome back to Seoul. To be honest I haven’t watched 1n2d in such a long time I have no idea if they even film openings on the steps of the KBS building anymore. Since it’s still light out even at 7:30pm these days, I would advise against showing up at 5am just on the off chance they might even film that early. It’s still pretty dark at 5am cuz of the overcast weather we have been having lately so it might be too dangerous and scary for you. Unless you happen to know someone at KBS who can confirm the exact Friday and filming time, I wouldn’t go that early. Remember they film every other Friday so since today was Friday, you might already have missed it.

      Why don’t you check out the You from another star set exhibit that’s going on at Dongdaemun – it’s at that weird looking new building across from Doota (it’s the same place they filmed that action scene where SY leaped and fell when her safety wires were cut) For a limited time till August they have opened the set for the drama to the public inside that building. I can’t wait to see if they actually moved over DM’s home with the tree, skylight, library, and everything. Joonni and I are going there tm to check out the drama set exhibit. It’s her first time seeing a set displayed for the public, but it’s my second. The last one was MGIAG’s action school set where Miho and Daewoong lived in the loft. They displayed that set on the street at Samsungdong even though the actual building with the rooftop action school was clear across town. Pretty sure the inside of that actual building didn’t look like the drama set at all. Personally, it’s always been a dream of mine to visit the set of the rooftop home from Coffee Prince where HG (Gong Yoo’s) character lived, but I bet that set was broken up years ago. I really loved the inside of his rooftop home – it was so cool cuz the bed pulled out from the wall.

      Sorry I couldn’t help you out more regarding 1n2d filming, but I lost my connection to the PD I knew from KBS.

      *The YFAS exhibit is pretty cool – it features both of their homes – his library included. You even get to sit on his bed and take photos. You can also buy stuff that were featured in the drama like his bookbags, journal, unique tote, drama posters and t-shirts. Entrance fee is 12,000 now but it’s going up to 15,000 won later.


      • as says:

        Thank you Softy!!! I went to KBS last friday at 6am and the workers that I asked said they didn’t know when they would film. One of the kbs guards said usually around 9am but what day exactly he is not sure. 😦 I don’t know if I should go to kbs everyday at 9am….lol. I tried to go today at 8am but I couldn’t wake up T.T I really wanted to see kim jong min and cha tae hyun, as they are the last two remaining members from season 2 that I really liked :/

        I am also going to joo won’s musical Ghost this Friday, so hopefully I can see him after. I saw a video of him walking out afterwards but it looked sooo crowded that Joo won didn’t interact with fans much. But, I am still super excited to see him perform!! Waited since last year when they announced he would be in the musical, and then thought I wouldn’t be able to see it because the last showing was june 8 and I was still in school. But they extended the musical dates to end of june so I can finally see him live!!!!! It’d be amazing to talk to him but I probably won’t be able to, or even take picture with him haha. I saw some pictures where fans were able to take pictures with him, not sure how they could though! Maybe me being a foreigner will make him pay attention to me? haha Do you know how I would be able to meet him?

        Thank you again for all your help Softy!! Super appreciate it! 🙂


  3. raindrops1 says:

    Hi Softy!
    I hope you are well. I know you are waiting for Joo Won’s upcoming drama which is getting closer to airing with each passing day but I wanted to ask if in the mean time you are watching any of the currently airing dramas? If you are tuning in, I would love to hear your thoughts (if you don’t mind sharing). I always enjoy hearing your thoughts and take on the various dramas.
    Please say hi to joonni and I hope that she finds a drama down the road that she loves and wants to recap. The kdrama universe is always better when both of you are recapping. 🙂

    Sending you hugs.


  4. Iviih says:

    Hello eveyone!!

    Softy ! How are you? And everyone?

    I’m so busy studying 😦 miss you guys!

    Watching: Liar game kver, just this one, and tw drama ”the way we were”

    News dramas coming, hope they are good.



  5. Iviih says:

    Hello, I’m here again!

    I started Misaeng, and OMG I love this drama, the characters feel too real and it hurts. That’s why I like it so much, makes me think a lot after watching one episode. Sometimes life is good and people aren’t grateful. You should try Softy, has some J-drama vibe and all characters have their own story.

    Also watching: Liar Game: I really like the drama but I get so confused after it ends, I need recaps to help hahaha #fail

    Pinocchio: I’m really liking it, and I like PSH character so far (miracle) and the leads have good chemistry!


  6. raindrops1 says:

    @lviih, We are watching the same dramas:)

    Misaeng is really G-O-O-D!!!! As you mentioned lviih is what draws me in is how real it feels. Even if we might work in a different sector as the one portrayed in Misaeng most of us can relate to being the new one at work, wanting to do your best but at the same time being both hopeful, fearful and slightly clueless. The show also does a very good job of showing the office dynamics, politics and connections that can be at time supportive, stressful, and complicated. As someone who works in a office setting a can def relate how it is a world in itself which can be difficult to navigate. Even though the show illustrates some harsh realities of the office/work life it also shows how even small victories can propel you to move forward even when the process was full of obstacles. It does make me think as well not only about the characters and storyline but about my own work environment. This week I was just thinking (after learning about some unpleasant things some co-workers were saying and doing) that I would love to have a Manager Oh to trip them. lol Since Misaeng is very dialogue heavy (and in this case it’s a good thing) I will watch each ep twice. The translations from each streaming site, I’ve notice is different. I will also read a recap to ensure that i did not miss anything.

    Liar Game has been another drama I have been enjoying even though I have not seen the original. It is well paced, has a good intriguing storyline. Like you lviih I need recaps because I do have a hard time following the games. I find the games a very smart tool in creating tension and bring forth each characters personality and perspective. The bad guy (DY) is scary, evil and the actor is doing a fantastic job. He is scary good. I also like how they made the Liar Game into a nationally televised show (reality show), because here in the US reality shows how become it nitch in tv programming. Even though the show platform is not to make social commentary, I do think that it makes me think if in ‘real life” something like a Liar Game would not be to far from becoming a reality. I will be sad to see it end this week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we will get a solid ending.

    Pinocchio is a show that I’m finding easy and enjoyable to watch. Although that might not sound like high praise it is. I say this because I like shows that I like, love and can be a 100% on board with the OTP and where they are headed. I like to be able to root for the the main characters and in this show I most def do. It’s also a show that poses some good and relevant questions on reporting, the power of tv, the power of perception and what the truth ultimately is. Also, knowing all that DP when through how can you not root for him and his brother? I think it’s off to a really good start and I’m exited to see where the story goes. This week as I was catching up on the eps I was thinking that nothing better happen to gramps because I will be devastated. I think my fear comes from watching other kdramas were this has happened. I love gramps and that seen between him and DP was just so touching and beautiful.

    As kdrama fan it’s so nice to go to a strectch were there are various kdramas that I’m enjoying. It sure beats watching dramas that annoy and frustrate me (ultimately make want to throw something at my computer screen)

    @lviih, I hope your studies are going well. Fighting! Glad to hear that you have found kdramas that can get your mind off studying. I know that for me they are a welcome break from work and RL. 🙂


  7. nonski says:

    hello softy!

    hello @iviih @raindrops1

    i hope everyone is doing great!

    just done with naeil’s cantabile and i loved it. 🙂

    liking pinocchio too and bad guys!

    i just wanted to wish you guys a merry christmas in advance just in case i won’t be back here in time for the yuletide greetings!


    • raindrops1 says:

      Hello nonsk!
      Hello iviih, flo and of course Softy!,
      I hope everyone is well too. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, positive and prosperous New Year. May you all enjoy the holidays with family and friends and have a fab time. Big hugs!


      • nonski says:

        Waaah not intentional but better late than never… hello @flo


        • flo says:

          hallo dear @nonski, @raindrops1..of course my dearest softy..i hope everything is going so well with you guys..
          i enjoyed pinocchio so much.i love everything about that drama..i too addicted about darling couple. i hesitated watched it at first , i didnt like the title, lol,,and i wasn,t so familiar with LJS none of his previous dramas are my fav., but PSH in it, and i always loved her dramas. so i gave a try for the first and second episode.. thanks God i love it…..
          btw i love reading your thoughts about pinocchio dear softy..keep writing please


          • nonski says:

            hello my dear flo,

            i hope you had a wonderful holidays
            oh you should check out LJS’s dramas, first off with School 2013, he is acting together with Kim Woo Bin in that drama, amazing, be prepared to cry buckets and of course I Hear Your Voice, just perfect. Softy livecapped this drama.



  8. h0ns_niech says:

    Dear Softy,

    Happy Holiday ^^

    One think I like about your recap is that you put your thought and heart in it. And as reader and viewer of the drama, I really love your thoughts even waiting for it.

    When I pick a drama that you also recapped it, I feel so happy, too happy sometimes. I could read your recap over and over to kill time waiting for the next episode. Your realtime recap also help a lot in healing my curiosity.

    Since It’s Okay It’s Love, I kinda miss your writting. And with my love for Pinocchio, I miss you more TT.TT I’m so happy that you put your thought in your side blog. I almost screaming happily when I found it. And since then I visit your blog more often, hoping you will put more thought about Pinocchio there.

    I know that Joonni, already provide us with her super fast recap, and I really grateful of it. But could you write thought about Pinocchio in post for each episode forward, or if it’s too much a post of thought in each episode forward.. Or if that’s still too much, hopefully you would write a post about the final weeks. Please.. please.. please.. to put a thought on it.

    I’m so sorry that I’m too demanding, it just, I feel something missing.. hehehhehe..

    But again, if you are willing and having time to do it. Thank you so much softy. Have a good holiday and Happy new Year…


  9. nonski says:

    Dear Softy,

    Have a Merry Christmas and wishing you good health and a prosperous 2015!

    I hope you are having a grand time there at Guam. Enjoy!

    I read your sidebar. I agree with you that there had been less drama that had caught my attention lately. It must have been that our standards had been high but shouldn’t it be? I wish we could go back to the days of OB that every week was crazy and Mr. Google had been a useful refuge. When we had IHYV and we would anticipate each coming week and the likes. I did watch Cantabile’s not just for Joo Won but I loved their chemistry and it was so light and fluffy. Anyways, I am looking forward to what 2015 will be offering us especially the upcoming drama of Hyun Bin.

    As always I am ever thankful to you for having this haven for us to go to.

    You will always remain as our one special translator/recapper.

    Always a friend,



  10. Marie67 says:

    Hello Softy,

    I was thinking about you cuz I was curious if you were recapping any drama’s at the moment. The drama’s seem to have had a bad year especially after that Sewol incident :(. Hope everybody related to that incident will find peace and happiness in this new year.

    There are 3 good drama;s airing at the moment: Pride and Prejudice, Pinocchio and the last BUT THE BEST: Healer. Its so good, kinda similar to City Hunter and Gaksital but now in modern times. Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young are the OTP, and I wondered if you will try it out?

    I hope to see your recaps soon! Have a very healthy and happy new year!


  11. nik says:

    Softy! Omg. It’s been a really long time. How are you? Been wondering what you up to. And I have to agree with you that last year (2014) were the year where I dropped so many dramas too *gasp*. I wonder why?

    Anyway, I hope you are well. Been missing you! Mmuah!


  12. nonski says:

    Softy just ready your summary of Jekyll. Thanks so much. Still haven’t watched this and the site i was visiting for torrents isn’t working so for the meantime i will be depending on recaps, etc for this drama. Seems interesting from your recap. Looking forward tomorrow.


  13. So3 says:

    Hello Softy! Just dropping by to recommend the drama Heart to Heart – so much warmth and fun watching this drama and the camera work is done really well!


  14. raindrops1 says:

    Hi Softy,
    I hope you (and Joonni) are well. Did you finish Hyde, Jekyll, Me? I must confess that I skipped so many eps in the middle (it kept going in circles with nothing happening) & although I told myself I would at least watch the last eps, I couldn’t.
    The main kdrama I’mean watching is The Girl that Sees Smells. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I do. The OTP is just beyond cute & I love how natural the progression of their relationship seems. I can overlook a lot in a storyline if I’m completely rooting for the OTP & in this case I totally am.
    There are a lot of upcoming dramas that seem to have potential. It would be great if we get a really strong batch of must watch dramas. I’my looking forward to both Producer & Warm & Cozy. I look forward to seeing which one (if not both) capture your heart & attention. If you have a chance pls share your thoughts as I love reading your insights.


  15. nonski says:

    Hello Softy!
    Had you had the chance to watch Producer and Warm and Cozy yet?
    OMG both are amazing and i hope that you like it.
    really want to read your thoughts on these two.
    Producer is good and everyone is doing a great.
    On the other hand W&C is so cute, YYS and KSR’s chemistry is there
    and i love how cute both of them are. It is amazing how something so light be so good.
    please do share your thoughts
    hope you are healthy!
    God bless!


  16. Anonymous says:

    Hello Softy: Just a quick note to wish you health and hope you are doing well and enjoying the present Korean dramas. Looking forward reading your posts whenever you start recapping!! Take care.


  17. kngdrama says:

    Hi Softy, are you okay? Haven’t see you recapping anything.
    Wishing you the best!


  18. raindrops1 says:

    Hi Softy! I hope both you & Joonni have been well. Miss reading your thoughts on dramas & of course also reading your wonderful recaps. I hope that you have found kdramas since Hyde that you have liked & fallen in love with.
    I’mean currently enjoying watching Yongpal. I just caught up on all the eps of Last. I’mean super hooked and looking forward to the upcoming eps. Also following & struggling with Mrs Cop. Haven’t quite fallen in love or understand the main character.
    Softy hope you are in good health & enjoying life. Sending you hugs.


  19. nonski says:

    it’s nice to hear from you again Softy and happy to note that you and Joonni are all well.
    JW’s drama just ended tonight. 🙂
    you can try watching She Was Pretty, it’s HJE drama.
    funny one
    anyways, take care always and all the best



  20. raindrops1 says:

    Hi Softy!

    Thank you for the update. I’m happy to hear that both you & Joonni are well 😊 I look forward to seeing which kdrama in the future piques your interest enough to recap. I do think it takes a bit of “magic” or something clicking for a drama to go from I like, this is good to I LOVE THIS! I’m obsessed. Lol. It’s a special thing but it doesn’t happen all the time but when it does, it make watching a show that much more enjoyable.
    Reading about you being a,”virtual cat lady” made me smile. Enjoy!
    I will make sure to check periodically to see if there are any updates. In the meantime, take care. Muchos saludos! Cuidate.


  21. Blue Passion says:

    Dear Softy: Thanks for your update!,, it is great to know what you are watching and looking out for that special drama to recap!! Take care and continue enjoying those shows specially the ones about animals!!!


  22. Blue Passion says:

    Dear Softy: Hard to believe we are in December!! Missing your beautiful detail recaps; but, I am waiting patiently for that drama that catches your atention to commit yourseld to endless hours and lack of sleep to recap. No rush hoping your are doing well and staying healthy and happy. Take care.


  23. MJShinshi says:

    Happy 2016 all Cadence followers! Hi softy! just checking if any shows caught your interest yet 🙂


  24. Blue Passion says:

    Dear Softy: Blessed 2016!!! I am truly enjoying Korean dramas since I found a website where they post the episodes subtitles the same day!!!! Happy Dance!!But, it can never compare to coming here and reading your recaps. You have an amazing talent and I hope to read your recaps whenever. I became a Korean drama addict because of Song Il Gook and he is in a drama now!!! I am so happy. Hoping you are doing well and enjoying life. Take care.


  25. nonskishome says:

    hello Softy!

    missed you lots and all the regulars here. won’t mention cuz i might miss one but you gals know who you are. 🙂

    i hope you are doin fine. i was browsing around at soompi while doing work, to get the boredom at bay. you came to my mind and remembered cadence, i felt sad all of a sudden, missing you and the time spent here.

    then i read on the sidebar and it’s nice to know you and joonni are both doing great.

    as i was reading your commentary on YOF Africa, i cried cuz i feel for PBG. i read somewhere that he had to file for bankruptcy because he was to pay for his dad’s debt. also the conversation between the two is so poignant and heartwarming that it just tugs at my heart strings.

    thank you so much for the sidepost!

    take care and God bless and hoping you’d be able to pick up a new drama. (currently watching weekend drama of UEE and Lee Seo Jin and i’d say it’s great. hope you take time to look into it)



  26. Blue Passion says:

    Dear Softy: I just found you did a recap on “Uncontrollably Fond” I stayed away from that drama because of the story line and knowing someone was going to die; but, I am so glad to see you back in action doing wonderful recaps!!! Hoping you are in good health and taking care of yourself.


  27. Hi Softy! How are you doing? I’ve been a silent camper for years and only now’s the first time I left a comment here. I’m just curious why you haven’t updated your blog for a long time. I used to check it weekly hoping you’ll update soon and now I rarely visit it. But hey, when I do I always get a heavy heart seeing there’s nothing new posted. I just miss your recaps. I know you might be busy with life and all but I hope you stay healthy and awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Softy says:

      So sorry for this late reply and the lapse of new posts, but I’ve been dealing with some health issues since last summer. I may not be able to devote hours translating new episodes of a drama, but I’ve been so tempted to utilize this blog and go in a different direction and post suggestions for tourists visiting Korea. There are so many great places to eat and fun things to do that get overlooked by visitors. It seems a waste not to share the gems of Seoul. ^^


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